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before we start, feel free to swipe on the banner above to the second slide and listen to 'fuyu no hanashi' if you wish! thanks for reading and and enjoy!


"baka. your face is so cute." kagami accidentally said out loud. aomine opened his eyes and looked at him, smirking and then pinching his cheeks.

"thank you, kagami." the blue smiled, sitting up on kagami's lap, turning himself around as kagami's waist was in between aomine's legs, flinging his arms around the red's neck.

"look at your face. so adorable." aomine booped kagami's nose with his index finger, diving in straight for kagami's neck, kissing and leaving a mark.

"shit... what are you, a vampire!?" kagami's face was red, quickly holding the pain that had been put to his neck.

"i'm not. i just wanted to mark you. is that a bad thing?" aomine raised an eyebrow.
"kind of!? you just kissed me without my permission!" kagami pouted, frowning.
"i'm sorry. i was desperate." the blue hugged kagami tight, kissing kagami's neck once again but gently.

"h-hey! making your kisses gentler won't change the fact that you just kissed me baka!" kagami yelled a bit. aomine of course didn't listen and kissed neck anywhere he could softly.

aomine eventually stopped and rested his head on kagami's shoulder, groaning softly at satisfaction.

"baka... don't do that again understand!?" kagami shouted, aomine rubbing his back for him to calm down. "sorry kagami... i wanted you." aomine said, muffled.

'i wanted you' had shot shivers down kagami's spine, his face's temperature getting hotter by the second. to be honest, kagami did too. he felt his body stiffen as aomine rubbed his back again.

"calm down kagami... didn't know you wanted me that bad." aomine smirked, lifting his head up and making eye-contact with the blushing kagami.

he chuckled a bit, tilting his head for a kiss. kagami didn't go along with it, so aomine just raised an eyebrow before kagami nodded and went into a sloppy kiss.

they both gasped for air afterwards as they both quickly layed on the sofa, aomine on top of kagami. the red's mouth trembled, his eyebrows narrowed and blush spreaded all over his cheeks.

aomine lowered his head into another sloppy kiss with kagami, his lips dragged to the red's neck, kagami's neck being marked by aomine. kagami grunted, as aomine stopped and looked up at him smirking.

"that's enough, kagami." aomine gently picked him up, sitting him back on the sofa.
"i should be the one saying that to you, idiot!" kagami wiped his mouth, extending his sleeve to wipe aomine's aswell.

"thanks kagadummy.~" aomine whispered in a strong voice, cupping kagami's cheek and brushing his thumb on it. aomine layed his head on the red's chest.

"ah, aomine?"
"can i perhaps sleep over today?"
"obviously, baka. i thought you were already gonna sleep here from the start." kagami chuckled.
"oh good." aomine looked up at the red and kissed his cheek.
"fine, fine." aomine smiled, pinching kagami's cheek.
"rrrrrrrah! look at your squishy cheeks!"
"getchyo crusty ass fingers off my skin! moron!"
"owwww!!" aomine pouted, rubbing his cheek in pain.
"get into bed, and go to sleep."
"can you sleep with me munchyki?"
"WHY NOT!?!?!?!?"
"HAH, watch you do it again tomorrow, then the next day, then the day after that, then--"

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