Zack and Trini

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It was just a normal day in Switzerland, as the people attending the Peace Conferences were exiting the building the talks had been taking place in. Among them, we're two notable individuals, Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor. Trini turned to Zack and said, "Well, I think we really made some progress with bringing peace to the whole world."

Zack smiled and added, "Yeah, if we keep this up, will have peace in no time. Then we can head back to Angel Grove and tell the others the great news."

"Yup. I just hope they're doing okay. When Tommy came to get Jason to help it seemed like things were getting tougher for them, with that new enemy. I think he called them the Machine Empire."

"Yeah, but he said they got new Rangers and new Powers to help. So I'm sure they're doing okay."

Just then, their happy moment was interrupted when they heard people scream and rushed over to a nearby picnic table, where people were being rounded up and captured by Piranhatrons and Quantrons. Trini instantly wondered, "What are those things?"

Zack replied, "I don't know, but they're definitely not good samaritans."

"Then let's get over there and show them what good samaritans look like. We might not have our powers anymore, but once a ranger."

"Always a ranger. Let's do it."

The two rushed at the group, with Zack spin kicking a Quantron in the head to take it out, while Trini pulled a Piranhatron away from some people and gave it two solid punches to the gut to take it out. She turned to the people and told them, "Get out of here." The people nodded and made a run for it.

Soon enough, the two stood back to back, battle-ready, as the Piranhatrons and Quantrons surrounded them. When a Quantron rushed in and tried to slice them with its Q-Blade, the pair spun in opposite directions to dodge and engage the evil troops again.

Overby Zack, he jumped up kicking away a Piranhatron on his left and a Quantron on his right. After landing, he blocked a few punches from a Piranhatron with his arms, before kicking it away. A Quantron then came in to try and kick him, but he brought his arms down to block it. When the Quantron tried to punch him with its right hand, Zack caught it with his hands and then tossed the Quantron into a nearby Piranhatron. After that, a Piranhatron with a sledgehammer tried to hit Zack in the head. Luckily, Zack rolled out of the way. When he got up, he saw a Quantron coming in with its Q-Blade. Zack jumped up to a nearby park bench to avoid the strike. The Quantron tried again, but Zack kicked the Q-Blade away, causing the Quantron to tumble to the ground. Just then, the Piranhatron with the sledgehammer came back, once again aiming for Zack's head. However, the former Black Ranger ducked down and laid on the bench to dodge, then extended out his feet to nail the Piranhatron in the gut, knocking it away. Zack then jumped up and backflipped off the bench to kick a Quantron in the chest.

Meanwhile, Trini blocked a punch from a Quantron with her right arm, then used her left fist to punch it to the ground. She then kicked a Piranhatron coming behind her to the ground as well. After that, a Quantron came in to use both arms to attack, but Trini blocked with her arms. While in the lock, she then kneaded the Quantron in the gut, causing it to stumble back. She then grabbed the Quantron by the arms and tossed it into another Quantron that was trying to attack with its Q-Blade. A Piranhatron then attacked with a sledgehammer, but Trini stepped back so it missed her. After that, she kicked the Piranhatron in the chest, causing it to drop its sledgehammer. Before it could recover, she then used her leg to sweep kick the Piranhatron's feet, sending it crashing to the ground. She soon saw a Quantron incoming. As it got close, she pressed her hands against the ground to brace herself, as she nailed the Quantron in the gut with both her legs, sending the Quantron back and crashing into a Piranhatron.

Back with Zack, he just spin kicked a Quantron in the head, knocking it to the ground, before turning to block a punch from a Piranhatron. He then swiftly punched it away. A Quantron came to attack with a few fists, but Zack swerved his hands back fourth to block. When the Quantron went for another punch, Zack spun back to dodge, then spun forwards to deliver a powerful kick to the gut, taking the Quantron out. He wasn't done spinning through, as he then spin kicked a Piranhatron into another Piranhatron. Yet another Pirantron then came in to try and punch Zack with its right arm, but Zack caught the arm with his left hand, then held it in place so he could deliver a kick to its right side, and then its gut to take it out. A Quantron then came in and punched Zack to the ground. However, before he landed, he extended out his hands to slow his impact, then spun around on the ground, allowing him to sweep kick the Quantron's feet so it crashed into the grass instead.

At the same time, Trini ducked down to dodge a kick from a Piranhatron, then quickly jumped back up to punch it in the stomach, knocking it away. Another Piranhatron then rushed at her from behind, but she nailed it in the chest with her right elbow. While it was stunned she then grabbed it by the arm and threw it over her shoulders, causing it to land hard on the ground, back first. Then when a Quantron came on her right and a Piranhatron on her left and both tried to punch her, she ducked down so they punched each other in the face. After which, she came back up and hit them both in the chest with the back of her arms, knocking them to the ground. Trini then rushed at a Quantron, blocked its punch with her left arm, then used her free hand to punch it away. However, then a Piranhatron came on her left and punched her back, knocking her into a tree. It then grabbed her by the shoulders, but Trini grabbed its arms with her hands and forced it off her, before throwing it head first at another tree on the right.

Overby Zack, he punched a Quantron away, only for another to rush at him. The Quantron went for a punch with its right hand, so Zack blocked with his left arm, but then the Quantron kneed Zack in the stomach. As he stumbled back, a Piranhatron came from behind and brought its hands together to use both to his Zack in the right shoulder, causing him to stumble back towards the Quantron. This allowed the Quantron to grab Zack and toss him away, causing him to land on the ground.

Meanwhile, Trini kicked a Piranhatron in the head, to take it out. However, another Piranhatron came in and tried to punch her with its left hand, so Trini blocked with her right arm. She then used her free hand to launch a punch, but the Piranhatron grabbed it with their free hand. The Piranhatron then punched her in the gut and tossed her towards a Quantron who proceeded to kick her and send her roll onto the ground, landing next to Zack.

As the two got back up, Zack said, "These guys are definitely persistent."

Trini agreed, "Yeah, but we can't give up."

Zack nodded and the pair got ready to keep fighting, as the Piranhatrons and Quantrons around them started laughing and gloating at their impending victory.

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