Chapter 2: OH MI GURSH I'VE GOT FUR!!!

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"IAN SHUT UP!" I heard Jason yell at Ian. I opened my eyes to look around. I was surrounded by trees, I'm guessing I'm in a forest.

I started to get up, that way I can annoy Ty. It was really hard trying to get up with paws and all.



"WHAT THE FART?!?!" I,of course being how majestic I am, shrieked that. Of course maybe I shouldn't have screamed that, because it may or may not have woken the others. Whoops.

Now that everyone was on their paws, (that's gonna take some getting used to!) I could get a good look at everyone.

I saw a light gray cat, with a darker gray stripe on top, that was wearing sunglasses. I'm guessing that's Ian, since he's the only other one wearing them.

There was a white cat, with headphones, dark purple bands on its front paws, and a black collar thing around its neck. Headphones give it way. It's Ty.

The next cat was very furry, with dark brown fur, with a tie around its neck, and fangs that I could see. I'm going with my gut and saying its Jerome.

Another one was a kind of bluish color, with an orange face. Thats all I could tell really. I think that's Jason so... I'm going with that.

Of course there was another bluish cat that had orange on its cheeks, a tie, and a darker blue stripe on its head. That reminds me of a mudkip. Oh it must be Quentin!

That only leaves Mitch as the light brown cat, with a necklace around its neck.

"OH MI GURSH WE'VE GOT FUR!!!" I screamed while running in circles.

"Adam we know. We're going through the same thing as you. Just calm down," Ty said trying to, well calm me down.


"He's got a point," Mitch was thankfully on my side. The rest, even Ty, murmured their agreements.

"Guys you've got to try this! Its so much fun!" I turned my head around to see Jerome on the ground still. It's kinda hard to explain so here.

Think that he's on the ground being pushed only by his back legs. His front legs are underneath him, while his head is still on the ground.

Yeah. That's what he's doing.

"Jerome just don't hit any-" Jason was cut off by a thud. "Trees."

Jerome walked back, wobbling a little but still walking, and he was covered in twigs.

"Well that happened," Ian said. What?That's all he said!

"Ok now that we've gotten here, how the fart do we get back!" I heard Mitch complain.

"Well ask the one who fell." Jason said turning towards Ian. Of course he was now on the ground doing the same thing Jerome had.

He stopped when he saw us, and our looks.

"What?" Was all he said and then he continued.

"Well, we're in some new world, we're cats, and Ian's acting weird. Can anything else go wrong?!" Quentin complained.

As if on cue we hear a rustle in the bushes behind. Everyone's heads snap at the sound, and we saw a head. A cat's head to be exact.

When it saw us looking it turned and ran.

"Great! Thanks fish you scared off our only communication to the world!" I said swatting him playfully.

"I'm not a fish, I'm an amphibian!" He hissed (I guess) at me. We all started cracking up as he said this.

"Dood, right now you're neither! You're a cat remember?" Mitch said while laughing.

"I say we now go exploring!" Jerome said while getting off the ground. Right as he said that he was, well tackled, to the ground.

Surprisingly by another cat.

That was a girl.

We all started cracking up again. Thats when I saw the rest of the cats. Great that little thing's got friends!

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