Chapter 6: Chatting

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Suga was surprised to get a text from Yaku, the libero of Nekoma. He of course was happy to hear from his newfound friend (the pair had even been added to a group chat that was made by Iwaizumi from Seijou. It was called 'Team Moms'...whatever that meant).

Yaku: I'm worried about my dumb captain. Even Kenma is worried!

Suga: What happened to Kuroo?

Yaku: He's training too hard. He won't stop. I had to bribe Kenma to force him to go home and rest.

Suga: How did you do that?

Yaku: I told one of my teammates to take his PSP. I also promised to get him a new game.

Suga: Of course XD Hinata told me how much he liked playing games.

Yaku: I have to take it from him just to get him to play in matches >:T

Suga: Did...did you just use an emoticon!?

Suga: A happy day!

Yaku: It's an emoticon...chill.

Suga: Screenshoted. And now I shall send it to the group chat.

Yaku: You're weird.

Suga: Thank you ;)

Suga: Anyways, about Kuroo. Maybe try to see how much information he'll give you about what's going on. Continue to make him rest. And see if Kenma can figure it out. He's very observant!

Yaku: Maybe... thanks Suga.

Suga: Of course! Us team moms have to look after our irresponsible children!

Yaku: Please do not even make me think about having to take care of these monsters...

Suga: Well- don't you already do that? I mean Lev even follows you around like a lost puppy!

Yaku: He's just an idiot.

Suga: How mean! I'm telling him you said that!

Yaku: Fine by me.

Suga: So cold ;-; I feel bad for Lev.

Yaku: Whatever. Thanks for the advice. Make sure to give us a real fight next time you play against us!

Suga: Don't rub salt in the wound T^T my feelings ;-;

Yaku: I'm ignoring you now.

Suga: Nooooooooo! -^-

Suga chuckled as he turned off his phone. He was just being dramatic but still. He did want to get strong enough to beat Nekoma in a match. Once Lev was more trained, they'd be even harder to beat. He sighed before getting a notification from the Team Mom group chat.

-Team Moms-

Owl Mom: Yaku used an emoticon...and?

Suffering: ???? Just ignore him, the weird crow is almost as weird as Oikawa.

Crow Mom: Mean Iwa-chan!

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