Chapter 2

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     Towards the end of the day I get a call from Dad. He said he went to the doctors early and that he'd pick up the twins. It kinda worries me. Because he never goes anywhere early. He never goes to the doctors. He's a perfectly healthy man. Hmm. . .

     I continuously turn things over in my head. As I finally get it off my mind, Jase appears.

     "Babe, how are you?", he questions as his tender lips touch mine.

     "Hey. I'm fine. So what time do you wanna go to the mall? I need to go back home and get my stuff first." I fib.

     "What stuff?"

     "Just my girly stuff, babe." Lies. I've got plenty of pads. 

     "Oh. . . Okay. Well I'll pick you up, okay? Love you, Em."

     "You too, love." As I walk away, I can feel his icy blue eyes pour into my soul. I know he senses there's something wrong. I just know it.

     I get into my car and start the engine. I do some fancy driving and see my dad's car in the driveway. I quickly parallel park between the trash cans of ours and our neighbors. I run into the house as fast as I can.

     "Em, aren't you supposed to be at the mall? ", I hear my father say. I panic not knowing what to say.

     "Daddy, why'd you go to the doctors today? Is everything alright?"

     "Well that's quite random." he takes a long breath, stalling the question. He's never done this before. "Well, a few weeks ago I wasn't feeling very well. I couldn't really stand for that long. My chest would tighten up and I couldn't breathe. It was hard to sta-"

     "Chris where are you" Great. Its my mother.

     My father responds, "Em and I are in the front room. Just give us a sec, Mary." He hesitates. "Okay, we'll talk about this later. In the meantime, you should enjoys the rest of your day with Jase, okay?"

     "Okay, Daddy. I love you."

     "I love you, too." I can see tears forming in his eyes. So I leave quickly with out even saying goodbye to Mum.

Hey guys. So I'm afraid that this story is moving way too fast. I know this is the only update I've had so far but I meed some feed back. Asap. Please? Okay okay just comment,on this paragraph and let me know.
P.S.     I don't think,I'll be doing updates regularly because I don't have time or anything. I write at least a billion essays so I have no creative thoughts blah blah blah. Thanks for my 5 readers. I really appreciate it ❤



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