Chapter 4: We went exploring.... Yay...

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"What do you mean explore?" I asked Adam.

"You know, explore, adventure, see the rest of this forest," he explained, his eyes speaking of the wonder he hoped to discover.

"Well, I get that, but what I'm saying is why are we exploring? Didn't those cats tell us to leave?" I questioned again, the confusion evident on my face.

"Of course they did, Jason! However, they never told us when to leave the territory," Jerome replied.

"That's the spirit, Jerome! So, now that we've decided we're allowed to explore, who's with me?"Adam mewed.

"Well, it does sound like fun, and I would actually like to meet those cats again, so I can prove I'm not weak," Ty grumbled.

"Obviously, I'm in!" Jerome chirped happily.

"Since Jerome's going, I clearly need to go as well," Mitch mewed happily.

"Alright that's Mitch, Jerome, Ty, and myself down for exploring, and would the rest of you like to join us?" Adam asked.

"Sure! I mean, as long as it's fun, and not too formal, I'm down for the party!" Ian purred.

"We're all cats, how can anything be formal?" Mitch question Ian.

"I don't know, but I'm really just looking for fun," Ian responded back, swishing his tail back and forth excitedly.

"It's not that I don't mind going, but did you see how that cat attacked Jerome and Ty?! I'm just fearing over our safety," Quieten fretted, looking down at the ground in a slight embarrassment.

"Dood, haven't you ever heard of safety in numbers? We'll be fine!" Jerome assured him, ending his statement with a small smile.

"Alright, if you're so sure then I'll go," Quieten nodded his head towards Adam, a sign he was willing to listen. I sighed as he finished his sentence and everyone turned towards me.

"I guess I really don't have a choice now, do I?" I closed my eyes, and chuckled silently to myself. "Fine, I'll go."

"Then it's decided!" Adam concluded. "If it's alright with the rest of you, I say we head right."

"Why?" I heard Ty call out from the other side of the group.

"Since right is always right!" Adam replied back, purring at the end. "Wait, oh gosh!"

"What is it? What's wrong" Quieten asked nervously.

"I just.... Purred." The group let out a collected sigh, relief flooding from all of us.

"Good it's just that, we thought it was actually something serious," Mitch mewed.

"What do you mean?! THIS IS SERIOUS!!" Adam responded back.

"If you were listening you would've heard that Ian did as well," I told him slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, it's LOADS of fun," Ian told the cat with the amulet, purring happily to prove his point.

"Oh, so this is normal?" Adam asked.

"Dood, nothing's normal anymore. If you still have yet to realize, we're all cats," Jerome replied back.

"Alright, fine whatever, ignore my problems. Lets just get going, we're losing daylight people!" He grumbled slightly, and with that he jumped off the stump and started towards the right.

We've been walking for about ten minutes, and already we're all getting anxious. Well, all of us except Ian, since he always seems to be in a good mood. One of us would complain, and the next thing you know Ian's attempting to crack a corny joke.

"Hey, Adam," I spoke out.

"Yeah, Jason?" The golden furred cat responded by turning his head towards me. I took another second to think of how I was going to word my question, and then I spoke out again.

"Well, two things-actually it's more like one thing- well maybe it-"

"Spit it out Jason," Adam chuckled slightly at my antics. I stopped and took a breath.

"Ok, well, do you have any idea how to hunt in this form? I mean, we are going to have eat at some point, and the most understandable thing to do is hunt," I asked him. He chuckled again, looking ahead of him as he walked.

"You know, that just seems like a question you would ask, Jason." I didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed with his comment, but I made look as if it didn't faze me one bit. "The answer's no, I don't know how to hunt, and I believe that the rest of us are uneducated in the subject as well."

"Then how are we supposed to get food?"

"I don't know, but I know we'll figure it out when the time comes," Adam purred encouragingly. I nodded towards his response, and continued forward. Finally, after another few moments had passed, one of the guys, Ty, had noticed something.

"Hey guys, is it just me or does that look like some kind of old shed...?" he asked all of us. We all looked in the direction he was facing, and saw what he meant. There was an old, run-down,wooden house that looked like it's survived numerous storms, and all the erosion from the years.

"Well, looks like Ty just found where we'll be staying!" Quieten exclaimed. We walked over to the abandoned house, and towards the entrance. Walking inside, we noticed a number of plants inside it, along with missing flooring pieces and holes in its roof, the sun shining through each of them.

"Hm, it could definitely use some work, but it'd be perfect for the time being!" Adam agreed, inspecting the house to see what else it may hold.

"A mouse!" Mitch mewed loudly, stepping back as it came towards him.

"I want it!" Jerome yowled, chasing after the mouse. After chasing it for another moment more, he lunged at it, and a squeak was heard from where he was. "I got it!" He tried speaking with the mouse in his mouth, but his voice came out muffled and difficult to understand.

"Well, that's great, but are you gonna share with the rest of us? I mean seriously, none of us have eaten all day," I asked Jerome, and he put the mouse on the floor.

"Of course!" He answered back. "However, everyone's gonna have to take small bites if we all wanna piece." We nodded in agreement, and walked over to where the small carcass was laying.

Since Jerome had caught the mouse, we'd agreed that he should get the first bite. He bent down, and took the tiniest bite he could manage, as to save some for the rest of us.

"Oh gosh," he spoke while making a face. "This is horrible!"

"Get used to it, if we're going to be here it's one of the closest things we've got to real food," Ty grumbled, and walked over for his turn.

After everyone had taken a bite, we sat down in silence. This was probably the first time we'd gotten to just sit down and think about the situation we were all in, without having to worry about any other obstacles.

The silence was short, as it was interrupted by a gray tom cat walking in through the entrance. He sniffed the air around him, and his easy gaze quickly turned into a hard glare.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The cat question, his bright, blue eyes never seeming to leave our group.


Well, that was a longer chapter...

So... a new cat, eh...? Wonder how this will turn out... Wait, I'm the writer, I should know how this turns out!


Any who, I probably just noticed, but thank you for 600 ( maybe 700 by the time this goes up...) reads! It makes me feel really special whenever someone reads anything I write, gives it a comment, or votes for it....

I just feel so unworthy, and I wanted to say thank you to everyone of you who takes time out their day to read my mess of words....

I don't want to make this chapter any longer than it needs to be, so I'll end it here...


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