Chapter 3

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"Emerald? What's wrong?" I greet Jase at the mall with a watery face. After my Dad had started explaining everything and didn't finish, I started to worry even more. Cancer, Heart Failure, anything else would be terrible. I just can't imagine my father to have anything more than a cold, which rarely even happens.

"Oh nothing I'm fine. Just... Uh... Stubbed my toe at my house before coming." I lied. Once again.

He gave me this "Tell me the truth or I'll make you" look. It honestly scared the shit out of me. Tons of things were built up on my chest as of right now.

"Okay. So what store do you wanna go to? Want some ice cream?" he askes.

"Sure babe." He kisses me.

"I love you, Em."

"I love you too, Jase."


Jase and I were at the mall for a good two hours. Not long but I guess it works. I walk home to see everyone on the living room crying. Everyone but Sage. Did daddy tell every one what's going on?

"Daddy, what's happening. Where's Sage? Why is she not here?" I automatically start panicking. Everything in this family was happening so quickly in the past ... What... Day?!

Daddy motions for me to come and sit next to him. As I sit down he wraps his arm around me and holds me tight. The tears well up in my eyes as he says three stomach wrenching words.

"Sage was abducted."

I could barely breathe. It felt like a lump of words got caught up in my throat. I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach. Everything inside of me was coming out.

I ran into the bathroom and threw up so much I might as well have lost a few pounds! After I was done I slammed the door and cried. I fell asleep on the bathroom floor.

I woke up startled for I'd hit my head on the toilet bowl. Ow. That hurt.

I brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom to find everyone still in the living room. Everyone except the brightest bundle of joy. Sage. I sit next to my Father, once again being covered by his arms. I look up into his eyes. His hazel and red eyes. I can't help but start crying once again.


"Yes, Emerald."

"How long was I in there."

"Just about an hour, Pumpkin."

"What happened to Sage, daddy. Who took her. Why'd she get taken in the first place, how?" I ask, trying not to trigger anyone. Dad looks up at me and tries to start talking but is interrupted by Sam. He tries to explain what happened.

"Miss Cathy was talking. The man stole Sage and Miss Cathy wouldn't listen to me. I try to tell her. She didn't listen, Emmy. It made me sad. I cry and scream. And she look at the camera. She use her phone again and then all the police come." he shuddered.

Daddy interrupted: "When we were called they told us what happened. Why Cathy was talking on the phone while trying to run a daycare, I don't know. But whatever it was she was talking about to whoever must've been so important. She let my baby girl go." He started making noises. I've never heard my daddy cry so hard. But I will not let my family stand back while the police where searching for MY Sage. I will do something about it. And not even the police will stop

me. Even if its not so "Police Urgent". It will happen

Okay I know this is a really bad place to put an A/N but oh well. ☺So I need some ideas on what kind of thing he has. Cancer, or something. Well a lot of people might suspect cancer but I want it THROWN At some other people. So comment on the story or message me. Xoxo Ayana
p.s. Where you guys shocked? I hope so. I'm so sorry for the short chapters. I have writers block ALOT ❤

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