Chapter 1

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"Emmy, wake up!" My eyes flutter open to see a small, dimpley, girl playing with my light brown hair.

"Sage, what are you doing in here?" I pick up my phone and check for any notifications. "It's not even eight o'clock yet."

"Mommy says food!" she squeals. Sage is only three years old. She can light up a room without lifting a finger. Her toothy smile is contagious.

"Oh crap, it's not Saturday yet." Still scrolling through my phone, I attempt to act asleep when my (also) three year old brother wobbles in.

"Did Sage, was here?" he grins. Three-year-old broken English is so adorable.I still pretended to be snoozing.

"Oof!" he grunts, climbing onto the queen size bed, which is rather high from the ground. He then starts jumping on me. "Wake up it's food time!" I then wake up.

"Roar! I'm the tickle monster!" I finally strip from the covers and tickle the living hell out of the twin.

"Sam! Good morning munchkin. Let's go get food." He giggles

"Okay. I want wallamelin."

" You mean watermelon? " He nodds with excitement. "Okay, then let's race! Ready, set, GO!" I race him down the hall into the kitchen, taking little, petty, steps. To make it seem like he's winning.

"The munchkin won!" I shout. He giggles with joy and jumps up and down.

"Well look who's finally awake on a beautiful Friday morning. Good morning, Emerald." says my mother. She was looking rather beautiful this morning. Her almond skin was brighter, her eyes were bluer. It was the best thing to wake up to. Especially when you've had a restless night of tossing and turning due to cramps. God I hate bleeding.

"Good morning, Mum." I've always called her 'Mum' though I know that we don't live any where near England.

"Emerald! Morning, Pumpkin" Interrupts my father. He kisses my forehead. He looks a lot more tired these days. But he's always working extra so this family can have extra time together. Mini Golf, the Bowling Alley, we have a lot of fun together.

"Hey, Daddy."

"So Em, today after school I have a doctor's appointment, so would it be too much to ask you to take Sage and Sam after school?" questions my father. He hasn't needed to see a doctor in a while. I hope he's okay.

"I was going to the mall with Jase, but I guess I could take them, too."

"That's my baby girl." He kisses my cheek as I hug him. "You're always there when I need you. I love you, Em."

"Love you too, Daddy." I grab the keys to my Beetle and go out to get my "personals" from the trunk. And walk back inside. I decide to skip breakfast, today. My parents are talking really quietly and the twins aren't in the room. What the hell is going on? I brush it off as they're just talking about the twin's daycare fee.

So I quickly shower and put on some yoga pants and a teal tank. As I brush my teeth afterwards, I can hear my parents getting to a louder tone. But I can only hear them because I turn the water off when I'm not using it. So I turn it back on. Trying to ignore it.

"But what if she finds out?! Shed be broken up into peices. I wouldn't want to hurt her." says my father. Who's her? No clue. Oh well.

Then walks in Sage. With a grin on her face. Toothless and happy.

"Sage, what are you doing in here?" I ask.

"I want you take me daycare. Daddy and Mommy. Sad. " I scoop her up into my arms as my eyes turning soft. "They say Daddy not coming home. "

"Not coming home? Maybe they're talking about a business trip again, Sage. Remember last- you were too young, huh?" I take a moment to think "So Daddy works for a computer place." I pull out my laptop to show her. "You see this tree? It's what daddy works for. Greenstem Computers. And he's one of the bosses. He gets to tell people what to do and he gets lots of money. Sometimes, he has to go somewhere else far far away. Like California or New York. Out of state, other than Florida. It's far but he always comes back within five days. Then he com-" My phone buzzes. Indicating that my boyfriend, Jase is calling.

"Jase, Jase, Jase," Sage is bouncing with excitement. She and Jase are inseparable when I bring the twins. It's not as awkward as you'd think either. He's great with kids. Voulenteers at the library to read to the S.E. (Special Ed.), on his free time (when I'm not with him )helping out his mother with his two siblings, which are about the same age as Sage and Sam. Maybe a bit older. I pick up my cell and quickly raise it to my ear.

"Hello- Hey- No, I'm just with your best friemd- Yes, Sage- I think I'm driving them, why?- Okay, and I meant to ask you if it's okay to bring the kids with us today after school- Great- Love you too, Jase- K- bye." I put the phone down to find that my sister isn't in front of me. Oh well

"I'm off to work, Em. Bye." says my father walking rather quickly in and out of my room. He looked so tired in his tie and fancy shined shoes. Though he rieked of his shoe shiner KIWI. But he was in a rush. I didn't wanna stop him. I mean he didn't even kiss my forehead, hug me. Just a quick Hello and Good-bye. I once again brush off the same feelings as earlier. Something is definitely wrong. And I am bound to find out what it is.

I finally get up and wiggle into my grey skinny jeans along with an old STANFORD sweatshirt. It used to be my dad's but he never wears it. I didn't even bother to put back on the tank I was wearing. Just a sports bra will do. Quickly pulling back my light brown hair into a waterfall braid on the side, I pull a black clip into the tip,of the waterfall.

"Sam, Sage, you guys ready?" I almost immediately hear scurrying by down the hall and two little monsters tripping over each other down the stairs. Even though I was upstairs.

As I run down stairs, I slip on some Converse and grab some socks from the laundry room. Can't forget those. We open the Door and walk to the car across the street ( which daddy had moved so he could leave ) to get to the daycare. I twist my neck and reassure myself that the child lock is on.

"All buckled up?" I ask. Both kids nodd happily. "Alright let's go." I turn on some music and hum to the beat. Ready to start my day. But I have a bad feeling about this one. But I'll get over it. Sometime today. I just know it.

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