Tanya and Rocky

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In a radio studio, the music was playing like crazy, being controlled by Tanya Sloan. Sitting next to her was her friend and former fellow Ranger, Rocky DeSantos. Once the music started to die down, Tanya began to say into the microphone, "Hey all you listeners out there, this is Tanya Sloan, playing your favorite jams here on KAVG Angel Grove. But music's not all we have today. Today we have the owner of a rising business that KAVG has chosen to invest in, here to talk about it. Please give it up for my friend, Rocky DeSantos."

Rocky smiled and began to say into his microphone, "Hey everyone."

Tanya then said, "So how about you tell the listeners about your business, Rocky."

"Well, it's a dojo that has been steadily growing a lot over the past year. We specialize in-."

He didn't get a chance to finish as alarms began to sound. Both former Rangers started looking around concerned, as Tanya began to speak into the mic, "Sorry, dear listeners, but you know what those alarms mean. Angel Grove is in the middle of a monster attack. This is not a drill. Everyone should proceed to a safe location until the situation is over." Taking off her headphones and turning off the equipment, she turned to Rocky, "Let's make sure everyone in the studio gets out safely."

Rocky nodded and gave a thumbs-up, "Got it."

A little bit later the pair watched as the last of the staff exited the building, out the back exit. After which, they headed towards the front, with Rocky saying, "Alright. Now let's see what's up."

As soon as they got out the front, they saw a group of Piranhatrons and Quantrons, with Tanya commenting, "I guess we now know what's up."

Rocky pointed to a Piranhatron, "I'm guessing those are the Piranhatrons you guys mentioned fighting before."

Tanya nodded, "Yup." She then pointed to a Quantron, "And those must be the Quantrons Adam mentioned that are fighting the new Rangers. I say we teach these guys a lesson in the old Ranger way." After that, Tanya and Rocky both flipped their wrists around, causing their Zeonizers to appear on them, with Tanya shouting, "It's Morphin Time!" They then brought their arms together, "Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!"

"Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!"

In a flash, they had transformed into the Yellow Zeo Power Ranger and the Blue Zeo Power Ranger, respectively. The duo rushed at the evil foot soldiers, with Tanya jumping up and spin kicking a Quantron in the head. After the Quantron fell, a Piranahtron rushed in to try and punch Tanya, but she ducked. When she came back up she delivered several swift punches to the Piranahtron's chest to take it out. After that, a Quantron with a Q-Blade came in and tried to slash at her feet, only for Tanya to jump on top of a nearby rock to avoid it. She then jumped back down and punched the Quantron away, then turned around and kicked away a Piranhatron with a sledgehammer that tried to rush her. A Quantron then came up to kick her, but Tanya crossed her arms to block, then kicked the Quantron away. She then turned to grab the fist of an attacking Piranhatron then flipped it to the ground.

At the same time, Rocky ducked down to avoid a kick a Piranhatron had aimed at his head. When he came back up, he nailed the Piranhatron with a kick to the stomach. While it was stunned, Rocky grabbed it by the arm and tossed it into a nearby Quantron to take the pair out. He then blocked a punch from another Quantron, before punching it in the face to knock it away. After that, he sidestepped out to avoid a swing from a Quantron with its Q-Blade. As the Qauntron rushed past him, Rocky got behind it and kicked it in the back to knock it to the ground. He then turned to block a punch from a Piranhatron and punched it in the chest in retaliation. As it stumbled back, Rocky then spin kicked it in the face to take it out. Another Piranhatron then tried to kick Rocky in the face, but he ducked down just in time. However, the Piranhatron then swung its foot down at Rocky. Luckily, he caught it in his hands and threw it back up, causing the Piranhatron to backflip onto the ground hard.

Back over with Tanya, she elbowed a Piranhatron in the gut to take it out. She then turned around to block a punch from a Quantron using her left arm, before punching it away with her right hand. A Piranhatron then came in and kicked her back, causing Tanya to be knocked into another Piranhatron that grabbed her right arm. However, she used her free arm to grab the Piranhatron's hands, force them off, and toss them over her head onto the ground. The other Piranhatron came back in for a punch, but Tanya ducked down and sweep kicked the Piranhatron's feet, sending it to the ground too. When she got up, she saw two Quantrons rushing in, so she gathered yellow energy in her legs and shouted, "Zeo Two Power Kick!" She kicked the energy at the pair, blasting them away.

Rocky had just spin kicked a Quantron in the chest to take it out, before turning to block a punch from a Piranhatron using his left arm. He then used his free hand to punch the Piranhatron in the gut. While it was stunned, he ducked down and sweep kicked the Piranhatron's feet to take it fully down. When he came back up he was rushed by a Quantron on his left and a Piranhatron on his right. They both tried to punch him, but he blocked them with his arms. Unfortunately, they both kneed him in the side to stun him. This allowed them to both grab his arms and pin him against the nearby radio tower. As he struggled to break free, Rocky slammed his foot on the Piranhatron's causing it to release Rocky and hop around in pain. With his free arm now, Rocky punched the Quantron to break its hold. He then grabbed the still hoping Piranhatron and tossed him into the Quantron to take them both out. Turning, he saw a pair of Piranhatrons rushing at him, so he jumped up, spun around, and gathered blue energy in his arms while shouting, "Zeo Three Spinning Power Punch!" He then shot the spinning energy at the pair, blasting them away.

After he landed, a Quantron slashed him in the side, knocking him away and into the ground, towards Tanya. Tanya tossed a Piranhatron she was grappling with away, then turned and help Rocky up, while asking, "You okay, Rocky?"

He grunted, "Yeah, I think so."

As they saw more Piranhatrons and Quantrons charging at them, the two quickly pulled out their Zeo Laser Pistols, with both of them shouting, "Zeo Laser Pistol Fire!" They fired several shots, taking out three Piranhatrons and three Quantrons each. However, some Velocifighters swooped in and blasted them, knocking them to the ground. They were quick to get up and return fire, each destroying one Velocifighter. Unfortunately, the rest just came back in and fired again, blasting them back to the ground, while also dropping their Laser Pistols. The Piranhatrons and Quantrons then rushed at them again. As they got up Tanya was slashed by a Quantron with a Q-Blade and Rocky was hit by a Piranhatron with its sledgehammer. The pair was knocked back to the ground, with Rocky demorphing. Rocky was then grabbed by the Piranhatron and tossed away. The Quantron did the same thing to Tanya. Over by Rocky, he managed to get back up and use the side of his arms to block the Piranhatron's attack and then knead the Piranhatron in the gut, causing it to drop its sledgehammer in pain. Rocky then kicked the hammer into its feet to trip it right to the floor. Another Piranhatron rushed in, but Rocky managed to catch it and toss it away. At the same time, Tanya had gotten up, only to be slashed by the Quantron with a Q-Blade again, forcing her back. Another Quantron also with a Q-Blade then came on her left to attack. Luckily, she caught the Blade with her hands. Then when the other Quantron tried to attack with its Blade, she brought the Blade she was holding over to block. While in the lock, she kicked the Quantron on her right in the gut to knock it away. She then turned back to the other Quantron and pulled the Q-Blade down, so she could slam her left arm into its chest to take it out.

However, Piranhatrons and Quantrons just kept rushing at them, starting to overwhelm the two Zeo Rangers.

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