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before we start, feel free to swipe on the banner above to the second slide and listen to 'this side of paradise - 1 hour loop' if you wish! thanks for reading and and enjoy!

before kagami knew it, it was already the next week wednesday, the day him and alex were gonna leave and he was so thankful!

"alex alex alex! hurry hurry let's leave!"
"calm down kagami! bring my luguage!"
"yes ma'am!!" alex smiled as kagami raced to the car.

"aomine, i'm coming!! just you wait..."


as they made it to the airport right about to board the plane, all kagami could think about was aomine. his features, skills and talents. he just loved him so much. kagami knew that he liked aomine. but he could never confess his feelings...

"kagami? you alright?" the blonde questioned.
"huh? yeah. i'm fine." he answered.
"lucky this plane is fast. ah... just how fast is technology gonna grow?"
"i don't know. but i'm so excited to get to japa--"
"SHHHHHHH!!" somebody shutted him up.
alex laughed, as kagami looked quite sad.


"where is he... where is he?"
"kagami-kun!!" a blue haired short boy came running at him, hugging him tight afterward.
"oh? k-kuroko!!" kagami hugged him back, tears started to form. the whole old seirin team had came along with him.

"hyuga! coach! mitobe... furihata... izuki... all of you!" they all hugged him tight, smiling laughing and crying.

"it's nice to have you back kagami." a familiar voice came from behind.
"kiyoshi?" kagami looked shocked. he was in a crutch.
"a-are you alright?"
"kind of... but i'm still strong as ever."
"strong as ever..." izuki wrote it down.
"you all are still the same. oh... i love you guys so much. i missed you all!"

"kagami-kun. there's somebody i want you to meet once again." kuroko smiled.
"once again? must've met him already then!" kagami smiled. he really wanted to visit aomine but he also really wanted to see who this was. anyway, kuroko was already dragging him.

the team knew who it was, but didn't come with him just incase it would be quite personal.

hey... kagami recognised this place. it was aomine's! kagami ran to his door, as kuroko catched up and smiled.

"i'll leave you here kagami. he's missed you."
kagami nodded and looked proudly at the door.
he knocked three times. the door slowly opened...

"i sweat satsuki i already told you--"

"k-kagami!?" a smile had shown on aomine's face.
"that's me." he said relieved, hugging aomine as long as he could as they both started to cry.
"d-dumbass... i missed you so much." aomine cried in kagami's shoulder, as the red hair rubbed aomine's back.
"i missed you too 'mine."

just as they both pulled away, wiping their tears, kagami played with aomine's strings of the hoodie.

"you wore the hoodie. didn't you?"
aomine's eyes widened, as he flinched a bit.
"y-yeah... i've always been wearing it since you left. it still fits perfectly."
"good." kagami smiled, pulling him into a hug once again.

feeling the presence of the both made them so happy, and so delightful.
"i fucking worn it everyday because of you, baka. i've waited long enough."

"i know you did. i'm sorry for not making it earlier." kagami chuckled, finding himself cupping aomine's cheek and brushing it with his thumb. the bluenette blushed, frowning afterward.

"you're still the same. i'm glad." the red haired boy smiled.
"tch... whatever. do you want to come in?"
he offered, as kagami nodded and went in.

they both sat on the sofa.

"how was it in america, kagami?"
"it was nice, but boring. i was quite desperate to play in the NBA, but i missed everybody."
kagami chuckled.

"tch! you should've brang me with you! i wanted to show my talent as well yaknow..."
"hahaha, i wish i could've brang you with me."


silence had filled up the room, leaving aomine blushing to what he said and kagami asking himself what he was doing.

the room had a lot of awkward tension in there. it's no surprise since the both haven't seen eachother for so long, but then stopped due to a chuckle that the blue haired made.

"haha, you wanted me to come with you?"
"so what if i did!? i always wanted to play you in games..."

"i gotta say, i felt the same way. i missed playing 1v1s with you."
"heh..." aomine chuckled a bit, but it sounded more like a scoff.
"hm. let's do a 1 on 1. whoever reaches 10 points." kagami smiled. aomine looked confident as they both jogged outside to a 1v1.

they both played their hardest, and it ended in a tie. aomine smiled, wiping off the sweat from his face. kagami chuckled, falling to the ground and laying down.

"what a good game. thanks aomine."
"no, thank YOU, kagami." the blue hair rubbed his back of the neck and layed down next to him.

"kagami, ya have a lover yet? after that year in a america?" aomine asked, curious.
"lover? nah, to be honest... i already had a crush. and still haven't stopped crushing over them." the red head chuckled, looking left to aomine who was staring into the sky full of clouds.

kagami just stared at him, his face, his body. aomine was just so gorgeous in everyway possible. kagami quickly turned away, just incase aomine would see him looking at him.

"looking at me, huh?" aomine turned to the red head, interlocking his fingers with kagami's. he was quite shocked to see aomine act with that type of behaviour... but it's not like he hated it.

kagami sat up, aomine laying his head on the red's thighs. he groaned softly, wanting to stay there forever. kagami smiled a bit, hesitantly moving his hand to stroke aomine's hair. eventually he did, and aomine looked up at him smiling and closing his eyes once more.

"hmm... kagami."
"yeah aomine?"
"i missed you."
"i missed you too."
making eye contact, the two chuckled.

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