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2 months later...

aomine and kagami were packing the red's bags for going back to america, and it was really fun. they both laughed a lot, and playfully hit eachother.

"hey babe!"
"yeah aomine??"
"i love you!" aomine jumped over the luguage and hugged kagami's so tight, as the red just laughed and hugged back.

"i love you too." kagami kissed aomine, going back to packing his bags.
"oi oi. here's our hoodie." he smiled, tossing the same plain grey hoodie. but it was different. it had handwriting... 'our hoodie. --- kagami taiga ( aka munchy )'. aomine start at it, his eyes lighting up as he hugged it tight, wearing it on himself.

kagami chuckled, but aomine pulled something out from his pockets.
"here, a bracelet. for us." the blue smiled, lightly placing a small, beautiful braclet which had their ship name carved on them.

"for my baby." aomine giggled. kagami scoffed happily, laughing joyfully afterwards and hugged aomine.
"thank you aomine!!" he kissed his cheek, putting on the braclet. it had a pattern of really dark red and a really dark blue beeds and a little oval that said 'aokaga' on it.


they all went to the airport to say their goodbyes. it was quite emotional for aomine and kagami to say goodbye just when they got into a relationship   a month ago.

"haha, bye babe. i'll see you alright?"
"yeah you will. make sure to visit and call me everyday okay aomine!?"
"yes yes i will!"
nervous silence grew between the two. they didn't know what to say and they didn't want to leave eachother's sides.

aomine's fist scrunched up, as his jaw clenched, immiediately hugging kagami by the neck and tears pouring out his eyes.
"i-i'll miss you kagami." aomine sobbed into kagami's hoodie.
"i'll miss you too 'mine." the red head smiling, tears rolling down his cheeks as he carressed aomime's hair.

"sh sh now... i'm not gonna die aomine."
"...but what if you d--"
"shaddup! i won't! you better hope i won't!"
"yes yes, i will. now go off to your dream."
"wait. so you're saying i could stay here with you?-"
aomine playfully slapped kagami's chest, chuckling. "no! baka!"

"bye bye kagami.. i'll miss ya."
"bye 'mine! i love you!"
"love you too!" they both waved goodbye to eachother.

and there kagami went, his tall figure slowly shrinking into the crowd of people. aomine wanted to cry, but couldn't. he somewhat felt relieved, relieved at the fact that the two had happy goodbyes.

aomine smiled, wiping his dried tears on his face.
"love ya, bakagami." he whispered.

and that's the end! thank you so so much for making my story number 1.
i'm so very sorry that chapter 8 came out so late! i was pretty pissed because i realised i was writing without wi-fi, and so all my writing didn't save and then i had to do it all again.

i might make a bonus part! but there a 10% chance i would since i'm focusing on other stories. thank you so much for reading and have a great day!

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