Chapter 5

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I get home and set my keys down. Walking into the family room, I can't help but feel yet another gut wrenching moment. The police.
"Mom, dad, Why are the police here."
My mother responds quietly with a watery expression in her face. "Sage. To help find Sage. Emerald. I hate to have you leave, but may you. Please?" Is my own mother kicking me out? As I walk towards my bedroom, I see daddy walking towards his bedroom ,for the phone was ringing. I run past his room as quietly as I can to hear his conversation.
"Hello?-Speaking- The results should have been here three days ago. Why are they so damn late?!- You're right I'm sorry Doctor Cathrine. - Yes, yes, I'll hold for a few. "he takes a long drag of air. Irritation is flowing through his pulsing veins right about now.
I hear him rummaging through his drawers looking for something. I hear a bottle of pills being revealed as he takes one. He leaves to room and sees me standing there. Frozen he asks why I'm there.
"I don't know, I was just being kicked out of the room." I angrily respond.
"Hold on just a sec, Hello?- Yes This is Christopher Castrofe calling in for my results on... Well they never really told me what I might have, so I guess I'm just calling for results.-Hold on a sec please."
He takes the phone and puts it in speaker. Doctor Cathrine is already bracing, I can hear it.
"Christopher, are you ready?"
"Yes, yes, what's happening?"
"I'm sorry to give you this horrible news, but you have VHL. "
"What is VHL. " I whisper. Dad repeats the question to her as she responds very confidently.
"VHL stands for. Von Hippel-Lindau disease. Its when tumors start growing around in your body, but mostly effects the nervous system. Sir, this diesease is fatal. You have a very low chance of survival. You could die. You need medical attention as soon as possible. Its genetic. One of your three children could possibly have it. You should get them tested right away. It occurs when young, but only reacts when older. "
His face is blank. Pale as ever. I can just feel the tears forming in my eyes.
" H-how do I get rid of it. Why is it there how did it form, I want all of the information I can get!" he shouts through the phone. So loud, it made me jump. His face turning red.
"Mr. Castrofe I'm sorry, I have no idea if there are any treatments. Im only the test scanner. " I stand there stiff while my father thanks her and hangs up the phone. He walks back into his bedroom, punching a pillow loudly sobbing. When he finally stops, he curls into bed like a cat, looking for someone to rub against. He still cries, just not as loud. I curl up next to him.
" Don't worry daddy. We'll make it through. " I say, starting to cry myself.
I let the words swim through my mind. Over and over again.
"You could die"
My father. My daddy. Is dying.
I get out of the bed and walk out into the living room. The police are still there. Paperwork, pens, miniature televisions, license plate stock images, and camera footage tapes where covering the living room.
I see my mother, eyes basically bloodshot covered in sighs and burried underneath hours of footage from the Sage scene. The police in the kitchen fiddling with my mother's Kiurig trying to get a cup of coffee. I walk over and without saying a word, add more water and close the side. The two men hand me their coffee selctions as I put it in the cup. I press down the top until I hear a little pop! indicating that the package has been pierced. When the coffee starts brewing I turn around and walk towards my mother, hugging her tightly. She jolts before she gently pats my arm.
" Excuse me, ma'am but I think I need a word with you." The taller officer motions his fingers to come closer. His name tag says Off. Kinston. He has a dark blonde mustache and green eyes. The expression on his face isn't so fun.
"Hi." My shyness is starting to show.
"Hi, I'm officer Kinston. And you are?" he shakes my hand firmly.
"Emerald" I look down, letting my over grown bangs fall in front of my eyes.
"Well, Emerald. We were discussing in the case of Sage, your sister. Correct?" I nodd. "Well, I'm happy to say that we could have something. The car that she was put into, yeah, the back license plate got into the video." He pulls a small post-it note out of the pocket behind his Name tag. "Here's the digits. I know it's a sore subject to talk about, but have you ever noticed her talking about a man at pre-school? I know it's a weird question, but in cases like this, almost anything is possible. We like to get as much info as possible."
I stare blankly at the ground trying to remember any kind of person that Sage would be talking about. Nothing comes to mind. "No, sir. I don't remember anything."
" It's okay. I can understand the heart break behind those eyes of yours. I know how it feels." he says. Then walks away.
I walk to my bedroom, feeling so depressed and weak I didn't have the strength to even stand. I haven't eaten for at least twenty four hours. At least that's what it feels like. I crawl into bed. I feel a little arm grab my foot from underneath the covers. "Sam, is that you?"
" Hi, big sister. " He kindly smiles as he slowly emerges from underneath the thick comforter.
I try my best to smile back. "Sam why are you under my covers? Are you okay?"
" Yes, Emmy. I get scared."
" Scared of being alone in your room?"
He nodds. I see his eyes are slightly swollen. He's been crying about Sage, too.
I hug him highly as I hear little cracked weeks come from his face. I hate to see them cry. I pull Sam away from my shoulder.
"Sam, you hungry?" He once again, nodds. "You want Ice cream? Or food?"
"Ice cream?" he questions. I smile and nodd. I look around for my keys and my sweater. I see Sam run into his room and come back with his jacket and shoes. He struggles a bit with his shoes so I help out with the laces. "You ready?"
"Yes!" he replies. I slip on my Converse and walk out of the room wearing leggings and a green sweater. As we walk out into the living toom -Y'know passed my sleeping father, my crying mother, the coffee drinking cops, the paper work, and all other pieces of "evidence" - we walk out of the front door and jump in the car. I start the engine and start out of the driveway and into the road.

As we enter the Baskin Robin's We see a man inside who looked really creepy. I held Sam close to me as he walked by. He looked at Sam as if he knew him. The man walked out with two ice creams. Didn't make much sense to me. When he finally leaves, I get Sam a single scoop Chocolate and myself a single scoop Cotton Candy. We both decided we couldn't finish. So we walked across the street to the Safeway and got mom and dad a sandwich each. It's the least we could do. As we walk back across the street, I see a small blonde girl running into the Safeway, the same man from the ice cream shop chasing after her. I take a double take a few times. That girl looked really familiar... A lot like.... No No it's not- Is it?
"Sam, were going back in- I - I Forgot to get something. " I pick Sam up and literally run into that store following that strange man and the Sage lookalike. I finally see them both ago at a dead end in the aisle. It's ... Not my sister... My heart was pounding out of my chest. I really thought it was her.
My vision, once again blurred. I can't help but think. That was really my sister. But my mind knows it wasn't. I walk back to the car, Sam still in my arms.
We drive back home in complete silence. I can't help but cry. Sage. Sage is gone. I just can't face that as a fact.

Where is she?
MWAHAHAHAHA I made an extra long chapter for you guys! once again so sorry that it's so late. Writers block and I'm always extra busy. life hates me lol. So hope you enjoyed!be sure to tell me how pissed you were!>:)
- RJ

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