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After tugging on the skin-tight spandex over his lean form, Peter pulled his mask over his face and lifted his wrists to his face to check how much web fluid was left in his shooters.
He hadn’t used them much the previous night so he still had a decent amount left, however it was always best to top it off before a patrol just in case.
Ducking into his room, he slid open one of his desk drawers and about a dozen or so vials of web fluid rolled forward.
Peter selected two to refill the shooters and after a quick calculation in his head, he made a mental note to make more soon. His reserves weren’t running too low but he’d rather have a hefty amount on hand.
It was always such a hassle to make them, especially if he was in a hurry, so he liked to make them in bulk.
Now assured all of his gear was in order, Peter lifted open his window to his bedroom, letting in a windy breeze that fluttered his curtains and cooled his warm cheeks underneath his mask. Crawling out, he stuck himself to the side of the brown brick face of his apartment complex.
Anxious to get back to Matt’s side, Peter sprang towards their arranged meeting point.

Swinging himself onto the rooftop with a quirky little forward somersault, Peter landed on both feet with the ease and lightness of a feline. The sun had sunk below the horizon now, and the city had turned on its light, setting it aglow against the stark shadows of the night. Shrouded in security of the somber rooftops,  the spider slinked towards the devil and wrapped a long arm snuggly around his waist.
“Sorry, hope you weren’t waiting for me long. Got held up at the bridge- caught a guy littering their trash everywhere and I had to give them a piece of my mind. Made them feel reeaaal ashamed of themselves, they picked it all right up. Honestly, if people gave the planet just a little more care.”
He sighed, putting an end to his chatty rant and pulled up his mask to the bridge of his nose and leaned in to give an apologetic kiss
“Ready to find trouble? It is the weekend, my spider senses are bound to pick on something- multiple somethings. I’m placing my bets on another car jacking. Maybe two.”

The Daredevil moved across the city rooftops with the reckless abandon that had gained him his name and landed with a nimble roll to displace all that force in a manner that left little marr to his body.
He moved across rooftops like they were a playground he had memorized.
Admittedly he was meeting Peter further out than he ventured without reason but it didn't stop him from getting there a few minutes before the web slinger.
He paced the length of the roof in a slow stalking manor before he stepped up to the ledge and crouched, turning his ear towards the city below, closing his eyes, slowly brushing through the voices that threatened to overrun one another, threatened to overrun him.
His abilities required massive amounts of focus to control, and this left Matt a little suprised by Peter's footfall onto the rooftop.
He snapped from his focused state and dropped back to the rooftop to meet the spindly hero where he sauntered with well earned swagger.
Matt couldn't help the smile that lifted his exposed lips at Peter gave the exasperated rant and slid his arm around the Devil.
It felt unreal, delectably domestic in a way Matthew never considered possible.
Depite how odd to anyone else in the world it might seem, it felt natural to Matt when their lips met in the brief greeting. Foreign and a little shocking, like coming home after being away on a long trip.
"Trouble will find us it always does…"
He was speaking from experience though he took in a slow deep breath and tilted his head away from Peter to try an focus his mind away from the spider despite his close presence.
It would be a skill he would have to hone to a fine point now that they had made this leap to an intimate relationship.
He needed to be both acutely aware of Pete, and able to put him in the background of his focus.
A delicate skill to juggle.
"Though if I am being honest, I have had some doors I have been meaning to knock on. We could do a little digging on some leads and keep an ear out for any trouble along the way?"
Matt had spent a few too many nights the last few weeks ignoring bigger issues.
"In fact, if you and I are going to be locking in our professional partnership as well maybe we should do some debriefing. I'm sure I have mentioned most of the digging I have done with the gangs, honestly I think I have the Yakuza on the ropes but…" he smirked a little but dipped his chin to hide behind horns and red lenses.
"I have kinda been otherwise employed. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get down all we have together."

Their lips united and Peter’s lashes fluttered closed as he felt an exuberant sensation of fireworks going off in his head.
Despite it only being a very brief kiss, the small exchange was enough to lift the youthful man’s spirit, get the blood pumping through his veins. He felt alive. Awake. Like a big ball of energy was whirling inside him, ready to burst from him.
Tipping his head to the side, he tugged the red fabric of his mask back over his nose and mouth.
“Oh without a doubt”, he agreed, the words coming out a little muffled now he had his face covered again.
His fingers lingered over Matt’s waist as he turned their focus to their more serious concerns.
To be fair, Peter had also been quite distracted as of late. Recently, most of his Spider-Man business had involved the regular gang activity, robbers, and the occasional freak accident or burning fires. Anything that involved further sleuthing had been set on the back burner to slowly stew.
He mentally berated himself for it. He should be doing a whole lot more.
Peter’s free hand moved to sit on the curve of his hip and he shifted his weight to the side.
“Right. If we’re gonna work in tandem, it’s best if we're on the same exact page.”
His cheeks flushed slightly. “Erm. I don’t exactly have any pressing leads at the moment, I’ve been a bit uh absorbed as well. There’s still some loose ends with the Russian Rhino I need to follow up on but I can give you all those details later.”
His hand dropped from Matt’s side and he stretched his arms behind him and tipped forwards on his toes in a bow.
“So, Spider-Man is at your service. Who are we paying a friendly visit to tonight?”
He straightened up and a small knowing smile laced his mouth.
“Is it the Yakuza or the Russian mafia?”
He walked towards the edge of the building overlooking the vast city and slowly sank down into a crouch, observing as cars drove by down below and people walked, completely unaware of the two imposing heroes looking out for them.
“Neither I think are particularly welcoming to visitors, but I think I do have my charms,” he said in a playful manner despite the severity of the gangs in question.
Peter did like to bring levity to the vigilante gig.

Matt's hands had lingered loosely on the other man's sides until he moved away, when his sturdy arms found their place crossed over his broad chest.
Despite his imposing nature the lighthearted jestering from Peter was enough to keep that small smile etched onto the lips of the stern man.
Despite himself, despite how seriously he took his job, he felt a lightness to his whole purpose, something he hadn't felt since donning the mask.
As he moved to stand next to the Spiderman he felt less like a half measure and more like a hero.
Something Peter had been insisting he accept since they met.
He grunted, soft and low as he focused his mind on what was important.
He mumbled decisively after a moment of contemplating his more recent leads.
"Smuggling people bothers me a bit more than cars or antiques, and I have a name or two on my list worth paying a visit."
He smirked a little then, "though I am not sure your charm will do you much good… unless you are just trying to make me jealous."
He gave the other man a light playful push, knowing full well there was no way he could knock him off the ledge.
But he figured they shouldn't drag their feet too much and he moved to lead the way to their first door to knock on, or more accurately skylight to sneak through.
But they only made it a few blocks before Matt, and undoubtedly Peter stopped in their tracks at the familiar sounds of a mugging.
It was that man's severely unlucky night, he ended up with his gun barrel webbed closed and a billy club vollying from the ground to his head.
Never even saw the defenders of the woman, webbed unconscious to the wall he likely wouldn't ever know what hit him.
A few blocks later they came to settle on a small warehouse rooftop, it seemed to be a delivery company of some kind, there were big roll bay doors and trucks parked along the fenced in lot.
Matt moved toward the center of the building to crouch and try to take note of the interior and the potential people inside.
Slipping a billy club from their place on his thigh he tilted his head towards Peter.
"Hey…" he spoke softly as he rolled the club between his gloved fingers, seeming as though he was about to say something serious about their target at hand.
"How conceivably practical are magnetic grapples and zip lines? "
He tilted his head like an inquisitive child asking about a cool toy.
Which to be fair was exactly what he was.

Peter softly hummed and tipped his chin to look up at Matt who made a striking figure in the red Devil suit, sharp and impressive against the dark backdrop of the  towering city landscape.
“Yeah, I’m inclined to agree. Kidnappers are a whole lot worse.”
Just the thought of all those poor people, scared and confused, away from their loved ones made the spider's heart stutter and clench in his chest. It evoked a strong determination that made him all the more ready to hit the streets and help his partner-against-crime.
But as Matt teased and gave him a slight push, Peter huffed an airy laugh and his cheeks flushed.
"Oh no, not my intention at all, DearDevil." Peter rose from his squat to lean into Matt's side and bump his hip playfully. "Besides, the only person you have to be jealous of is Matt Murdock."
He stepped back and let the other vigilante lead the way to their intended destination. Keeping up with ease as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop, flipping over railings and avoiding electric wires.
The mugger they ran into along the way certainly didn’t stand a chance against the two vigilantes in red. Striking in tandem, efficient and quick, Peter disengaged the weapon while Matt took care of the criminal.
Over the course of their weeks fighting alongside together, Peter, who had never worked in a team before, had come to the conclusion that teamwork certainly made the dream work. Although he could have taken the criminal on his own, working with Matt brought a refreshing dynamic to the gig. He made him work better, faster.
With the mugger restrained in a tangle of webs, only once they had made positively sure the lady was alright, they were off again.

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