Chapter 1: The Hole... Dun Dun Dun!!!

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I just wanna say that I don't use naughty language (if you know what I mean) so if you want to, just pretend the word is something else!

Get where I'm going?

Back to writing.... :3


"Jump, and jump, and jump, and- WHAT THE HECK TY?!"

I saw everyone laughing at me as I fell, and respawned at the beginning at the map. We were all doing an Epic Jump Map.

"You've got to be kidding me! I've got to start over, AGAIN!" I screamed back at Ty, or Deadlox if you wanna go there.

"You're welcome," he snickered back.

"At least your with me now, I've gotten lonely," Jason, or MinecraftUniverse, told me. I'd forgotten that he kept coming back here.

"Maybe I wanted you to be alone," I said pushing him off the edge again,

"Wait, what are you doing fish? No, Quieten let's talk about this first. No,

NO FISH NOOOO!!" I heard Ian, or Ssundee, yell from the other side of the map. Most likely it was to Quieten, or Huskymudkipz.

I watched as he spawned next to me.

"Why'd you do that fish?" Ian asked looking over at him.

"You called me a fish! I'm an amphibian!" He answered back. As soon as that happened both Ty and Quieten spawned next to Ian, Jason, and I.

"What happened to you two?" I wondered as they saw us again.

"Well that one over there," he said pointing to Quieten,"tried pushing me over, but ending up making us both fall."

"Thanks for getting my revenge FIESH!" I replied to Quentin.

"I'm not a fish, I'm an amphibian!" Everyone started cracking up, everyone but Quieten. He just stood there looking angry.

I could tell he was laughing on the inside though.

"Biggums Stop! No stop! Nooooooo!" Jerome, or Jeromeasf (that one's not hard to remember) screamed at, I'm guessing Mitch, or Bajancanadian, since they're the only ones who haven't died.

"Yes! I won the Hungerdeanz!" Mitch shouted from the winners corner. Jerome started laughing his head off.

"What's so funny?" Ian had to ask that question.

"Well, I placed down some TNT before I touched the pressure plate to win. It's still over there!" He told us in between laughs.

An explosion then went off around the room. We turned our heads to see the winners corner destroyed.

"What the heck dood! I was there!" Mitch said pretending to act angry. Eventually he gave in and started laughing with Jerome. We all started to laugh along. Who wouldn't want to?

When we'd all calmed down I remember that along with the winners corner, the path to get there was also destroyed.

"Hey guys, now that we've finished blowing up the map, how do we finish it for real?" I asked.

"Well we can either one, play another game in this map, or two, go down the other path." Ty said pointing towards both options.

"I choose the path!" Ian said in his derp voice. He was also flailing his arms around, no one really noticed.

"I'm with you Ian!" Jason said running behind Ian.

"Biggums Lezzgo!" Jerome shouted at Mitch, while following Ian and Jason.

"I'm coming dood, hold on!" He said while chasing after Jerome.

"I'm coming too," Ty said trying to catch up with them.

"Fishys first," I said while doing a gentleman like gesture.

"I'm not a fish!" he screamed at me and ran. I chased them, and then I'd caught up with everyone finally. Jeez they were fast!

"Whatcha guys doing?" I said looking down some kind of hole. This is one weird map.

"Well we're looking down a hole, that's very deep, and then we're gonna party," Jason replied sarcastically.

"Yay party!" Jerome and Ian shouted. That actually was a bad idea because Ian tumbled down the hole. Whop-di-do who woulda thunk it!

"Nuuuu Ian!" Mitch yelled as he fell.

"Ima comin' for you buddy!" Jerome shouted, while diving into the hole.

"If Biggums goes, I go," was all Mitch replied before he jumped as well.

"Ok guys now let's hold hands for safety and go in- REALLY GUYS?!" I screamed as Jason and Quieten both jumped in after them.

"Skylox forever?" I asked and smiled at Ty. He just looked a little annoyed.

"No." He then jumped in without another word.

"Psh... I was going to go with you guys anyway!" I shouted down the hole and jumped. Surprisingly I could hear Ian screaming 'WHEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee' down the tunnel-hole-thing.

Ok so it was kinda dark, and the last thing I heard were Ian's whees, and then it was like really really dark.

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