Chapter 5: Worry

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It had been a week since the training camp and Tsukishima was not any closer to figuring out what the heck was going on. Yamaguchi was still avoiding the topic and Tsukki himself was still getting very little sleep thanks to his stupid thoughts. Why did Yamaguchi have to curse him this way?

His friend was cruel, this was all his fault. Why couldn't he just tell him what he meant? Why couldn't he just get his answers and be done with this whole situation. It wasn't like his teammates were helping either, none of them would say a word to him about it but it seemed like they all knew about what was going on with the freckled boy.

He sighed and rolled over in bed, he had told his mom that he was sick so that he didn't have to go to school that day. He hoped to be able to catch up on well needed sleep while he was at it so he could stop having to wear makeup to cover the bags under his eyes.

He knew Daichi and Suga were suspicious about his sleep schedule but he assured them that he was fine even though he was the exact opposite of fine. He wouldn't admit how much this was affecting him, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing how much it bothered him.

He pulled his blanket over his head and shut his eyes, trying to sleep. Just as he was about to fall asleep though, he heard a knock at his door. "Kei? I made you soup." It was Akiteru, he called in sick so he could take care of his brother.

He groaned and sat up, he definitely looked like he was sick. "Thanks...I guess..." He took his time eating, he didn't realize how hungry he was until that moment. He had skipped so many meals just to avoid Yamaguchi that the simple soup tasted like the best thing he ever had.

"Just call me if you need anything, but try to get some rest. I'll check on you later." His older brother smiled kindly and left him alone, he knew not to bother Kei too much.

Kei just nodded before laying back down and closing his eyes and drifting off into a peaceful slumber. The sleep was very needed.


He woke up in a cold sweat. "What the-" He tried to figure out what his dream was about, he couldn't seem to remember it at all. He assumed it was a nightmare since he felt scared but he just couldn't seem to remember anything about the dream.

He groaned and rolled over to check the time, he put on his glasses and looked at his alarm clock. He was asleep for 2 hours...better than his actual sleep at least. Maybe he'd be able to sneak in another hour of sleep if his body allowed him to.

He pulled the blanket back over him and closed his eyes, falling back into the land of dreams.


Kuroo was back to his old self, for some reason he was able to focus on volleyball and he was able to finally start hitting sets instead of missing every single one. In fact,he was a bit too focused. He stopped walking to school with Kenma because he would go to school early to practice, then he would tell Kenma to go home without him because he wanted to stay and practice even more.

His strange behavior was worrying his teammates but none of them wanted to confront him. Kenma sighed and walked over to Yaku who was yelling at Lev to practice more. "Yaku-san...can you talk to Kuroo. His behavior is getting out of hand..." It was strange to be the one worrying about Kuroo since it was usually the other way around.

"I can try but I doubt he'd listen to me, Lev you better not slack off while I'm gone. I'll be watching you." He glared at the tall Russian before walking over to his captain. He understood why Kenma asked him to talk to Kuroo but he still didn't want to deal with his personal drama. He wasn't the best person to talk about your feelings with.

"Kuroo, you should probably go home early and get some rest." Yaku knew what his captain's answer was going to be.

"I'm fine! I am just pumped up after training camp so I want to practice more! I finally am able to hit sets again." Kuroo was a decent actor, Yaku would admit that, but it still wasn't enough to fool the short libero.

"I get it but it still isn't healthy to practice so much. You'll be too tired during an actual match and what will we do if our captain isn't playing at his full potential?"

Kuroo kept a smile on his face to hopefully make Yaku stop worrying. "I'll be fine! I've never felt better. You don't need to worry about me."

"Just don't stay late this time. I'll have Kenma force you to go home after practice."

"He'd never betray me!"

"He would if I had this-" Yaku held up Kenma's PSP, making Kuroo gasp.


Yaku grinned evilly. "I'm gonna buy him a new game too if he holds up his end if the deal. For now I'll have Lev make sure he can't reach his precious games." He walked back over to Kenma and Lev. "Kenma, try to figure out what's bothering him and there may be a new game in your future."

Kenma's eyes seemed to light up. "Okay."

Lev laughed at how easily manipulated Kenma was. Yaku turned and glared at Lev, "I'll give you the silent treatment if you don't actually practice."

"So cruel! What did I do to deserve this treatment?" Lev pouted. Yaku crossed his arms and turned away from Lev, not saying a word to him. The libero walked off to go praise Inuoka to prove his point.



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