Wing Man

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Instead of asking Peter to stay Matt had smiled and asked Peter if he would like to meet up again soon.
And with the other heros agreement Matt found himself in the reporters company with almost every spare moment he had.
Often their nights would sync up, though Matt admittedly was chasing less of his leads and more of Spidermans in the weeks that followed. A fact he had a difficult time reconciling, along with his growing, consuming, attraction to Peter Parker.
It took up space in his brain that was usually reserved for much more serious matters, he had a hard time meditating, and an even harder time sleeping. Even his time in the gym felt phoned in. It only felt rewarding if it was on the streets and Peter saw it.
He spent much of his spare thoughts on when he might run into Peter again, when he might hear his laugh, how he might devise both.
It wasn't just in the masks either, not just beating up criminals, over the next few weeks Matt found himself in cafes, studying or working on their respective jobs in one another's company, swapping leads on potential cases or just chatting.
And at night Matt fought with the ferocity of a man with super strength, and flipped or dodged with the grace of some dancers.
He moved like he weighed nothing and his punches carried the world. Since Peter had patched him up he seemed to avoid every bullet or blade with expert precision.
Like...maybe he was trying to impress?
But his divided mind began to catch the notice of the only man who cared to notice.

"Matt Earth to Matthew...hey Matty?"
"Hm.." Matt hardly looked at his friend, only lifting his head slightly from where he was reading, or pretending to read, a document at his desk.
"What is going on with you man…"
"Nothing, sorry. What's up?"
"I have been talking to you for like five minutes…"
"Sorry Foggy." Matt sighed softly before his friend interjected,
"Is it that cute blond secretary? Because if so I-"
Matt laughed, "Foggy how would I know about cute or blond?"
"I don't know, but you always manage to sniff them out, snake them right from under me."
Matt laughed, dropping his chin and shaking his head,
"Well, No Foggy it isn't the secretary, I have just been really in my head, last semester and all. "
"So come out with me tonight…"
"Noooo come on Murdock, you used to be the best wingman, now you never go anywhere but work and school, I need chicks Murdock! And I need your chiseled jawline and by proxy sympathy to reel them in."
"Jesus Foggy you are terrible" Matt was laughing though, because Foggy always knew how to make his best friend crack a smirk.
"No, I'm desperate Matt. Desperate times desperate measures. I'm not taking no for an answer." Matt hesitated, mulling that over for a moment before he sighed, a defeated smirk resting on his lips.
"Fine but I am inviting a friend I want you to meet."
"AHA it is the secretary! I knew it."
"No! No Foggy his name is Peter, he is a reporter and studying biochemistry, he is brilliant I think he could make for a good contact and…"
Matt shrugged, "I have kinda gotten close with him, he is a good guy."
"Mmm… mhm are you replacing me Murdock?"
Matt laughed again and shook his head, "of course not Foggy, I just think he might be able to help...reel in the chicks." That last phrase came out sardonic but Foggy shrugged,
"Sure man, whatever gets you out of the house again."
So after they finished up with their work Matt excused himself to make a phonecall.
Hesitating only slightly before raising the phone to his ear.
"Heeeyy Peter, so I have sort of… been roped into a leisure night, you know the bestie is getting suspicious." He cringed at himself, that was not usually how he spoke, trying way to hard to be casual.
"Well...anyway, I was thinking maybe the city could live through a night without horns or webs and we could get a few drinks? Nothing crazy. Foggy says he needs wingmen."
Lucky for Peter, he wouldn’t have to yearn for it for too long because over the coming days he found himself frequently gravitating back into the other man’s sphere. Both in and out of the red suits.
Crime fighting was no longer a lone job, but an exciting partnership. Matt’s ferocity and agility blazed and impressed as they scrimmaged with their opponents and Peter often found himself losing focus of his own take down, his eyes fixating on Matt just to watch him move.
It didn’t take too long for some of the media outlets to pick up on Spiderman and Daredevil’s new crime-fighting cooperation.

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