Ep. 6: Spider-Man vs. Ground Zero

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Once everyone suits up, Izuku meets up with them outside.

Ochaco: "Hey dum-dum, what took ya so long?"

Izuku: "Sorry. This new suit is cool and all but it's a hassle to put on. And it's really tight around the old web-shooter."

Gwen (Faintly): "Whoooooo!"

Ochaco: "Yeah I've been having problems with mine too. It's so skin-tight."

(Her costume is more like the one from the comic for now.)

Izuku (Blushing hard): "O-O-Oh wow would you look at that! Heheh wardrobe malfunctions for the both of us!"

Ochaco: "Izuku are you blushing under that mask?"

Izuku: "Ye-No?"

Black Widow: "Alright everyone! Your all looking good. But looking cool and flashy won't help you out that much in combat. Your uniforms will help protect your identities and, depending on if you put armor on underneath it, help protect your body from physical damage."

Aizawa: "The way this exercise will work is simple: Two teams will be on the field. Team A will be the Heroes, while Team B will be the Villians. The Heroes mission is stop the Villians and stop the Nuclear Bomb, which will be a prop for this exercise. The Villians mission is to stop the Heroes and have the bombs timer go off. If the Heroes stop the bomb in time they win. If the timer hits zero, the Villians win."

Black Widow: "Now, Team A will consist of Spider-Man and Gwenpool. Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch on the same team would basically be an entirely one sided round. Team B will be Tenya IIda and Katsuki Bakugo. Villians get in postion."


Izuku stands next to Gwen, feeling uncomfortable.

Gwen: "What's wrong?"

Izuku: "Your not gonna try any of what you did this morning again are you?"

Gwen: "Maybe."

Izuku: "That doesn't help...in the slightest. How about we just shake hands and call ourselves friends?"

Gwen: "We could be more!"

Izuku: "What?"

Gwen (Laughing) : "Ochaco is right! Your adorable when your embarrassed!"

Black Widow: "Begin!"

As Izuku and Gwen enter the building, Bakugo separates himself from IIda.

IIda: "Shouldn't we stick together?"

Bakugo: "Theres no way in hell we're gonna beat someone like Spider-Man. The best we can do is for me to distract him and you guard the bomb. If that annoying girl gets up here, take her out."

IIda: "Alright. I'll go along with this plan. (Holds out his arm.)"

Bakugo stared at his arm for a few seconds before shaking it. He heads downstairs and hears Izuku around the corner.

Izuku: "Just follow the plan, and we'll win."

Gwen: "Got it!"

Izuku: "I'm gonna check past this cor-"

Izuku: "WOW, OKAY!!"

He grabs Gwen and they both evade an explosion from Bakugo. Bakugo tries to hit Gwen, when she suddenly teleports away.

Bakugo: "What the?!"

Gwen: "My papa's teleportation belt! I love it so much!"

Izuku: "Awwww, what's the matter Kacchan? Are you still understemating everyone?"

Bakugo tries his best to hit him, but Izuku continues to dodge.

Bakugo: "Thanks for making it easy DUMBASS!! You should know by now my sweat is nitroglycerin! And these gauntlets aren't for show!"

He reaches the pin pulling it.

Aizawa: "Bakugo that'll kill him!"

Bakugo: "Only if he doesn't dodge it-"

Izuku: "Web-Bomb!"

A device covered in webs flies straight into the gauntlet, beeping faster each second.

Bakugo: "Your the devil."


Bakugo is webbed to the wall, his gauntlet destroyed.

Izuku: "Well that was fun, but I gotta go."



Black Widow: "Heroes win!"

IIda: "What?! How?!"

Gwen: "I told you guys! My papa's teleportation belt! It's like no one listens to me!"

Izuku: "Hell yeah Gwen! Up top!"

Izuku and Gwen high five in victory. Gwen then hugs him out of nowhere.

Izuku: "Uhhhh, Gwen? Can you let go of me now?"

Gwen: "In a minute. By the way, is Bakugo still webbed to the wall?"

Izuku: "Uhhhh...yeah. Can I go get him?"

Gwen: "Yes."

Izuku walks downstairs to get Bakugo, while Gwen, who won't let go of the hug, gets dragged with him.

The Amazing Spider-Deku: Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now