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they both went back to kagami's bedroom, they both cuddled as aomine grunted softly every now and then for kagami's embrace. alex was right. aomine was clingy and tired in the morning. but after his nap for two hours, he was back to his usual self again!

"mm..? munchy..?" aomine saw kagami infront of him on his phone. "munchkin..."
"aomine? awake now?" kagami chuckled, turning off his phone and placing it on the side table.
"yeah i am." aomine stretched, kissing kagami's forehead gently and sitting up.

"what time is it kaga?"
"oh it's 1:00pm ish."
"eh? already? i'm sorry..."
"no no it's fine!"
"you wanna go maji burger? my treat."
"yeah sure!" kagami smiled, sitting up with him.

aomine smiled, as they both went to maji burger for lunch. on their walk...

"hey munchy?"
"yeah whats up?"
"..hm... i've known you for only like ( 2013 -2022 )
for 6 or 7 years now and uh... ive grown feelings for you. i was devastated when you left, and cried nonstop at the fact that you were gone and probably never coming back. hearing your voice after 2 years made me want to cry, i just loved you so much and i still feel the same way... so basically... i like you. i love you. will you be my... b-boyfriend? " aomine rubbed the back on his neck.

"hm, baka." kagami pouted
"yes! of course i love you too idiot!" kagami smiled, hugging the blue as tight as he could. arms were immediately put around him as well, as they both cried slightly. aomine kissed kagami's neck gently, as they both pulled away.

"love ya 'mine."
"i love you too kagami." they both smiled.



say aaaaaa!" aomine chuckled, trying to feed his new boyfriend a burger.
"aaaaaa! nam." kagami took a bite out of it, chewing happily at the taste. the blue smiled, 'will he be my future husband?'

"stop being so cute bakagami!" aomine pinched the red's cheek, ruffling his hair afterwards.
"ouch! you don't have to pinch my cheek!!" kagami pouted, rubbing the sore pain on his cheek.

after they were done, they both headed home and cuddled, kissed, all the things boyfriends can do. but was this relationship gonna last..?

"hey babe." aomine layed on top of him.
"yes aomine?" kagami rubbed the blue's back.
"how long are you staying in japan?"
"oh. about 2 months."
"2 months!? yes!!"
"i guess it's pretty long, but with you by my side it's gonna go in a blink. i don't wanna leave you 'miné!!" they both hugged eachother, as aomine pecked his lips.

"don't worry baby. i'll call you." aomine smiled.
"will long-distance work though?.. i'm not a fan of them..."

"i will make it work. you're willing to do it for me, right?" kagami nodded. they will make this work. he was sure!

"but anyways, can we cuddle? i wanna kiss you."
kagami chuckled as they both pecked eachother's lips. aomine embraced kagami, kissing his neck and pecking it.

"mm... i love you kagami."
"i love you too."
aomine ruffled kagami's hair, a smiley grin spreading wide ear to ear.
"i'm glad we're finally together."
"yeah." aomine smiled, slipping his arms under kagami's waist, hugging it and gently placing his head on the red's stomach.

chapter 8 will kinda be like a conection to this chapter, but i just wanna start fresh bc i'm running out of ideasssss!!

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