Chapter 3: Camp

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Kuroo eagerly waited for his friends, he couldn't wait to see Bokuto and Akaashi and all the other teams! Kenma looked over at his childhood friend, taking his eyes off of his games for once. "Kuroo, you're shaking my seat too..."

"Oh? Sorry Kenma! I'm just excited to see Bokuto! You're excited to see that number 10 though, you can't hide it from your best friend." Kuroo poked Kenma's cheek, only to have his hand swatted away.

Kenma pouted and looked back at his game. "I'm not."

"Are too."

"Am not..."

Yaku interrupted by whacking Kuroo on the head. "If you two are quite done flirting, we need to go change."

"We weren't..." Kenma didn't have the energy to deny the statement and just followed the captain and libero to the locker rooms.

Kuroo stopped smiling once he was in front of the two, he felt excited but also really nervous. He's been acting weird since the practice with Karasuno and now he was going to be able to figure out why. He didn't think he wanted to know but he needed to figure out what it was. He just wanted to go back to normal.

Kuroo gasped when he entered the gym. "Bokuto! Bro!"

"Kuroo!" Bokuto ran over to Kuroo and the two bro-hugged. "What's up dude?"

"The sky..." Akaashi answered bluntly. Kenma looked at his fellow setter and sighed.

"Let's let them go be idiots, I want this practice over with...."

Akaashi raised an eyebrow. "Really? Kuroo said you couldn't wait to go up against your friend from Karasuno."

"Kuroo doesn't know what he's talking about." Kenma glared. "Keep it up and I'll tell Bokuto-"

Akaashi's eyes widened and he pulled Kenma away from the two captains. "He doesn't need to know- I was just teasing you."

Bokuto and Kuroo eavesdropped, not that it was hard. "What doesn't my bro need to know?" Kuroo acted clueless, he totally knew about the setter's secret.

"Oh hey look it's Karasuno." Akaashi pointed to the club which clearly had Karasuno printed on it's uniforms.

Kuroo immediately went to greet his fellow captain. He was acutely aware of the tall blond that was being pushed towards the gym yawning. "Hey Daichi! The rest of our guys are here. Wait, aren't you missing two guys?" Kuroo scanned the group and confirmed that the freak duo weren't there.

"They got held up...they have to retake exams." Daichi seemed to expect the question and responded immediately after it was asked. Suga chuckled since he knew Daichi had practiced that line in the mirror in preparation for it to be asked a lot.

As if on cue, Kenma walked over and looked at the group, hoping to spot his friend. "Where's Shouyo and the scary setter?"

"They got held up, those two idiots both failed exams." Tanaka laughed at his statement as if he had just said the most hilarious thing in the world. Daichi glared at his underclassmen for stealing his line but Tanaka just laughed it off.

Kenma sighed, he was suddenly very unmotivated. he pulled out his PSP and went to playing games, only to be dragged away but Kuroo and Bokuto. "You aren't getting out of practice."


"No excuses!"


Tsukishima was dreading the trip to Tokyo but he was also excited for some reason. He told himself that the excitement was because he would finally get answers, he just wanted things to go back to normal. Yamaguchi was still acting strange and whenever Tsukki questioned his friend he just got ignored or Yamaguchi would somehow change the topic. It was so obvious that his childhood friend was hiding something, but what would he be hiding?

It was weird to see Yamaguchi being the quiet one for once. Tsukki took it as a challenge, if Yamaguchi wasn't going to talk to him then he just wouldn't even acknowledge him until he spilled the beans on his big secret. He walked over to Kuroo and Bokuto, who were trying to get Akaashi and Kenma to laugh at their jokes. "Hello idiot, cat, and people I do not know."

Kuroo nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Tsukki's voice, he wasn't expecting the first year to actually talk to him. He pegged Tsukki as the silent and bored type, why would he want to talk to him and Bokuto? "Hey hey hey! You're from Karasuno!" Kuroo mentally cursed at his idiotic friend.

"Uh...yeah?" Tsukki was already regretting his decision but he couldn't turn back now.

Kenma and Akaashi slowly backed away, Akaashi had to drag Bokuto with him so that Kuroo could be alone with Tsukishima. Kenma was aware of Kuroo's crush on him but he just didn't have the emotional capacity to date, he would definitely marry his games if he was able to though. He was hoping Kuroo's newfound crush would actually like him back so that he didn't have to break his best friend's heart.

"AkAAshiiii where are we going?" Bokuto was obviously oblivious to the situation.

Akashi sighed, Bokuto was never going to say his name normally. "Bokuto-san, did you not realize-?"

"Realize what?"

Kenma and Akashi looked at each other and face palmed in sync. "What did I say? Where are you going? AkAAshiiiiiiii!" Kenma let Bokuto run after his friend and used that as his chance to escape. He snuck into the changing rooms and got on his PSP, he smiled for a solid second before going back to his normal expression. He happily played his games for a good four seconds before his PSP was snatched from his hands, he looked up and saw Yaku hand his PSP to Lev who then put it on a high shelf that Kenma couldn't reach.

"You're evil..." Kenma mumbled, trying to reach his PSP.

Yaku laughed, "I guess there is a use for Lev's noodle arms besides volleyball. Good job." He pat Lev on the back.

Lev seemed to grow ears and a tail as he was praised by his upperclassman. "Really!? Thanks Yaku-san!"

Yaku crossed his arms and huffed. "Don't get a big head."

Kenma was tempted to laugh at his teammates, he almost forgave them for stealing his game. Almost.


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