Chapter 8: Questions and Laughter

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Daichi waited for the right time during practice to pull Tsukishima to the side. "Tsukishima! Can I talk to you real quick?"

The blond raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways, anything to get away from Yamaguchi who was still trying to talk to him. "What do you need?" He leaned against the wall, the pair was now across the gym and away from the rest of the team.

"Your performance has been lacking ever since you started ignoring Yamaguchi. I don't know what's going on but even Hinata is getting spikes past you...normal ones, not the quicks. That's not normal." Daichi crossed his arms, Tsukishima thought that he looked like a dissapointed dad.

"Why do you care so much?"

Daichi sighed. "Because it's affecting your performance and your mood. Your mood is affecting the rest of the team. Everyone is worried about you. Why are you even ignoring Yamaguchi?"

"I'm not ignoring him-"

"Don't lie to me, everyone knows you're avoiding him. You ignore him and you don't talk to him even when he's talking to you." The team captain tapped his foot impatiently. "Now, I promise not to tell anyone. Why are you ignoring the one person you called a friend?"

"It's a long and complicated story. You might even think it's dumb so I'd rather not say anything. I'll make sure this doesn't affect my performance anymore, then it won't be an issue right?" It seemed like an interrogation to Tsukishima, why was Daichi even talking to him about it? Suga was the person Tsukishima thought would say something about the situation. Maybe Suga put him up to it?

Daichi gave his underclassman a disapproving look. "But the mood around the team will be the same, that mood will affect how we work together as a team. At least promise to talk to someone, anyone who you trust."

Tsukishima groaned. "Fine." He walked back to the court and went back to practicing. This time his performance was even worse than before. Daichi sighed, this was going to be harder than he thought.

Suga walked over to Daichi, who in turn handed him a towel. "You've been working hard."

"Can't be beaten by my underclassmen. I'll play as much as I can before we graduate." Daichi ruffled the shorter boy's hair. "Hey!"

Daichi chuckled. "Sorry, I had to. Anyways, I couldn't get Tsukishima to crack. Whatever is going on, we aren't gonna figure it out from the man himself."

"Maybe Yamaguchi knows? He may not know everything but he might know something?" Suga handed the towel back to Daichi after he was done using it. "I'll question him after practice. Thanks for helping me with this. I'm really worried about them..."

Daichi smiled and once again ruffled Suga's hair. "No problem, anything for my favorite setter."

"Kageyama is gonna be so sad when he finds out."

"Stop being dramatic."

Suga gasped. "Rude!"

"Daichi, Suga, stop flirting and practice!" Tanaka yelled from across the gym, causing the rest of the team to laugh.

Daichi glared at his underclassman. "Wanna say that again."

"No sir! Sorry!"


Yaku walked up to Kenma, games in hand. "What information do you have on Kuroo?"

"He is trying to...forget something? I'm not too sure what he's trying to accomplish by training a lot but he is in denial." Kenma looked down at his hands. "It isn't my place to tell you everything else..."

Yaku grinned and pat the sitter's head. "Don't mind! You did good. Just make sure he takes care of himself from now on. He handed Kenma the PSP games he had promised.

Kenma's eyes lit up before going back to normal, Yaku almost thought that he imagined it but the slight surprise Lev was showing was proof enough that it had actually happened. "You really like your games."

"I wouldn't say that..."

"Are you embarrassed!?" Lev said, holding back his laughter.

"I'm not embarrassed."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

Yaku forced himself to keep a straight face throughout the childish argument. "Okay you two, play nice."

"He's the one who started it..." Kenma looked down at his phone and began playing a game.

Yaku sighed, his teammates really were just like children. This was the time when Yaku realized that he really was a team mom. "Oh boy..." He facepalmed.

"Yaku-san? You okay?"

"I just realized something, it's not important. You wouldn't understand anyways, you may be tall but I bet your brain is the size of a pea."

Lev frowned and stomped his foot like a child. "Rude! I'm sure that I would understand. My brain isn't that small!"

"But you admit that your brain is small..."

"Kenma-san not you too!"

Kenma just shrugged and continued playing his game while Yaku laughed at how distraught Lev was. "This is bullying." Lev pouted.

"Poor Lev. Yaku are you teasing him again?" The trio turned to see Kuroo walking into the club room.

"It's not teasing, and you mess with him too. Don't act innocent."

Kuroo put his hands up in mock surrender. "No need to get all defensive about it, I was just joking. Anyways, hurry up and change. We gotta get all the stuff set up before everyone else gets here."

"You just want us to do all the work while you take your precious time changing." Yaku mumbled, changing his shirt.

Kenma sighed as Kuroo took away his PSP. "I don't want to's so much work..."

"Too bad my dear Kenma, we can't practice without our brain. You joined the club so you have to commit." Yaku rolled his eyes as Kenma and Kuroo kept talking. He finished changing and went inside the gym to start setting up, of course Lev followed his upperclassman like the loyal puppy that he was.

"Yaku-san, I think the captain is in a good mood today." Lev said while helping Yaku set up the net.

Yaku nodded. "Maybe Kenma got through that thick skull of his. I just hope his good mood lasts."


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