Chapter 1: Training Camp

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Tsukishima didn't care about volleyball as much as his teammates. He didn't feel like a dumb high school club was that important, it wasn't like everyone in the club would end up going professional. There wasn't a guarantee that any of them would even play volleyball after high school.

He sighed as he walked home with Yamaguchi. The shorter boy was talking about something, Kei wasn't paying attention to what he was saying and was more interested in his music.

"-ki? Tsukki!"

Tsukishima stopped and took off his headphones. "What?"

"You've been acting weird ever since we went to Nekoma. Did something happen?"

Tsukishima didn't think he had been acting differently, he thought he was normal. "What are you talking about?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"W-well you zone out and even though you never really tried hard at practice, you've been putting in less effort. Sorry if I'm just assuming! I just was worried something happened...." The freckled boy nervously looked down and pulled at his jacket sleeve.

"You know how I feel about that dumb club, it's nothing new."

"I...I know that, b-but you've just been acting...weird...." Words seemed to fail Yamaguchi as he attempted to explain what he meant.

Tsukishima just looked bored, he put his headphones back on and kept walking. "Don't worry about it...."

"W-wait for me Tsukki!" Yamaguchi ran to catch up with his friend.

Tsukishima thought over Yamaguchi's words for the rest of the night. He was acting weird? What would have happened at Nekoma to make him act weird? It didn't make any sense. Nothing happened.

His friend was just imagining things, he wasn't acting different. At least that was what he told himself. His mom and brother could tell he had something on his mind but didn't question it, he would have denied it anyways. Without taking more than a bite of his dinner, Kei stood up and went to his room.

He locked his bedroom door and listened to music while studying. It was a sad attempt to clear his head and it didn't help much. Even though he tried convincing himself that nothing had changed, he couldn't shake away the feeling that Yamaguchi was right.

He groaned and layed his head on his desk. "Nothing happened, why am I thinking so deeply about it?" He mumbled to himself. He was so confused, why did Yamaguchi have to question him like that!? He wouldn't be so confused if he hadn't said anything.

He sighed and stood up, he wasn't going to be able to get any studying done at this rate. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Stupid Yamaguchi and his stupid theories. Nothing was wrong! He wasn't any different from how he was before they went to practice against Nekoma.

He layed down on his bed and covered his face with his pillow. He hoped he could just fall asleep without having to concern himself with just a worried Yamaguchi who was most likely wrong anyways.

Luckily, he was able to fall sleep, though his sleep was not peaceful.


Coach stopped Kuroo when he was going to volleyball practice. "Hey kid, I want you to know that training camp is good to go this year. I'll make an official announcement tomorrow when the other coaches and I figure out a good date."

Kuroo grinned his usual cat-like grin. "Great! I can't wait to beat Bokuto in some matches."

"That's the spirit! You go change now, I'll catch up with you." Coach pat him on the shoulder. "Oh and Karasuno is joining us this year! So we better put on a good show. Make sure to keep an eye on that number 10 this time."

Kuroo froze in place. Karasuno? Kenma was going to be excited to see his newfound friend. He felt anxious but he just told himself that it was just jealousy. He couldn't have gotten over his childhood friend so quick, the nervous feeling he had must have just been him not wanting number 10 to take Kenma away. Totally.

He continued to smile when he was able to regain his composure. "You betcha! That freak quick won't get past us this time. Kenma's smart enough to come up with a strategy against it just like last time!"

The coach laughed and pat the captain on the back. "Good man. I'll see you in practice, I have to get in touch with the Karasuno coach." With that, the Nekoma coach walked off.

Kuroo grinned from ear to ear. He would have a chance to go against Karasuno again! He couldn't wait to tell the team. He ran to the gym and bolted into the locker room to change into his volleyball uniform.

Yaku questioned the Nekoma captain's good mood but didn't get a reply. "I hope you're hyper enough to actually get a spike in for once. The newbie is infuriating when he wins, I can't save every spike."

Kuroo pat his libero on the back. "Today's gonna be a good day Yaku, don't worry. You're not gonna have to wallow in pity while Lev brags. Honestly I think he just wants praise from you, he doesn't sound like he's bragging when he's telling you about his successful spikes. He's bonded to you like a cat."

Yaku backed away and shivered at the mere thought of having to deal with Lev. "Don't say such weird things. I'm positive he's just bragging." He looked away but Kuroo could see a faint blush on the short boy's cheeks.

"Oh my- do you actually like the attention you get from him?!" He gasped like a schoolgirl would when she found out about a friend's crush.

Yaku turned to face his captain and glared. "Did you hit your head on the way here? Stop saying stupid things." He had finished changing already so he walked off before he could be teased by his captain.

Kuroo just chuckled when the libero left and when he was almost done changing, the rest of the team filed in to change as well. Lev walked over to him. "Hey where's Yaku-san?!" He asked as if he was a puppy who lost his master.

"Gym, if you hurry you can go annoy him before practice starts."

"Really!?" Kuroo could practically see the ears and tail appear on the half Russian boy.

Today was gonna be fun.


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