Billy (Plus the Alien Rangers)

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On planet Aquatar, Billy Crantson and the Aquatarian Cestria were monitoring the Alien Rangers of Aquatar as they battled the Space Pirate Divatox and her forces on the planet Grafa. Sadly, things weren't going well, as the monitor showed that all five Alien Rangers had been beaten, and were being held down by Divatox's Piranhatrons. As he continued to press buttons on the console, Billy stated, "This doesn't look good."

Cestria added, "And not just for the Alien Rangers, but I've been monitoring the intergalactic communications, most of the rest of the Universe is under similar attacks."

Billy began to pace back and forth, "We've got to help them somehow." After a few moments of thought, the realization hit him and Billy quickly left the room.

He returned a few minutes later, carrying a box. Seeing the box, Cestria was shocked and told him, "No, Billy! You can't do it."

Sighing, he insisted, "I have to, Cestria. They need my help." Seeing her worried look, he assured her, "Don't worry. Thanks to the technology of Aquatar I've studied, I've managed to patch it up a bit, so the risks should be minimal. Besides, I have to try something."

She held her head down, "I know." Turning back up, she asked with more worry, "Just please promise me you'll come back."

He gave her a hug, "I promise." They held the hug for a few minutes before they had to break apart. Walking back over to the console, he began to press some buttons, before turning to Cestria and smiling, "Wish me luck."

She gave a small smile back, "Good luck."

Billy finished pressing the buttons and was teleported in a flash of blue energy. He landed in front of Divatox's forces, as they were gloating. Dramatically pointing at them, he shouted, "Stop right there!"

Turning to him, Divatox gave a laugh, "And who are you?"

Billy told her, "The Ranger who's going to stop you." He opened the box and pulled out his old Morpher, which had some cracks and cuts in it. Holding it up, he gave the Morphing cry, "It's Morphin Time! Triceratops!" In a flash, he had transformed into the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Divatox was still smiling, "Oh please." She pointed to the captured Alien Rangers, "Counting these losers, I've beaten two whole Ranger Teams, so one more will be easy."

Her second in command, Rygog shouted, "Warriors attack!"

After which, many Piranhatrons and a few monsters rushed in. Billy quickly pulled his arms down to block a kick from a Piranhatron. He then tried to spin kick the Piranhatron in the face, only for it to duck. When it came back up it tried to punch him, but Billy sidestepped to the right and punched the Piranhatron away. Another Piranhatron came in and attacked with a sledgehammer, but Billy caught the hammer in his left hand and pulled the Piranhatron towards him so he could punch it in the face with his right hand. As the Piranhatron fell to the ground, Billy threw the hammer into the gut of a Piranhatron coming on his left, before slamming the back of his right arm into the gut of a Piranhatron attempting to attack him from behind. He then ducked down to dodge a punch from a monster that bore a very strong resemblance to Psycho Blue's Monster Form. After the monster had passed, two Piranhatrons came in and tried to kick Billy, only for him to grab both their feet with his hands. He quickly swooped back up and flipped their feet, causing the two to backflip upwards and land face-first on the ground. Billy then jumped up and jump-kicked the Piranhatron holding White Alien Ranger Delphine, taking it out and freeing her.

She quickly gave her gratitude, "Thanks, Billy."

He nodded, "No problem."

Just then, a revived version of the robot monster Silo came on their left and fired its missiles at them. Forcing the pair to each spin away in opposite directions to dodge. Delphine spun all the way over to the Piranhatron holding Blue Alien Ranger Cestro and pulled out her sword to slash the Piranhatron across the chest, freeing Cestro. He quickly told her, "Much appreciated, Delphine."

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