Prologue: Stuck in my mind

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[Hello everyone! This is your author speaking. I recently became a fan of kurotsuki so I decided to write a fanfiction about them! I give credit for the plot idea to my friend winged-fox-565. Thanks for the idea pal. I really hope you enjoy this story.]


Kuroo was a mess. Every practice he was able to hit a set with ease so why was he missing all the sets now? It wasn't Kenma's fault, all his sets were perfect. The pudding head wasn't one to miss a set, and once he was able to set to someone, he rarely made mistakes.

That was what Kuroo liked about him. Kenma was smart and calculating, his sets always made it perfectly to Kuroo. He admired his childhood friend, even though he seemed to hate anything that wasn't a video game. He was glad that short number 10 from Karasuno seemed to give him a sort of spark of motivation but he was also jealous.

Kenma immediately called number 10 by his first name when they met, number 10 seemed to make Kenma open up, that stupid orange haired boy was able to do what Kuroo could only hope to do. He made Kenma want to play volleyball, he made Kenma excited for matches against him.

Maybe that was why he was a mess. He was just jealous. He always knew he had a crush on Kenma so it was definitely jealousy that he was feeling...right? He could easily fix the problem if it was something as simple as that.

He came to that conclusion but something in the back of his mind told him that he was wrong. His heart didn't beat fast when he looked at Kenma anymore, he didn't freak out anytime Kenma high fived him or when he pat the shorter boy's head. The crush he had seemed to disappear.

Instead of thinking about Kenma, his mind went to a certain blond. Tsukishima Kei, a first year at Karasuno.

He didn't know how to feel. Ever since he met Tsukishima his emotions have been all over the place. He just couldn't get the blond out of his mind.

" missed...again...." Kenma mumbled, rubbing his wrists.

"I'll get the next one!"

"You better!" Yaku yelled at him.

He sighed and quickly smiled to hide his frustration. "Don't worry! I got this! I've just been having an off day."

" missed every set for the past week..." Kenma mumbled.

Kuroo gasped in mock offense and put a hand over his heart. "I'm hurt Kenma, aren't I allowed to mess up too? You're too cruel."

Kenma sighed and walked to the sidelines, he didn't even want to practice on a weekend but Kuroo insisted. "Can I go home? I'm tired...."

"Nooooo, you still have to set for me!" Kuroo walked over and picked up his friend, dragging him back to the court.

"I don't get paid enough for this...."

"You don't get paid at all!"


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