Chapter 7

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" Emerald what are you doing? " shrieks my mother. Her face looks terrified as I collapse into a bony lump.
"Ouuuch." I hear the lump whine. It was Sam. Did I hurt him in my sleep?
I see Sam struggling to get up as I roll over to the other side of the room. I pull my legs close to me as Sam cries and tries to crawl to my side of the room.
" No, Sam! Don't come near me! I don't want to hurt you again. Go towards mummy."
He continues to sob. I slowly move even
further away excluding my self from the two In the middle of the room.
" Sam, come here, Sam. "Coos my mother. She pulls him into her arms revealing his arm bent the wrong way. It have a a chill that went up my spine. Sending goose bumps from my legs to my fingertips. She held him a long time.
She examines his arm and tells me:
"I'm taking Sam to the hospital. I think you pulled his arm out of its socket, Emerald. How did you manage to do this?"
"I don't know what happened. I woke up amd,Sam was saying 'Ow ow' and I got up and he was under me and you walked,in to crawled away and-"
"Emerald, enough. Just do something while i take him in. " And she walked away.
I stoarted sobbing, uncontrollably and couldn't breathe. My throat felt as if it were closing.

Then I remembered

"The Girl. " I whispered to myself. I thought...
I pulled out a freer in my desk, searching,for a pencil sharpener. I find one that looks fairly new and take out the screw.
I haven't felt the relief of a cold, lifeless, peice of metal kissing my skin in a long time.
Here goes nothing I think to myself.
I drag the blade across my arm applying pressure. I feel the skin splitting open and the blood rushing from my veins. Relief. Small beads of blood forming rapidly; my arm is starting to sting. I make one, two, three more. The warm, sticky substance running down my arm and into my hand. I run into the restroom to clean my arm with hot, painful tears running down my cheeks.
I walk back to my dark cave of hurt and embarrassment.
Another empty bottle takes a life....
And every little bit, every little bit of her wants to see that light,
And every single night Another little bit of her dies inside,
She's trapped in her mind,
She feels more alive, she feels more alive,
In her own dreams... I start humming.
I go to the YouTube app on my phone and search up, "Another Empty Bottle by Katy McAllister" I listen to the song. Over and Over again. Memorizing the lyrics.
Tonight she lies,
Lifted up through her own roof,
Dried eyes, tonight,
There's nothing more that she can do....
I feel numb. I can't feel anything. I sit there blankly staring at a wall. Almost falling asleep. Until i hear a big slam at the front door. I assume dad's home. And my assumption was correct as I hear the front door,unlock and open. I turn the music up louder-- I don't want to hear this. whoever it is. I hear my door knob miggle frantically.
"Emerald! Please babe open the door. It's me, Jase."
I turn the music down a few notches and slowly open the door. He walks Over to me and pulls me into the tightest hug.
"I'm so sorry." he says.
" What? "
"Your mom called. She said you were crying and that I should come over. "
" Oh. " We pull out of our hug and the reaches down my left arm to hold my hand. I flinch as he lifts my arm and carefully examines it.
" Em, why. " He asks, his face soft yet firm. I say nothing. Just letting the tears flow out. With no emotion. "Emerald, talk to me, please!" he shouts. But I don't respond. I just stand there. Numb. Emotionless. Broken. Until the darkness swallows me whole.

I wake up in a small, white, room. Assuming it was a hospital, I look at my arm and look for an IV. Nothing. I lift my head and hit the counter. I finally sit up properly on the toilet top to see Jase, Sam, and my mother staring back at me.
"Emerald... Are you okay?"
I grunt. "Mum." I say "Is that you?"
"Oh thank God! My baby's okay!" she says while hugging me ever so tightly. When she lets me go, I feel an itch on my arm. I reach over to a carry it but can't.
"Bandages? Did I have too much blood loss?"
"No. When is the last time you've eaten?" questions Jase.
"Yesterday, why?"
"Purposely?" I don't answer once again. I just look into his eyes, shuddering at every word trying to escape my lips.
"Emerald, what has happened to you?! You're starving yourself AND cutting? Why are you hurting yourself?"
I looked at the ground and felt the urge to throw up.
"I need food. Now. Please." I moan. I try standing, tumbling down to my feet again. My mother insists that I stay put. But I refuse. Sam has been sitting there quietly the whole time.
" Sam? How's your arm?" He steps closer, revealing a blue cast. I pull him close to me. "Sam I'm so sorry. "
"Emmy, it's okay. Accident. "
" I didnt mean to I'm so sorry"
, "Emmy ?"
"yeah Sam?"
"I have to go potty,Emmy." I giggle and so does he. I try to stand but fail. So I just crawl as he slams the door behind me. He so forgiving.


It's now about lunch time, and it took them forever, but I ate something. I'm still struggling to get up but I have the help.
" Emerald, I'm leaving now, okay? Stay safe. " Says Jase. He kisses me, long and meaningfully. "I love you "
"I love you too Jase."
"Stay safe"
"I will."

But then I thought to myself.

OMG HEYYY. okay shout out to ELI. I RUSHED FOR YOU. NOOB. HAHAHAHHA YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU!!! Mkays so I hope you guys totally hate me... Mwahahahahhahahahah.... So nice of me right. wrong. I'm evil And hey, go look,up "Another Empty Bottle" By Katy McAllister and "Dark enough" by Amanda Lopiccolo ... Itll,make their day... Tell them ayanawuzhere sent you from Wattpad. Much love, guys

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