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On Earth and the rest of the Universe, things were looking bleak, as the combined powers of the United Alliance of Evil were dominating and looked to be on the brink of victory. However, in the last moment of truth, Red Space Power Ranger Andros shattered Zordon's energy tube, causing all-powerful good energy to wash over the entire Universes, in a Z-Wave, which reached every corner on every planet:

The Z-Wave swept over Switzerland, just as the Quantrons and Piranhatrons rushed at Zack and Trini, reducing the evil foot soldiers to dust. As Zack and Trini looked around in confusion at all the dusted enemies, with Trini asking, "What was that?"

Zack replied, "I don't know. But whatever it was, I'm grateful for it."

Over in the African Savanna, Rito had just knocked the Power Daggers out of Aisha's hands, and then kicked her in the back of the feet, knocking her to the ground. Now standing on her left side, Rito readied his sword to bring it down, while laughing, "Goodbye, Yellow Ranger!" He launched his sword attack, with Vamporix, Artisimole, and some Quantrons and Piranhatrons cheering over their victory. However, before the attack could land, the Z-Wave swept over the area, reducing Rito, the monsters, and the evil foot soldiers, including the ones holding people captive, to dust. When the wave swept over Aisha, it also demorphed her. She got up and looked confused. The confusion increased as she noticed her Morpher in her hand, with some leftover Z-Wave energy twirling around it. In a flash, the cracks and cuts around it were repaired. Staring at her now fixed Morpher, Aisha muttered out, voice dripping with confusion, "My Morpher's fixed?" Her confusion was put on hold, as the people, including her family, rushed over to her, cheering, hugging, and celebrating the victory over the forces of evil. Aisha let her confusion drop and she happily joined in the celebration.

At the Temple of Power, Master Vile and his forces were still gloating, until the Z-Wave came by, quickly reducing them all to dust and freeing Ninjor. The ninja master was happy and relieved but also confused as he looked around, scratching his head, and trying to figure out what just happened.

On Planet Grafa, Divatox's forces saw the Z-Wave coming, with Divatox herself freaking out and shouting, "RUN FOR IT!" She quickly pushed aside two of her Piranhatrons to the ground and out of her way.

Rygog and Porto were quick to join her, with the former complaining, "I knew I should have exercised more."

The wave was quick to wipe out all the monsters and Piranhatrons, freeing the captured Billy and Alien Rangers, with the wave also demorphing the six Rangers. The six were confused, especially Billy, as he looked down at the Morpher in his hand, with some leftover Z-Wave energy twirling around it. In a flash, the cracks and cuts around it were repaired. Their confusion only grew as the wave approached Divatox and her main crew. While Rygog and Porto got dusted, when the wave hit Divatox she was purified of her evil, and she had now turned into a woman in white who bore a good resemblance to Dimitria. She instantly started cheering, "I'm gorgeous. I am alive. Alive!"

Auraco was first to ask, "What in the M51 Galaxy was that?"

Cestro began to explain, "From the looks and feels of it, it seemed to be some kind of powerful energy field that negatively affected those aligned with the forces of evil, either destroying them or purging them of their evil."

Delphen added, "It felt as if it was Eltarian energy in origin."

Billy smiled, "Zordon."

Back on Earth, Scorpina continued to laugh at their victory, only for the Z-Wave to quickly wash over the land, whipping out her and her Piranhatrons and Quantrons. Getting up, Jason and Kimberly looked around at their destroyed enemies, relieved, but also confused. Looking down at their Morphers their confusion grew as they saw some leftover Z-Wave energy twirling around them. In a flash, the cracks and cuts around them were repaired. Picking up and examining their now repaired Morphers, Kimberly asked, "What's going on?"

Jason could only shrug in confusion, "I don't know."

Over by the radio station, Rocky had just blocked a punch from a Piranhatron, but it just kneed him in the gut. After which it grabbed and tossed him into the door of the station. At the same time, Tanya had crossed her arms to hold back an attack from a Quantron's Q-Blade. While in the lock a Piranhatron came from behind and kicked her in the back of her leg, breaking the hold and allowing the Quantron to slash Tanya and knock her rolling to the ground. As the evil foot soldiers tried to press their attack, the Z-Wave washed over the area, reducing the Piranhatrons and Quantrons to dust and demorphing Tanya. When the two Rangers got back up and survived the area they were relieved but also confused, with Tanya commenting, "That was strange."

Rocky added, "Yeah, even by our standards."

With Tommy and Kat, they were still in battle, with Gasket knocking Tommy's sword away with his own, giving him the opening to use his free hand to punch Tommy away. At the same time, Kat tried to kick Archarina, only for her to use her bow to block, and then kick Kat back instead. The two Rangers stumbled back and then started grappling with Piranahtrons and Quantrons that were trying to capture them. However, the fighting was interrupted when all combatants noticed the Z-Wave coming their way. Seeing it coming, Archarina began to freak out, "Dear, what is that!?"

Gasket was equally as freaked out, as he rushed in and hugged Archarina to protect her, "My Darling, watch out!"

The Z-Wave soon washed over them, reducing the Machine duo, and the Piranhatrons and Quantrons to dust. When the wave swept over Tommy and Kat, it also demorphed them. As they helped each other up afterward, they looked confused. Kat asked, "What in the world was that?"

Tommy began to say, "I felt like I've felt that kind of energy before. It felt the same as Zordon's energy when he recharged my old Green Power Coin."

Kat smiled, "I think that means Zordon is still looking out for us." Tommy smiled and nodded.

In Justin's new town, Justin had just kicked away a Piranahtron and stolen his sledgehammer. He quickly spun around and used it to slam another Piranahtron in the gut to take it out. Turning to his left, he spun the hammer upside down to block an attack from a Quantron with a Q-Blade. While in the lock, Justin flipped the hammer back up to knock the Q-Blade upward and gave himself an opening to kick the Quantron on the left side to knock it away. As he turned, however, a Piranahtron rushed in and kicked him in the gut, knocking him back into an abandoned car, and causing him to drop the sledgehammer. Before he could recover, a Quantron with a Q-Blade came into attack, with Justin managing to cross his hands together to block the Q-Blade. Unfortunately, the Quantron started adding more power to the attack, causing the blade to slowly start pushing Justin's arms down and getting it closer to his neck. Luckily, the Z-Wave soon washed over the area, reducing the Piranhatrons and Quantrons to dust and demorphing Justin. Justin began to look around confused, as Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser, now freed, drove over to him. He soon asked, "What was that?" The two cars started beeping and blinking to answer, with Justin responding, "Eltarian energy?" He smiled after that, "Zordon."

Just then, Justin's dad came around the corner, still looking for his son, "Justin! Justin, where are you!?"

Seeing his dad, Justin smiled and rushed over, "Dad!"

Upon noticing him, his father was overjoyed, "Justin!" The father and son hugged, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay too, dad."

With Adam, he had just punched a Piranhatron away, before a Quantron kicked him on his right and sent him into the grip of another Piranahtron. The Piranahtron quickly toss him into a nearby park bench. As he turned around, he saw the Piranahtrons and Quantrons coming in to finish the job. Luckily, the Z-Wave soon washed over the area, reducing the Piranahtrons and Quantrons dust. Adam looked around relieved, but also confused. Looking over at his Morpher he saw some leftover Z-Wave energy twirling around it. In a flash, the cracks and cuts around it were repaired. Picking it up and staring at it, Adam got out, a voice dripping with confusion, "My Morpher's repaired." Despite the confusion, he smiled.

And thanks to the sacrifice of the brave Eltarian wizard Zordon, the universe and all the Power Rangers, along with their allies, were saved.

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