Chapter 13: Visitation

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Tsukishima woke up to an annoying voice saying "Tsukkiiii, time to wake up!"

The blond opened his eyes to be greeted with an ugly mop of hair that resembled a rooster. "Oh no I've been killed and sent to hell." He could tell the person waking him up was Kuroo even without his glasses on.

He heard a scoff before feeling hands dragging him off of the bed he was laying on. "Come on! I'm dragging you and Kenma's lazy asses outside you antisocial children!" Kuroo announced as he handed Tsukki his glasses.

Tsukishima was too tired for this shit and hoped he didn't look it. He pushed the rooster head away and made a beeline for the bathroom, he had stashed concealer in there the night before. He put the product on his eye bags and put his glasses on.

With a sigh, he left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen where his mom was talking to Akiteru. "And then- Kei you're awake! You were dead asleep, nobody could wake you up." His mom said.

"Really? What time is it?" He looked around for some sort of clock but couldn't find one.

His mom checked her phone. "11am, you were out like a light, did you rest well?" She checked his face for signs of distress and fixed his hair. "You never sleep in unless you're sick so I was worried. Looks like there was no reason to!"

Akiteru smiled at them. "I suppose you're gonna need this." He handed a mug to his brother. "That Kuroo kid came over again this morning, you guys seem to get along."

Tsukki rolled his eyes, though he was grateful for the coffee he was given. "We do NOT get along. He's annoying."

"Aw you love me, don't deny it!" The sudden voice behind him made him jump, unfortunately he stubled backwards into said person when he did so. "Woah there I know I'm irresistible but at least buy me dinner first." Kuroo said with a joking wink.

Tsukki groaned, it was always too early for Kuroo's annoying voice. "You're insufferable." He placed his mug down and went to walk away but was stopped.

"No you don't. I'm dragging you and Kenma along with me to visit my bro!" Kuroo grabbed Tsukishima's arm and dragged him to go find Kenma. The pudding head was in his room playing games. "You two, get dressed and be at the door in 10 minutes. We're going over to Bokuto's!"

The two sighed in unison. Tsukki turned to Kenma, "Is there any hope of escaping this?"

Kenma shrugged. "Unless you're dying? Nope."

"Why is he like this? It's irritating." Tsukki crossed his arms and went to find clothes to wear. Kenma didn't bother answering as he grabbed himself some random clothes and walked off to go change.

Tsukishima sighed, grumbling to himself as he changed into his chosen outfit and put his headphones around his neck. This was going to be a long day.


Tsukki glanced at Kenma occasionally, hoping the shorter boy would save him from Kuroo's rambling. Unfortunately the gamer decided this was the best time to ignore his surroundings and focus on beating a specific boss in his game.

His hands made their way to his headphones, hoping to put them on. "No way! You have to actually interact with people today!" Kuroo scolded, pulling Tsukki's hands away from his one escape.

"Then why does he get to be free from this torture?" Tsukki pointed a finger at the oblivious Kenma.

"He always talks with me when we're alone, and he works with his teammates well and communcates with them, this is a vacation for him!" Kuroo replied with a grin. "Besides, I know the repercussions of taking his psp away..."

Tsukki couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. "What did he do? Glare at you?" He teased.

Kuroo looked pleased with himself, why wouldn't he? He got Tsukishima to laugh. "No, he was like a feral cat! I swear he was out for blood!"

"Did he hiss at you?"

"Yeah actually! And also-"

The two talked like that the whole way to Bokuto's house with Kenma trailing behind them. Once they arrived, Kuroo didn't even have time to knock before the door was swung open by the ever excited owl. "Bro! Kenma! And... Tsukki?!"

"Don't call me that..." Tsukishima mumbled. He didn't know why but he had slowly begun to tolerate Kuroo calling him by the nickname; hearing Bokuto say it made him mad.

Bokuto stared at the younger boy, probably having his brain short circuit trying to figure out how and why Tsukki was there in Tokyo. "Uh- come in you guys! AgaAshI is here too! He was helping with my homework!"

Tsukki scoffed. "Isn't he a year below you? Why is he helping you?"

Kuroo stopped Bokuto from responding. "Dude let us in before Kenma kills us, his psp didn't charge last night and it's gonna die any second."

Bokuto motioned for the odd trio to come inside and led them to his bedroom where Akaashi was. "Oh, hello. Tsukishima? What are you doing here?" He asked, puzzled as to how this situation came about.

Kenma sprinted towards the nearest outlet and plugged in his psp, ignoring the group. Kuroo laughed at his childhood friend as he jumped onto the bed. "Tsukki was visiting Tokyo, family road trip."

Tsukki rolled his eyes. "Apparently my mother is friends with Kenma's mother. My family is staying at their house for a couple days." He refused to mention the fact that the road trip idea was brought about by worry for his mental health.

Akaashi nodded and Bokuto looked mesmerized. "Ooooooh I see! Cool! We get Tsukki for the weekend!" Bokuto cheered.

"Don't call me that."

Bokuto tolted his head in innocent confusion. "But you let Kuroo call you it?"

Kuroo grinned at Tsukishima, making the blind scoff. "It's annoying but he won't stop, I've given up on correcting him." He crossed his arms as he lied through his teeth.

Kuroo laughed. "Suuuuuure~"

"It's true!"

Bokuto laughed along with Kuroo, even Akaashi let out a chuckle.

From the corner of the room, Kenma looked at the group with a small smile hidden behind his psp.


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