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Young Justin Stewart was walking through his neighborhood, on his way home from school, book bag slung over his shoulders. As he walked, he heard the sounds of shrieks. In confusion, he asked, "What was that?" He rushed around a corner and peered behind a bush to see his neighbor's being rounded up and captured by Piranhatrons and Quantrons, including his dad. Justin began to freak out, "Oh no! Dad!" He got back behind the bush and pulled out his Turbo Key, while also twisting his wrist, causing his Morpher to appear on it. After which, he shouted the call, "Shirt into Turbo!" He swung the key around and stuck it in the slot, before twisting it, "Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!" In a flash, he was now double his size and in his Blue Turbo Power Ranger Suit. He rushed out and grabbed a Piranhatron by the left shoulder, to pull it away from the people. The Piranhatron tried to punch him with its right hand, but Justin ducked to dodge and then delivered a kick to the Piranhatrons chest to knock it away. Another Piranhatron rushed at Justin from behind to punch him, but Justin turned and blocked with his left arm and then used his right to punch the Piranhatron in the face. After the Piranhatron hit the ground, he rushed over to his dad and other captured people and told them, "Quick, get to safety."

The people started to run away, with Justin's dad calling for his son as he did, "Justin! Justin, where are you!?"

As the people made it out of sight, Justin looked down and whispered, "Sorry, dad. But don't worry, I'll be fine."

Just then turned and caught a Quantron's Q-Blade with his hands. While in the lock, a Piranhatron came upon their right to punch Justin, only for Justin to break his right hand free from the lock and slam it into the Piranhatron. As it staggered back, Justin turned back to the Quantron and kneed it in the gut to break the hold completely and then punch it in the face. After it fell, he turned back to the Piranhatron trying to attack again and punch it away too. Then a Quantron punched him from behind to knock him back. As he turned to face his foe, the Quantron went for a kick, but Justin brought his hands down to block. The young Ranger then tried to jump up and kick the Quantron in the head, but it ducked down. Luckily, when Justin landed, he instantly bent down and used his feet to sweep kick the Quantron's feet to cause it to fall to the ground. He then turned around and used his right arm to block a punch from a Piranhatron, then punched it in the gut with his free hand. As the Piranhatron staggered a bit and tried to recover, Justin spun around to use a spin kick to knock away a Q-Blade that a Quantron tried to attack him with on his front. The kick sent the weapon and the Quantron wielded it to the ground. After this, Justin used his right elbow to hit the Piranhatron still recovering behind him in the gut again, sending it flying away. Another Piranhatron rushed in afterward, attempting to punch Justin, only for the young Ranger to grab his arm and stop it. He then kicked the Piranhatron in the gut, before tossing it into another Piranhatron to take them both out. When a Quantron came on his left to try and kick him, Justin blocked with his arms. After the Quantron backed off, another came on his right, so he swiftly turned and punched it in the gut before it could attack. Then a karate chop to its back sent it to the ground. However, the other Quantron came back in and grabbed Justin's left arm, while another Quantron grabbed his other arm. The pair then pinned Justin against a nearby abandoned car. Justin was struggling to break free. Luckily, the living cars Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser came rushing down the street, with Storm Blaster firing a laser at the Quantron holding Justin's left arm, taking it out, and freeing Justin's hand. This allowed Justin to break free of the other Quantron and kick it to the ground. He then turned and saw Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser firing lasers at the evil foot soldiers. Taking out three Piranhatrons and Quantrons with shots to the chest. Some shots did miss and hit the ground, but the shockwave of the explosions they caused still sent two Piranhatrons and Quantrons flying.

Justin cheered at this, "All right! Great timing guys." He then spun away to dodge an attack by a Piranhatron wielding a sledgehammer. When the Piranhatron tried again, Justin kicked it away.

Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser, kept driving and firing down the street, hitting another Piranahtron and Quantron. Storm Blaster also ran into a Quantron's side to take it out, while Lighting Cruiser ran over the foot of Piranhatron, causing it to fall to the ground as well. A Quantron jumped onto Lighting Cruiser's left side and clutched on as the car kept going, while a Piranhatron did the same on Lighting Cruiser's right. The pair attempted to climb into the living vehicle, only for Lighting Cruiser to open its doors and send them both flying away. Another Quantron and Piranhatron then jumped on top of Storm Blaster's roof and attempted to try and get inside, only for Storm Blaster to come to an immediate halt, which sent the two flying to the ground as well. The two living cars then spun around and started back down the street, shooting more Quantrons and Piranhatrons as they went. However, a couple of Piranhatrons and Quantrons rushed in with nets and threw them over the two cars. They tried to shake them off, but some Piranhatrons with sledgehammers and Quantrons with Q-Blades were quick to jump on top of them and start attacking them with their weapons to damage and stun them so the others could secure the nets and trap the cars.

Back over with Justin, he had just punched a Piranhatron away with a few swift strikes to the face. He then ducked down to dodge an attack from a Quantron using its Q-Blade. While down there, he used his feet to sweep kick the Quantron's feet to cause it to fall to the ground. When he came back up, he pulled out the Auto Blaster on his belt holster and started firing, while he shouted, "Auto Blaster!" He nailed two Piranhatrons and one Quantron to take them out, before turning to his left and shooting another Quantron. Then he spun around to shoot a Piranhatron, that had jumped on top of the abandoned car behind him to try a sneak attack, in the chest. After the Piranahtron backflipped down to the ground, another Piranahtron with a sledgehammer came in to attack Justin on his left, but he sidestepped out of the way to dodge. When the Piranhatron tried again, Justin backflipped onto the hood of the abandoned car and shot the Piranhatron in the chest. He then jumped down and kicked a Quantron away, before shooting another Quantron, that was charging in, in the chest. Before he could take another shot, however, a Piranahtron rushed in on his right and kicked his hand that he used to hold the Auto Blaster, sending the Blaster flying away, while Justin shouted, "No!" As the Piranahtron tried to attack, Justin quickly elbowed it in the gut to stop it. While it was still recovering he kicked it away. Unfortunately, then a Quantron used its Q-Blade to slash his right shoulder and knock him back. Recovering, he turned to see he was surrounded by Piranhatrons and Quantrons who started laughing and gloating at their impending victory. Despite this, Justin rushed back in to keep fighting.

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