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Draco's pov

We were going to go see Hermione and Ginny before we got an owl from Hogwarts.

"Dear Mr. And Mr. Malfoy,
We are accepting old students to be teachers here at Hogwarts. We would like to as Draco to be a Potions teacher and Harry to be a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Please send an owl as soon as possible.

"What do you think Harry? Going back to Hogwarts again, accept this time as teachers?" I asked. I was all for it, but as for Harry, I don't know.
"Draco, what about the baby when it comes? Then what are we going to do?" Asked Harry.
"Get a babysitter." I said. Harry looked at me.
"I guess we could, but I want to be involved in our baby's life." He said.
"Harry, that's nine months away! We can manage." I really wanted to do this, this was always a dream of mine.
"Ok. I'll send an owl. I hope everything will go ok." He said. I can't believe I was going to work at Hogwarts, and with my wonderful husband as well. Then when I have the baby, and he or she gets older, they can go to Hogwarts too.
"Harry, I love you. I can't wait to go back." I said.
"Me too. I love you too." He said. I looked into the emerald green eyes I fell in love with before first year. His raven hair was still messy as it has always been. He leaned in and kissed me. We laid on the couch for awhile, then got up and apperated to Hermione and Ginny's.

"Congratulations guys!" Hermione said. Ginny nodded, then picked up Elizabeth, their daughter they adopted last year.
"We were surprised, but we're ready to have kids. Its been three years and we really wanted them." Harry said, I agreed.
"I hope it's a girl." I said. Harry looked at me and said,
"No, it's going to be a boy." I really wanted it to be a girl, but Harry really wants a boy.
"Well, whatever it is, I'll love him or her unconditionally. Just like I love you." I said.
"Who wants tea?" Asked Ginny.

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