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before we start, feel free to swipe on the banner above to the second slide and listen to 'hoodie - 1 hour loop' if you wish! thanks for reading and
and enjoy!

it all happened 11 months ago, when kagami and aomine were at aomine's apartment.

"jesus, IT IS SO GOZAMN HOT TODAY!!" kagami pulled the strings of his hoodie, only making the temperature of his body worse.

"yaknow that makes it worse right?" aomine raised his eyebrow, sitting on the sofa and drinking his can of soda.

kagami took off the hoodie, frowning. "gosh, so hot for nothing. JUST THE ONE TIME WE ARE ON A BREAK FROM SCHOOL IT'S SO HOT--"

"shuddup kagami. your voice is stressing me out. also why are you here again?"

"ah yeah. i'd just like to return your shoes---"

"boy, i said you can keep them. what the fuck do you not understand about that?"

"i... i lost the 1 on 1--"

"OH FOR F{}CK SAKE KAGAMI!" aomine grunted, leaning forward and frowning.

kagami just took off his hoodie and threw it on the sofa. he couldn't be bothered to fold it.

"oh my lord kagami. you honestly stress me out."

the red hair chuckled, reaching out his hand to aomime's hair a ruffling it.

"haha, just keep the hoodie sonic."
"tch. why should i? annoying brat."
"because it's MY hoodie? sheesh, even kuroko wants it."

"does he." aomine frowned a bit, not believing a word kagami's saying?

"BAKA!!" he slapped kagami's arm, making the him pout.

"ouch?! that hurtt.!!"
"awh... sorry BAKAGAMI!!"

"but seriously, just keep it!"
"because... nevermind. but hurry up and try it on!"

aomine stared at the grey, plain hoodie and tried it on.

"tch. i hate how it fits so perfectly."
aomine sighed, scratching his head.

"perfect! that means you're keeping it."
"fine! you baka! go starve in a hole."
"oi oi! i just gave you my hoodie! don't be so salty about it!"

aomine squinted.


after the game againt jabberwock,
they were all told that kagami had moved to america. aomine was fine with it... but he didn't want kagami to leave. of course, he was the one who had been him after a long time. he was the one who made him realise that he loves basketball just as much as he does... what is he thinking. instead he said...

"i think i should've went to the NBA, not him."

but in reality... he wanted to play with him one more time before he left. he wanted to beat him, and just feel the same ball he was feeling for the last ti---

"how about we play one more game? seirin against the gom!!"

everybody gasped, there was no way seirin could win. during that game, aomine had always 1v1ed kagami and had so much fun. battling the opponent that had changed himself a lot, just felt so good... wait. was he really saying all of this about a person?

HOODIE - AOKAGAWhere stories live. Discover now