Chapter 3: A ThunderClan Territory?

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Well.... We seem to be in quite a pickle now don't we? Oh pickles... So delicious and-

Not now Mitch, one of your friend's in danger.

"What do we do?" Adam whispered to me, his bright, golden fur shining in the sun.
"I don't know," I started to answer," but whatever you do, make sure you don't provo-"

"Aw, you are a cute little kitty! Now, if you could just get off our friend Jerome we can all go home happy!" Ian exclaimed happily. He smiled as the she-cat glared at him, clearly angry at what he'd said.

"First off, I'm not cute, I'm fierce, and second off, you're on my territory," she responded.

"What territory? This whole forest looks exactly the same!" Ty yelled back, walking back towards the group as he'd gone to explore for a moment.

"Thunderclan territory, of course!" She shrieked, her claws extended as she jumped off Jerome and towards Ty. A mini battle had started between the two, and, since the scuffle was in a little bit of a dip, it was hard to see who was winning.

"Amberpaw, enough!" Another cat spoke out. The cat jumped out of the bushes behind Adam and I, his long legs strode towards Ty and the sh- Amberpaw. Oh, I guess there weren't that many cats, it was just these two. "You don't need to attack this cat, since he clearly has no idea what he's doing here."

"But Spiderleg, he's in our territory, and I overheard them saying they where going to explore it!" Amberpaw responded back to the sleek, black cat.

"Wait that was you?!" Quieten yelled at the she-cat, his eyes seeming to widen at remembering the scene.

"Of course it was! How else would I know?" She snapped back, rolling her eyes as she finished.

"Well, we thought we might've scared you off, what with our yelling and all," Jason replied to her, scratching his head in the process.

"Clearly we didn't, guys! Now, why don't we just leave? I mean, no one here seems to like us anyway, so what's the point in staying?" I spoke out to the group, giving one last glare to the pale ginger she-cat.

"Alright, anyone who agrees with Mitch's plan, raise your han- er, paw!" Adam exclaimed. All of Team Crafted attempted to lift their paws, but, when that didn't work, mewed an 'I' instead.

"Ok, well it was nice meeting you, uh, Amberpaw and Spiderleg?" Jason said, more in the form of a question then anything else.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you as well," The tom dipped his head in agreement As we started to walk away, he seemed to remember something, since he called out to us before we were to far away. "Do we need to escort you off Thuderclan territory?"

"No, we should be fine!" Jerome replied back. Just as we started to walk again, we were stopped once more by Amberpaw.

"The edge of the territory's the other way, mouse-brains!" She shouted, not even trying to contain her laughter. I watched as Adam dipped his head to the tom again, and Ty grumbled as he walked past the two again.

Ian just grinned himself the biggest grin he could muster with Jason not far behind him, smiling softly as well.

Quentin shook his head, as if he was shaking a leaf from his fur, or pelt I guess it's called here, and Jerome just glared at the little she-cat.

I did nothing as I passed them again, but, when we'd gone a little ways off, I turned back to see Spiderleg watching us intently, his little sidekick still managing to giggle a little. Turning back towards the group, I kept my head down, trying to think of ways I could answer any of the questions we had.

Not noticing my surroundings, I managed to run into the cat in front of me, which just happened to be Jerome.

"Biggums, why'd you stop?" I asked him, rubbing my head a little to stop it from hurting.

"Well, had you been paying more attention, you would've noticed my body had stopped moving, due to the lack of momentum I was creating," he responded with a small smile. I blinked.


"You weren't paying attention. That's all."

"Oh, Ok!" I replied, more energetically this time. Looking up I'd noticed Adam had taken the liberty of going on top of a stump.

"Alright guys, so, who's ready to actually explore this time!"


Well.... I did it... Yay...

So I'm going to start this book back up, if you didn't already see! Also, I'm going to try and make a schedule!

Basically, every Wednesday (hopefully today's Wednesday...)I'm going to try and upload a chapter of this book until it ends. Unless school somehow interferes, I'm sure this schedule will help keep me on top of things, and it'll let you guys have something to look forward to!

Oh, and anyone who's confused as to when this book is taking place, it's supposed to take place sometime between the final book in Omen of the Stars (The Last Hope I believe...) and Bramblestar's Storm. It's a little confusing, I know, but I hope it makes sense later....

Well, I believe that's all for today!


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