Chapter 7: Experiencing a Meeting!

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I watched as the tom proceeded to walk up the side of the cleft, gaining attention from the other cats, even more from any who hadn't been watching previously. When the dark-brown, tabby tom had made his way to the top, he let his gaze fall on the cats in the small gorge, smiling slightly as it hit a single cat.

I attempted to find this 'special someone', but to no avail. Eventually, I stopped looking all together, and turned my attention back to the tom on top of the rocky cleft.

"All cats who are old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the high-rock for a clan meeting!" The tom called, now having the full attention of every cat. I could see multiple cats shuffling about in an attempt to get comfortable, and one cat in particular caught my eye.

It was the bratty she-cat who'd jumped us from earlier, Amber-something I believe her name was.

"Do you think we'll be made warriors, Amberpaw?" A cat questioned Amberpaw, excitement clear in their voice.

"Of course not! We were just made apprentices, Snowpaw!" The cat Amberpaw responded, and the other seemed disappointed in his comrade's reply.

A few more murmurs and mutters could be heard going throughout the crowd of cats before every one had settled down.

"Alright, as some of you might have noticed a group of cats has been brought into our camp," the leader cat told the camp, the statement bringing a boatload of murmurs and stares with it.

"These cats were found on our territory by Jayfeather and Lionblaze, and have been brought back to our camp for the time being." A few cats threw yowls of disagreement towards their leader, clearly not wanting to share their camp with a strange group of cats.

"How do we know we can trust them? They could be spies from other clans!" One cat from the crowd spoke up, gaining multiple meows of agreement from the crowd.

"Well why don't we ask the cats themselves? Which one of you is the leader?" The leader asked all of us, his gaze settling on our group. We each exchanged quick glances at one another, unsure of who to send to speak for us, but, when no one had moved, Adam took the liberty of going for us.

"I guess that would be me, but we all work as a team, so we don't really need a leader..." Adam told the leader when he'd made it up the rock, and quickly shared a glance with each of us before continuing. "To be honest in this situation, we just learned about the four clans today from Jayfeather. Not only that, we-" He paused, and it was clear to tell that he was unsure of whether to tell these cats about our 'situation' that we were in.

"We had decided to explore some of the area, since we'd just found this forest today, as well," I told the leader cat, trying to help Adam out as much as possible. Adam's eyes showed a 'thank you', and he took that moment to continue talking to the group of cats.

"My friend Jerome's right, but we had no idea this was your forest, and we apologize for invading it," Adam explained to the leader, trying his best to seem sorry, even though it'd been his idea to explore. The leader nodded, and retreated his gaze back to his clan mates.

"Well, what do you suppose we do with these cats?" the dark brown tabby tom questioned his clan, and with this multiple cats threw out their opinions.

"Send them off the territory!"

"Let the other clans deal with them!"

"Send them back to the places they came from!"

Many of their remarks made it clear we were more than unwelcome in their camp, and, seeming that since the majority of the group wanted us out, I began to lose most of my hope in us staying here. However, these cats weren't the only ones with things to say.

"Give them a chance!"

"Let us hear the rest of their story!"

"At least let them stay for the night!"

With these few kind things said, I began to smile slightly, and with this regained some of my previously lost hope. Some of these cats were actually willing to let us stay! After most of the cats opinions had be thrown out into the open, the amber-eyed leader raised his tail, and at this, all the cats became quiet. Huh, must be some silencer or something...

"Alright, I see we have mixed opinions on these cats, and I-"

"Wait!" a dark ginger she-cat called out, making their leader pause for the time-being. "Bramblestar," Ah, so that was his name," might Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Leafpool, and I be able to talk to you privately in your den?" A look of thought crossed Bramblestar's face, and, quite reluctantly, he agreed, and all of the cats mentioned walked back inside the rock. After the last cat had gone inside. Adam came down as well, and rejoined our little group of six, turning it to seven.

"Thanks for what you did back there, Jerome!" Adam thanked me after a few seconds of joining the group.

"Hey, it was nothing! I would've done the same for any of the guys!" I told him, slightly embarrassed to be thanked in front of my friends. Seeing it was getting a little crowded in my space, I attempted to back up slightly, only to immediately bump into another cat. I turned around, only to come face to face with an angry looking, brown and cream colored tom.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" he angrily hissed at me, and immediately left. I was left in shock at his sharp retort, but I should've expected this, given the fact that not all of these cats were happy campers about us being here.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, still looking at the spot the cat had been in moments before.After recollecting my thoughts, I turned to look back at our group, and noticed that they all seemed to be in deep conversation with each other, most likely in what's going on currently. Walking the few steps back I tried to pick up what they were saying, until full sentences could be made.

"I don't know guys, you saw how most of these cats don't us to bother them. Why don't we just leave now, while no one's looking?" Quentin  asked, looking between each of us.

"We're not leaving for two reasons. One, those weren't all of the cats that spoke, there were  some that wanted us to stay! Two, we have no idea where we are, how we got here, how to get back home, how to catch our own food, and survive pretty much! These cats might be our only way back home," Mitch responded, his gaze never leaving Quentin. Quentin nodded, and turned his head to face the floor.

"Alright, well I guess all we can do for now is wait for them to come back out," Jason said, stretching slightly, but quickly stopped as he hit a cat.

"Yeah, I wonder what they're talking about," I spoke to the group, thoughtfully trying to imagine the conversations the cats could be having.

"Cake, perhaps? Or maybe something else delicious?" Ian asked, licking his lips mid-sentence.

"I don't think so, Ian. Cats wouldn't even know what a cake is, let alone something like it," Ty responded, quickly brushing off the idea while shaking his head.

"They're probably talking about us, but we won't know, if at all, until they come back out," Adam told the six of us. With that, we all turned our heads towards the opening in the rock, all of us anxious to see what they'd say when they came out of it.


Well, a chapter... yippee...

Anyways, I've got a few things to say!

#1- I'm sorry for not updating enough, and for updating so late in the summer. I had no ideas for some time, and I was busy with quite a few other things so I apologize.

#2- (hopefully the image appeared... I'm not sure..) What I'm going to be doing, until I've done all of Team Crafted, is making each of the cat main characters! (Adam, Ty, etc.) Now, this is supposed to be Ian, or SSundee, as a cat! Not sure how it turned out.. but it's something...

#3- From this point forward I will be doing the rest of the book in third person! The reasoning behind this is because I think it'll be easier to show what each character is doing at that time, and I think, for me at least, it'll give me good practice in writing in third person!

That's really all I wanted to say for now, so enjoy the rest of your day!


$/Paws\$ (A Team Crafted and Warriors Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now