Part Eleven

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This feeling was worse than when we were told we were going to lose our house. Now, I have lost something more important.

My dad and I had set off for our village when we left the diner. A strong rainstorm blew in with the evening sky. As we had only put a small distance between us and the diner, my dad decided to head back for shelter from the rain. Sometimes diners in the jungle had a few spare rooms for travelers.

Our previous waitress was still there and told us they had no rooms but we were free to sit in a booth to wait out the storm. The restaurant was filled with a few people, making us feel that we weren't intruding by doing so. Eventually, even with a troubled mind and heavy heart, I was able to fall asleep.


We sat in silence after finishing a complimentary breakfast from the restaurant. If Kuzco returned to Yzma and Kronk then he was as good as dead. That was certain.

These last couple of days have revealed the good in Kuzco's heart. His arrogance and selfishness were just a facade, a mask. It was a good one though, so much so that I had almost given up hope of the possibility of him actually being a decent person.

I gnawed at my lip as these thoughts plagued my mind. We had to do something. My dad and I looked up at each other, indicating our similar thoughts.


We started in the direction that Kuzco ran off to catch up to Yzma and Kronk. If he didn't find them, we knew that he would head towards the palace. Doing so, we found my dad's poncho and hat that Kuzco kept but nothing else, no Kuzco.

The rain had washed away all possibilities of following any tracks left by the llama. To say we were exhausted from our search for him would be an understatement. We came to rest at a field where llamas were peacefully grazing.

This field was part of our village. After searching for Kuzco from the morning until late afternoon, we decided to head home but stopped here for a quick break from the walking. I lay in the grass, a light breeze traveling over me, watching the clouds. I guess life is like clouds. When you're not paying attention, you miss what's going on. When you don't live in the moment, you miss the beauty of the present. People grow up, people change, and people leave.

"So, there we were standing on the cliff, and the ground started to rumble." I looked at my dad in confusion, thinking he was talking to me. He was talking to a llama, guess he really misses Kuzco too. "And just as it started to go, he grabbed my daughter before she fell. Do you believe that? You know, call me crazy for following this guy all the way out here, but as much as he tries to deny it, I know there's some good in him. Besides, we couldn't just leave him out here all alone. He's a lousy llama. I mean, a really lousy llama." He looked over my shoulder as he finished speaking so I followed his gaze.

I jumped up, "Kuzco!" Forgetting all my worries and hurt over what he said, I threw my arms around his llama body. Stunned, it took a couple of seconds for Kuzco to relax in my embrace. Realizing that I wasn't mad at him, he returned the hug by wrapping his long neck around me.

I pulled away to look at him when he started to speak, "Amara, I'm sorry." I smiled at his apology, ready to move on. He continued, "I should have never doubted you or said-"

"Oh, hush you big baby," I said, cutting him off, "All I needed to hear was 'I'm sorry'."

Kuzco chose not to disagree with me and turned towards my dad. "Hey, listen, Pacha, you know, what I said to you back at the diner, that...that...I-I didn't really..."

My dad smiled in understanding, " tired of being a llama?"

Kuzco melted in exhaustion. I think he actually cried a little bit as he said 'yes' in anguish.

"Okay, we're just gonna stop at the house and get some supplies." And with that, we ran off to our house.

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