Chapter 8

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"Emerald, honey, it's time for dinner. ", a soft knock interrupts my thought.
"Not hungry."
I receive a worried look from my father. "Are you sure? Its your favorite. Spaghetti and meatballs? "
"I'll eat a bit. " I say. Although, who said I ate anything all day... Who said I wanted to eat...
I pull out a chair next to Sam. He giggles as he plays with the meatballs and bits of parmesan making little faces.
It was a quiet dinner. I was pushing around the noodles, making it look like I'd eating some. It seemed to be convincing my mother pretty well. Sam was finished, so i took his plate to the sink. It was only five forty so i decided to take Sam to the McDonald's playplace down the block. We walked and saw a group of police in the kitchen. There was one person still,at the register.
"Welcome to McDonald's how may I help you!" , he said gayly.
"Um, yeah, Can i have a mini McFlurry ? "
"Sure can! What flavor?"
"Flavor?", He smiled awkwardly, though it was kind of cute. I snapped out of it realizing I was already taken.
" My mistake, ma'am . I mean't what topping. Y'know the Oreos, Peanut butter cups, or M&M's. " I didn't realize he was talking. Still my mind was pondering over the what was happening in front of me. Police Talking gently. To whom I wonder...
I looked over to Sam who seemed to be climbing the lopsided stair case to the biggest slide. "Oreos please."
"Okay, that'll be 1.49" I hand him a five. He gives me my change and receipt, returning to the oposing side of the kitchen. Weaving around The coffee maker and a chair. He returns with a regular sized Flurry. "Excuse me, but I asked for a mini." I say.
"It's on the house." He then smiles, and walks away.


After Sam had played and eaten his icecream, We started walking back home. As we went inside and Sam imidietly runs to the back, greeting Mom and Dad. I also report to the back meeting my parents. My mother looked even more depressed than before. My father -- on the other hand-- wasn't there.
"Ma, where's daddy?" I say. Firmly.
"..." She says nothing. She just stares into space.
"Mama, answer me, please. Where's. Dad.?"
She slips me a peice of paper. Her hands shaking rapidly as a single stream of sweat falls down her forehead.

Dear Emerald,
I am currently in the hospital. When you get this note from your mother come and see me. Room E 17 Please. This may be the last chance you've got to say goodbye. Mine too.
"Sam, let's go back to the car." I say. Worried. He gives me a blank stare and slowly walks back towards the door.
"Here goes for another journey. Back to hell.."

The hospital here is basically in the middle of nowhere. Literally. Dirt and gravel roads.. We pull up to the hospital and find the check in counter.
The lady gives me a strange look, sending chills down my spine. Looking down to my shoes and up to my face, she keeps her head tilted down. I step up to the counter and look her in the eyes. Nothing.
"E-excuse me?"
"What." she croaks. How rude.
"H-hi I'm h-here t-to see my f-father. " I studder.
"Well don't just stand there!" she demands "What the hell is the man's name?"
"Christofe Castrofe?"
The receptionist seemed very exhasperated. As she typed rapidly in the computer, I saw a man in the corner being held by police. My thoughts of the rude woman were interrupted by my phone buzzing away to the ringtone I've set. Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories. It sang.
"Room F 12. Over there." she snarled.
"I thought he'd be in E 17?"
"Look girl, if you knew what room he was in why didn't you just go. I don't had time for your games, little girl. You'd better get out of my face before I call security!" The woman was exhasperated. Highly.
"Thanks for the help." I stare from her chest to her eyes," Bitch."
I see her eyes widen as she yells from afar. "Come back here!"
I don't. I continue to stroll down the hall with a smile upon my face.

After about thirty minutes of walk I mg into rooms I had presumably thought to be my father's, I had given up. I went to a nurse walking out of a room. His cart was blocking the number.
"Oh, Castrofe. C? Right this way."
We walked down to the right. Two doors away, ly my father. His face was pale, almost unreadable for he'd lost all and any expression. Emotion, and color to it.
I hear a weakened groan crack out of the corner he lay. "P-unk-in" he croaks. My eyes open wider. They start to water. I can't help,but stand there. " Dad?"
"Emerald. I'm so sorry. "
And there he lay. Cold. Life less almost. Maybe even already seeing "The Light" as people call it.
I look at him as his eyes turn to close. "I love you, daddy. "
"I love you too." The heart monitor slows down, and speeds up every time he opens his eyes. A nurse walks by. And gives me an awkward-comforting look. She knew he was dying.
Dear God,
Keep my father safe in heaven. He has done no wrong. He deserves none of this. But I guess your plan is going into full effect. I just ask one thing of you. Please, Jesus. Make sure he is okay.
In Jesus's name,
My prayer was silent. Over my father's lap ly my head. His breath had been weakened. Therefore I'd assumed the tumors had grown into his lungs.
I whisper into the thin blanket covering his legs."Daddy, I'll miss you. Don't you forget."
He lets out a watery cough before saying "I won't."
The eerie noise of the moniter goes off.

But hey, Jared a new update. Comment what you think below. Love y'all


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