Jason and Kimberly

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People ran through the streets, as Piranhatrons and Quantrons chased after them. Through the crowd, eventually, came two people on motorcycles, running through some of the evil foot soldiers. One of the riders wore a red jacket and the other a pink one. They both came to a stop, slamming into a Piranhatron and a Quantron. Taking off their helmets and throwing them at a pair of Piranhatrons, they revealed themselves to be Jason Lee and Kimberly Hart. Jason said, "All right, let's show these guys what happened when you mess with the Earth."

Kimberly nodded, "Right." After that, the pair rushed in. Kimberly blocked a punch from a Piranhatron with her left arm and then used her free hand to punch it in the face to knock it out, "Out of my face." As a Quantron rushed in to attack, she backflipped away as it got close, nailing it in the chin. Turning to her left, she saw another Quantron rushing. So, she flipped forward and delivered a flying kick to its chest to take it out. She then turned around and quickly kicked a Piranhatron in the gut. After that, she spun around and used her arms to knock away a punch from another Piranhatron, before kicking it away. However, another Piranhatron came from behind and grabbed her with both hands. She started struggling to free herself, only for the Piranhatron to toss her away to the ground.

Overby Jason, he just punched a Piranhatron away and then ducked down to dodge an attack from a Quantron with a Q-Blade. While down there, he used his legs to sweep kick the Quantrons feet and causing it to fall to the ground. As he got up, another Quantron came in to try and punch him, only for Jason to grab the fist with his right hand, then give the Quantron a swift punch to the gut with his free hand. Jason then grabbed the dazed Quantrons arm with both hands and tossed him over his shoulder and to the ground. Spinning around, he saw a Piranhatron wielding a sledgehammer coming into attack with it, so he spin kicked the hammer away, causing the Piranhatron wielding it to be knocked away. However, before he could do anything else a Piranhatron and Quantron each grabbed one of his arms to hold him in place, so another Quantron could punch him in the gut. Before he could even recover, the Piranhatron and Quantron tossed him into Kimberly as she tried to get up from the ground.

A few moments later, the pair managed to get up, as the Piranhatrons and Quantrons began to slowly close in on them. Kimberly asked, "What are we gonna do?"

Jason pulled out his old Morpher, which had some cracks and cuts in it, and replied, "We could try these again."

Kimberly looked worried, as she pulled out her own old damaged Morpher, "Are you sure they'll still work?"

"Well, there our best bet right now. It's Morphin Time!"



In a flash, they had transformed into the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger and the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, respectively. The duo rushed at the evil foot soldiers, with Jason busting out his Power Sword. He quickly slashed a Piranhatron across the chest, then swung his sword on his right to intercept an attack from the Q-Blade of a Quantron. Their weapons collided, with Jason using his to push the Quantron's upward. He then swiftly brought his sword back down, slashing the Quantron vertically across the chest, and finishing it off. Turning to his left he ducked to dodge another Quantron using their Q-Blade to attack, before slashing it across the chest with his Power Sword. Yet another Quantron with a Q-Blade came into attack, with Jason using his sword to block and get into a lock with the villain's foot soldier.

Meanwhile, Kimberly kicked a Piranhatron on her left back, before trying to kick a Quantron in front of her. While the Quantron caught her kick with its arms, she just backflipped up to kick the Quantron in the face. As she landed, she used her right arm to block a punch from a Piranhatron, before using her free hand to punch it in the gut. Then, while it was stunned by this, she kicked it away. A Quantron with a Q-Blade then came in and tried to slash her, but Kimberly backflipped away and landed on the hood of a nearby abandoned car. The Quantron went after her, jumping up to the roof of the car. She went up to meet it at top and crossed her arms to hold back an attack from the Quantron's Q-Blade. As the Quantron tried to add more power to the attack to push Kim back, she used her right leg to kick the Quantron in the left knee. Now in pain, the Quantron stepped back a bit and tried to recover, but Kim seized the opening and pummeled it with some quick punches to knock it right off the car. When another Quantron on her left tried to jump up to attack her, Kimberly jumped off the car and then pulled out her Power Bow. She quickly fired off three energy arrows, one nailing the Quantron on the car, while the other two took out a Quantron on the car's left and a Piranhatron on the car's right. She then spun around and fired another shot into a Piranhatron's chest when it tried to charge her.

She tried to do the same to a Quantron, but she fell to her knees in pain. Her powers started to fade, with her right arm and helmet visor demorphing. Clutching her demorphed arm with his still morphed one, Kimberly grunted, "No! My powers!" The Quantron seized the opportunity to kick her back, causing her to crash into the car. As she got up, a Piranhatron jumped on top of the car and grabbed her demorphed arm, but she used her still morphed arm to grab the Piranhatron's hands, force them off, and toss it over her head onto the ground. Unfortunately, another Piranhatron came up on her left and punched her away.

Seeing this, Jason kicked away the Quantron he was in a lock with and swiftly slashed a Piranhatron on his right. He then turned towards Kimberly's direction and rushed over to help, "Kim, hang on." However, he didn't make it, before he too, fell to his knees in pain. His powers started to fade, with his right arm and helmet visor demorphing. Clutching his demorphed arm with his still morphed one, Jason grunted, "Not now!" Yet again, the evil foot soldiers took advantage of the situation, with a Quantron using its Q-Blade to slash Jason in the back. This caused him to stumble forward, right into the grip of another Quantron who then tossed him into Kimberly, knocking them both to the ground. As the pair got up, they completely demorphed, with their Power Weapons vanishing, but they clutched their fists in determination and re-morphed soon after, with their Power Weapons re-appearing in their hands.

Kimberly got out an excited, "Yes. We did it. Now let's really take care of these guys." Jason nodded, and the pair struggled to get back up. However, when they did, Scorpina leaped down and launched fireballs from her hand at the duo, blasting them back.

When they managed to get up, Jason shockingly said, "Scorpina!?"

The villain's general laughed, "That's right. I'm back. And I'm here to destroy you Power Rangers so the United Alliance of Evil can reign supreme!"

Jason gripped his sword tighter, "Not happening!"

Scorpina attacked with more fireballs, but the two Rangers just charged right through the explosions into battle. Thus, Scorpina readied her sword and charged to meet them. Jason and Scorpina collided with swords and while in the lock, Scorpina used her free left hand to slam into Jason's chest and knock him away. She then turned to her left to see Kimberly charging in and before the Pink Ranger could attack, Scorpina quickly slashed her with her sword, knocking her back, right into the grip of a Piranhatron. The Piranhatron held her in place so Scorpina could slash her again. Jason then charged back in and tried to slice Scorpina with his sword, going for a strike on the left and then the right, only for Scorpina to block both with her sword. The two collided blades again and got into a lock. While in said lock, Scorpina started adding more power to push Jason's weapon back and create an opening, allowing her to swiftly slash him across the chest. As the Red Ranger began to stagger, Scorpina leaped away, allowing the Piranhatron that still held Kim to toss her into Jason, knocking them both to the ground. The moment they managed to get back up, Scorpina once again hit them with fireballs blasting them back to the ground and demorphering them. The Piranhatrons and Quantrons were quick to surround them, getting tight hold of them, forcing them to their knees, and aiming Q-Blades and sledgehammers near them to prevent them from moving. Scorpina smiled at the victory over the Rangers and began to laugh.

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