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Inside his Temple of Power, the ninja master Ninjor was dusting off some of his artifacts while humming, "A clean temple is a happy temple." Just then, an explosion caused the whole area to shake. Ninjor fell to the floor, "What was that?"

He teleported outside to the entrances of the Temple and saw none other than Master Vile standing down below it, flanked by revived versions of The Blue Globber, Discordia, and a few Quantrons and Piranhatrons. Ninjor angrily pointed down at them, "Master Vile, I should have known it was you're evil that caused this trouble."

Master Vile laughed while slamming part of his staff into his hand, "Oh this is just the start of the trouble, not just for you, but the entire Universe. Soon all Power Rangers and other agents of good will fall to the United Alliance of Evil."

Pulling out his sword, Ninjor shouted back, "Not if I have anything to say about it." He jumped down from the top of the entrance and slashed a Piranhatron across the chest. As the Piranhatron fell, he then rushed forward, with a Quantron wielding a Q-Blade charging to meet him. Their weapons collided, with Ninjor using his to push the Quantron's upward. He then swiftly brought his sword back down, slashing the Quantron vertically across the chest, and finishing it off. Ninjor then quickly spun around, just in time to spin kick away a Piranhatron that was attempting to punch him. After this, a Quantron with a Q-Blade came at Ninjor from behind, while a Piranhatron with a sledgehammer came at him from the front. Ninjor just laughed and vanished in a puff of smoke, causing the Quantron and Piranhatron to hit each other. As the other evil foot soldiers looked around confused, Ninjor reappeared behind a Quantron and tapped him on the shoulder. When the Quantron turned around he freaked out, as Ninjor gave a laugh, "Looking for me?" He then punched the Quantron to the ground. Turning around, the ninja master now faced the Blue Globber, who used his arms to fire energy blasts, which Ninjor rolled forward to dodge. As he got up, he then sidestepped to the right to dodge the Blue Globber swinging his arms at him. Ninjor attempted to slash the monster with his sword, only for the Blue Globber to use his left arm to block. While in the lock, the Blue Globber then got ready to punch Ninjor with his free hand, but Ninjor was faster and used his left foot to kick the Globber in the gut and knock him back. Rushing in, Ninjor tried to press the attack, only for Discordia to come upon his side and fire a fireball blast from her sword, which hit Ninjor and sent him rolling back onto the ground. As the ninja master got up, a Piranhatron kicked him in the chest, causing him to stumble back. Before he could regain any balance, a Quantron with a Q-Blade slashed him in the back, knocking him forward. Master Vile then appeared on his left and used his scepter to fire a blast of magic, which caused an energy chain to ensnare Ninjor around his chest. While his hands were stuck down, he managed to push his hand upward enough to use his sword to cut the chain. Now free, Ninjor grabbed the Piranhatron by the arm when it tried to attack him, and threw it into the Quantron, knocking them both away. He then rushed at Master Vile, with Discordia getting in the way and launching another fireball, but Ninjor just kept running right through it.

As he got close, however, Master Vile summoned magical electricity from his staff, which hit him and Discordia causing them both to grow giant. Master Vile then mockingly said, "HA! Try and stop us now, little Ninjor."

Ninjor just shouted back, "Why don't you fight someone your own size, Vile!?" Ninjor then grew giant too with a cloud of haze.

He charged in, with Discordia charging to meet him. They each traded sword blows twice, before both backing up and planning their next move. After a moment, they both spun forward and slashed each other across the chest, as they completed their spins and were now on opposite sides. Discordia jumped up and tried to bring her sword down on Ninjor, only for him to bring his sword up horizontally to block. Ninjor then added more power to his blade, knocking Discordia back up and away. Turning to Master Vile, he readied his weapon, "Now it's your turn, Vile!" He charged at the evil sorcerer, but a group of Velocifighters swooped in from behind and fired laser blasts into his back, causing him to grunt in pain and stop his assault.

Master Vile laughed, "Looks like we rule the skies, Ninjor."

Ninjor waved his sword at Master Vile and annoyingly shouted, "You villain!" He then got blasted again by the Velocifighters. Turning around, he got ready as the Velocifighters came back in for an attack. He swung his sword at them as they got close, while he did slice one of the Fighters apart, the others landed more shots on him. It only got worse as Master Vile and Discordia each shot a fireball at Ninjor. The ninja master screamed in pain as he was blasted. He fell to the ground and shrunk back to normal size afterward.

When he tried to get up, the Blue Globber was quick to kick his sword out of his hand. Ninjor tried to punch him, only for the Globber to grab his hand and then knee him in the chest. The monster then grabbed Ninjor with both hands and tossed him into the Quantrons and Piranhatrons. Two of the Piranhatrons each held him by the arms and forced him on his knees, while two Quantrons each aimed a Q-Blade near his neck.

Soon after, Master Vile and Discordia shrunk down and joined the Blue Globber in front of Ninjor. Master Vile began to gloat, "Well, it looks like this is the end for you, Ninjor."

Ninjor struggled as he desperately tried to get out of the grip of the evil foot soldiers. While he remained stuck, he still told Master Vile with anger and determination, "You won't get away with this!"

Master Vile just laughed, "Really? Because it looks like I already have."

Countdown to Destruction: Bonus StuffWhere stories live. Discover now