Chapter 14 - Boy Meets Sparks

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2 updates today, just to make up for the long wait. It's short, but it's better than nothing. (P.S. I'll be updating this chapter to make it longer tomorrow.)


"Alright, Cory, deliver. And I want pure honesty." There's that bossy-ish seriousness in her voice, the one that I like.

"Okay, this is gonna take a while, so please don't interrupt." She nods, sits on the chair, and leans back, crossing her arms. I sit on the couch across from her, and bend forward, leaning my elbows on my knees.

"Well, let's just say... I have a... 'troubled'... past." When she tilts her head, I continue. "It all started when my mother died. I was 9, and just starting 4th grade. Just 2 months before that, she had gotten married to this guy named Alan. I could tell he was bad news, but no one else could. His sons, he has 2, Jack and Eric, were always giving me glares, snarling at me, bullying me silently, but no one ever noticed." By now, Topanga is listening intently, her eyes wide open. I sigh, and continue.

"Anyways, when my mom," I gulp,"passed away, I was left with Alan and the boys. To sum it all up, my life has been a living hell since then. They won't let me have a life. All day, all night, I'm a slave." I pause, letting Topanga take everything in. "That's why I ran away last night."

"You ran away from your home? From your family?!"

"They aren't my family," I snap. "Oh- sorry that came out the way it did, I didn't mean for-"

She smiles. "It's fine, Cory."

"Oh, okay, good. Well, as I was saying, I ran away to someone I could trust."

"So that's why you were skipping school?"

"Yeah, I mean, dying wasn't really on my plans today." I wait for Topanga to laugh, but nothing comes out.

"And they wouldn't have let you be on the football team." The last piece of the puzzle finally snaps in her head.

"Yeah, Alan would've killed me. He wanted Jack or Eric to be the quarterback. I'm just a pest for them, you know?" I'm too busy talking to notice Topanga come over and sit next to me on the couch.

"And I thought my family was bad..." I hear her mumble under her breath.

"What do you mean?"

Her head snaps up. "What? Oh, yeah, my parents, uh, they haven't been too well..."

"You mean, health wise?"

"No, relationship-wise. I know they aren't considering a... a..."

"Divorce?" I notice she flinches at my mention of the word. "Oh, sorry."

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