Bfs do a B&E

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When Matt had securely adjusted his grip around him, the spider launched a web to the building across from them.

“Ready, DD?” 

Taking a step back, Peter squeezed Matt’s side and with his superhuman strength he threw them over the edge and into the air at a towering city height. 

As their bodies plunged in a downwards rush, Peter pitched his body forward, swinging his legs in front of him, and tugged on the webbing, propelling them in a powerful, smooth upwards arc. 

As they reached the apex of the swing, he launched his next web onto the building over, striking it with a firm, sticky thwip. He followed through with the same momentum and velocity, letting Matt get adjusted to the weightless sensation of flying through the air.

He set a steady rhythm for them but kept a careful watch for any signs the other dauntless vigilante wanted to stop. Any protests and the well-intentioned hero would immediately lower them down. 

Although they were both quite athletic and could travel quickly over rooftops to reach their desired destinations, webs were without a doubt much faster mode of transportation.

Not to mention, it had its own kind of fun, too. 

Mingling with the adrenaline pumping through his chest, Peter felt an exuberant excitement of getting to share this aspect of his super life with Matt. Even if he only allowed it for this one time.

When they were about a street away from the compound, Peter bounced them down into a dark, tight-knit alleyway.

As his feet made the hard, solid landing on to the concrete, he hoisted Matt up to rest higher against his sturdy frame so he wouldn’t feel the tough impact on his more normal, human body. 

Gingerly setting him down onto his feet, Peter fully turned to face him, his other hand finding his waist. 

“Hey, you alright?”


Matt hadn't been fishing for compliments, but boy, did they feel good. Gadgets and tinkering were not his forte, but once he had looked into the idea, it had seemed too easy to pass up. He was glad it had come out well to the Spider’s keen eye. 

Peter's further reassurance made Matt feel a sense of settling calm he had noticed more and more as their partnership became more fluent. 

It was a substantial trust, not just something built on feelings but proof. They had one another's backs. Matt could count on him to deliver or, at the very least, try just as hard as Matt would. 

It was a calm he tried to maintain as the cheeky Spiderman pulled him in close and told him to hold tight. 

He trusted Peter. He knew the man could hold his weight, the webs just as well, and he had to admit it felt nice to actually be able to give up control for a moment. 

As his arms slipped around the sturdy shoulders of his webbed companion, he gave a brief nod of that horned head, a small smirk before he sighed his resignation to what he had signed up for. 

"Ready as I will ever be Spidey." 

But he wasn't so convinced of his own resolve as they were launched by Peter's strong arm's into the city scape. 

Matt felt like he was choking on his heart. 

All the air was ripped out of his lungs. 

He thought his experience leaping buildings would give him a good enough idea of what to expect. But he was wrong. 

His grip on the other hero tightened at the apex of the first few jumps- but ever an adrenaline junkie and a man with indomitable will he was able to force his stomach back into position, his heart from his throat. And by the time they were nearing their destination Matt was being so daring as to loosen his grip at the peak of the arcs, letting himself become weighless against the lanky hero, only to tighten them again when they came rushing towards the ground. 

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