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Matt was no longer wearing Peter's sweater; he had shed it before getting back into the bed where he had wrapped an arm back around the other man, soothed back into slumber by the comforting smell of Peter's shampoo.
By the time Peter awoke the next morning Matt had rolled onto his back but wasn't far from him, close enough to feel the heat of his body.
Matt rarely dreamed, sometimes but rarely, his first signals were Peter's heartbeat, the soft sound of the glass of water being set back down, he almost jumped awake again, but the dry run of the morning gave him enough sense to get his own bearings quicker. Instead of jumping to the ready he let out a low soft humm and turned his russet haired head towards Peter. Rolling onto his side his hand slid into the warmth left in the middle of the bed from the spider, just short of touching his folded legs.
"Sleep well Peter?" He hummed again, but he still hadn't opened his eyes, happy enough in his element, his bed that now smelled like their passionate night.
After a moment he sighed through his nose and pushed brown eyes open and pushed himself onto his elbow, smiling to Peter in a soft sleepy manner as he scratched at his auburn hair and the scruff on his chin.
"I can make some coffee….and breakfast if you are interested?"
It was sweet the way a soft sort of insecurity ebbed into his voice.
Because despite knowing how Peter felt better than most anyone in the world possibly could, he still feared the idea of pushing too hard, of Peter backtracking out of fear.
Though he hadn't felt any hesitance last night, this morning could prove to be a turning point, and thus there was the little tacked on,
if you are interested.
He wanted to keep Peter forever, if it was up to him the other man wouldn't walk back out that door ever again. But he also knew, in the harsh light of morning, that things could seem less alluring.
Maybe he would seem less alluring.

At the sound of Matt’s low voice, deepened by his slumber, a soft smile rose to the corners of Peter’s mouth.
Breathing in the fresh morning air, he stretched his arms out in front of him and pleasantly murmured back, his voice also affected by the weight of recent sleep, “Good morning…” He suppressed a yawn and ran his fingers through the messy waves of his quaff.  “I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a while actually. ”
He massaged his chest, his hand rubbing over the cozy fabric of the navy sweater as Matt propositioned breakfast. Noting the hint of bashfulness that had laced his words, Peter twisted onto his side so he could face him, his fingers reaching out to capture his chin between his hands so he could stare into the beautiful brown depths of his eyes.
“Coffee and Breakfast sounds great. Especially the coffee part, but breakfast is good too.”
He leaned down and at the same time he tipped Matt’s chin up so their lips could join together in their first good-morning-kiss. It was sweet and gentle and warm, and it evoked a swelling sensation in his heart.
Hitching one of his legs over Matt’s hips, he moved to hover over him, deepening the kiss, but keeping to a slow, languid, pace.
When they did break apart, Peter let go of his face and grinned down at him and said.
“And how did you sleep? I know I don’t snore but I am a notorious blanket-hogger.”
Peter’s hand on his chin was like a siren call, his brown eyes fluttered in a soft sort of surprise, and any lingering insecurity- of him pushing this too quickly or Peter not wanting something so romantic with him- they melted away as the nimble hero pressed their lips together.
Matt rose slightly in the bed, his hands falling instinctually to Peter’s thighs as they came to frame him.
With every soft pass of his lips Peter lured Matt's heart from its well crafted shell until he had it firmly grasped in his long adept fingers.
Matt almost groaned against Peter's sweet morning greeting, stifling it to a soft hum as his hands found their way up to grip at the others hips.
By the time Peter parted their lips Matt was irrevocably his.
He looked a little breathless as Peter made his joke about blanket hogging and he offered a wispy smile.
"You can have all of the blankets if you want. Sleeping next to you keeps me plenty warm."
He nodded towards the table,
"Woke up dying of thirst, which I am sure you understand, but outside of that I slept like a rock."
With a soft little grunt, more for show than effort, he sat up, but his arms never left the other vigilante so he had no option but to end up in Matt's lap where he pressed another tender kiss to his cheek.
"There are fresh towels if you want a shower. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of use for television but there are phone cords in the side drawer. " He spoke softly into his ear before slipping out from under the other man to go put on the coffee and start their breakfast.
Peter would likely notice a few things about Matt if he chose to observe this process.
Something he may have even already started to pick up on: Matt Murdock was a health nut. He stayed away from processed foods almost entirely but sugar seemed to be a rarity in his diet.
The coffee on the shelf looked kinda fancy, but it tasted fantastic when it was finished brewing and Matt set out Peter a mug on the counter with a small glass jar of sugar and an organic vanilla creamer for him to portion as pleased.
The second thing he would notice is that Matt, who had only bothered to pull on sweatpants, moved without looking at anything, without moving his head even most of the time, but he was very precise- as he was with most everything.
It wasn't a whole twenty minutes later before they had omelets neatly centered on plates and set on the small table next to the counter.

Matt’s suave reply coaxed a smile to the hero’s mouth and a soft blush bloomed across his cheeks.
A tension he didn’t know he’d been holding somewhere deep within him uncoiled. Accustomed to sleeping alone, tossing and turning in a mess of long limbs, there had been a secret part of Peter that had feared  he’d make for a bothersome bedmate.
“Good. I’m glad that you slept well too.” The end of his sentence fell away with a hitch of his breath, coming out airy and light as the solid hands on hips lowered him down onto the vigilante’s welcoming lap and his warm breath cascaded over his profile.
It seemed like with every brush of lips and loving caresses Peter got, another one of Matt’s tendrils webbed around his heart, squeezing it tightly. He wouldn’t be surprised if one day it simply erupted for the love he held for the Man Without Fear.
He curled a hand over the back of his russet hair and  answered, “I don’t need television for company when I have you. But I will take you up on that shower later though.”
As Matt untangled himself from him and got up to fix their coffee, Peter slipped his hands through his brown wavy locks.
He figured he should probably shower and wash off any lingering smell of sex and sweat that faintly clung to his skin, but all he wanted to do right now was keep Matt company while he cooked for them.
Rolling back his shoulders, he heard more than felt the distinct crack of bones and he sighed.
Later. He’d take a hot shower later, after breakfast.
The spider was in absolutely no rush to leave the devil anyway. He’d stay as long as he would have him.
Rising from the bed, he followed after Matt as he pattered around the neat and orderly kitchen (a completely different state compared to his kitchen back home) and he leaned himself up against the counter as the other man presented him with a cup of coffee.
“Thank you,” Peter said and carefully poured some sugar for himself and watched as Matt started on what he assumed would be a very nutritious breakfast.
Over the course of their many study session breaks and post-crime fighting meals, Peter had indeed picked up on the fact Matt preferred greener, healthier options.
It was equally admirable and humbling.
Although Peter still somewhat watched what he ate, his healthy physique wasn’t exactly very hard to maintain. And for that, he had the spider’s quick immune system to be thankful for.
While Matt cooked, Peter kept the conversation light and pleasant, just happy to be in Matt’s presence.
Wanting to make himself useful, he also assisted with setting up the small circular table with silverware and napkins.
As Matt placed the eggs on the table, Peter gave him a cheeky grin. “Hmm,” He made an exaggeration of inhaling deeply. “Omelets chez Matt Murdock style? I feel spoiled.” Leaning up on his toes, he pressed a sweet smooch to Matt’s cheek in thanks before sitting down with him  to start on their meal.
Taking a few bites, his eyes swept up to meet Matt’s brown hues from across the tiny table. He could feel his legs brush against his underneath.
“It’s really good. A lot better than what I can make myself. However, I do cook up a pretty killer flapjack.” Then, thoughtlessly, he added “I’ll have to make a few healthier modifications but I can cook us breakfast next time.”
It took him a moment to realize what he had just implied. But once he did, he was so stunned by the words that had just come out of his mouth, he proceeded to stuff it full of eggs to prevent anything else from slipping out.
Next time? Who was he to assume that Matt would even want a next time? He didn’t even know what this  thing was between them. Vigilantes with benefits?

Peter's company was more than welcomed, it was cherished as his footfall followed after Matt a small smile settled on his face, where it dutifully stayed as he prepared their breakfast.
The omlet had mushrooms, peppers and spinach finely chopped so that they melted into the silky cheese that Matt had, Matt had even gone so far as to put strawberries and blueberries on the plate.
Before settling, after setting the plates down and receiving the soft kiss of thanks, Matt slipped back into his room to get Peter's, or more accurately now his, sweater, and pulled it over his head as he walked back down the hallway they had swept through like tornados.
He hung up both of their jackets and found his glasses where they had been cast away carelessly, sliding them onto the table rather than his face as he joined Peter with a very purposeful brush of their legs.
Matt sort of laughed, mouthing the word flapjack with amusement before taking a bite, pausing in his chewing as Peter offered to cook the flapjacks next time.
He felt a full bodied shiver that started in his toes, though he noticed the stark silence that took the room as Peter crammed his mouth as recompense for it's honesty.
Matt forced the bite down even though he hadn't quite finished chewing it, but he smiled like it didn't hurt at all, pausing only to take a recooprative sip of the coffee.
"You don't have to modify anything for breakfast next time Peter. You can cook it just as you would. I don't want to mess up your recipe, I won't get the full experience."
Beneath the table his knee bumped Peters, and he propped his elbows up on the table, cradling his mug in hand.
"Honestly," he nodded back towards the kitchen, "I am pretty picky about food but because I can taste all the chemicals, everything it goes through to get sealed in a bag is dusted all over it, the trucks and freezers and boxes. It takes away from the taste. But it's not really a health thing."
He smirked, a little cheekier,
"Though last night was not our normal activities… we burn enough calories day to day that I can eat what I like as long as I fuel the machine."

Peter silently chewed on his large piece of omelet while he listened to Matt talk. With every word out of the future lawyer's mouth, he could sense the dread in his system get crushed to nothing but wisps of dust, only leaving behind a quiet thrill of happiness in its place. And as his knee was bumped his rosy lips molded into a lopsided smile. Swallowing the rest of the egg and cheese down, Peter let out a hushed melodic giggle at the reference to their new late-night activity. “No, it wasn’t the normal, but it was fun. I sure wouldn’t mind making it the new normal though..”
He paused as he took a gulp from his coffee mug and gently placed it down on the table. "But alright then, consider it a promise. I’ll make you the good ol’ Parker pancake recipe next time we have breakfast together."
The brunette coyly bumped his ankle against Matt’s, but didn’t immediately return to the remnants of his breakfast just yet, too distracted by something else that caught his attention.
When Matt had first returned to the table after taking a quick detour to his room, Peter’s hazel irises had widened with surprise as they landed on a very familiar piece of clothing he hadn’t seen in weeks.
He had given him the sweater with the intention for him to keep it, but seeing and knowing he was actually wearing it sent the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzied flutter and his pulse raced underneath his skin.
His face split with a wide brilliant smile and he ducked his head, bashful and oh so happily pleased, before picking up his fork again to take a few more bites of egg.
A moment of thoughtful chewing later, he said, “I guess I’m only a little picky about my food. I’m not exactly a stickler for Kosher rules, but I do try to keep the main stuff away from my plate, like pork and shrimp and other shellfish. Other than that, I don’t mind. My spider metabolism is fast enough to take care of the pizza and ice cream.” He shrugged his slim shoulders. "Old habits stick... Plus, I figure it's fine as long as I have good intentions."
After he finished speaking, he finished the last bites out of the omelet and set it off to the side, in no particular rush to leave the table just yet.
Matt had been ready to feel the sting of regret after their night together, after the bold things his less restricted self had said.
He had expected the spider to slip away in morning light or pull back from his softer affections.
But Peter Parker stood so boldly defiant to what he had expected.
While Peter spoke Matt took a few bites but he seemed mostly focused on the other heros words, on the way his heart sped up and the way he picked his sentences up at the end, a little lighter than they started.
He also noted the mention of kosher practice with marked surprise.
Peter hadn't struck Matt as the religious type, but it wasn't something considered polite conversation and Matt hadn't yet found a reasonable means of mentioning his own religion beyond the obvious noting of its institutional effect on him. That is all to say he had sort of come to the conclusion that Peter, being a scientist and a superhero, likely wasn't very religious.
Even now he found himself trying to find a delicate way to ask further about the other man's beliefs, though there was something else Matt wanted to address before rushing head first into tangents, he'd pocket the knowledge for further questioning.
He finished most of his food by now, taking a thoughtful sip of his mug and similarly sliding his plate aside so he could prop his elbows up and cradle his coffee, leaning in towards Peter he spoke carefully, a vulnerability slipping through despite his best efforts to seem unwavered and casual.
"Look...last night was fun. And I would be lying if I said I don't want that to feel normal to me.
But I don't want to beat around the bush here, like I said last night, your friendship means more to me than ... anything. " He cleared his throat a little, trying not to let his voice get tight with nervousness.
"I don't… know exactly what you want out of this, and I am sure that we should...both probably think about that pretty hard before we decide anything but I had no intentions of last night…" he hesitated and smirked to himself, setting the coffee down to sit back in his chair scratching at his sunlit hair and tugging at his neck.
"Well I hadn't had alot of intentions that I let myself recognize, but I never had any intention of last night being a one time thing… or of us being focused on…" he nodded toward the bedroom, "that."
He was trying pretty hard to say he didn't want to be friends with benefits without saying those exact words. Perhaps it was a lawyer skill he didn't realize, but more likely he just didn't want to alienate whatever Peter did want.
Because despite his words if Peter said he wanted something casual Matt would eagerly agree.
But this wasn't like some casual relationship, Peter knew his life, both of his lives, and Matt would never expect Peter to do something bad with that knowledge, but it was only reasonable to consider the havoc them not working out could reap upon… well the whole city without hyperbole.

Tipping his chin ever so slightly, Peter curiously cocked his head to the side as Matt leaned forward and began the complicated task of deciphering what exactly it was that was going on between them.
The prospect of clarifying and finally drawing the lines around their relationship was equally a relief and a dread to the spider.
But as Matt vulnerably opened up, he could discern the candor that threaded his words and the minute expressions that flitted across his controlled face.  But being unsure as to where this was going exactly, Peter could feel his heart slowly start to sink into the sandpit of his stomach.
Peter pressed his lips together in thought and bounced a lithe thigh up and down, shaking his leg ever so slightly but would be quite evident to the perceptive man across from him.
Matt was right. Of course Matt was right. This was something that should be delicately handled and considered.
But if he were to be perfectly honest with himself, he didn't need to think about it too hard to know what he wanted.  He understood himself enough to be self-aware that he was an emotional and sensitive person who got easily attached. He also understood the attachment he had for the other man in front of him was not one that he could easily chalk up to being a casual one.
If the last couple of weeks were anything to go off of, this was nothing like any of his casual relations.
In the past few years, Peter had done an excellent job of keeping his walls up, preventing anyone else from getting too close that he could somehow possibly become a hazard to them. But the devil had managed to do something that no one else could and he had effortlessly weaved his way into not only becoming his friend but gracefully cemented himself as a part of his every day existence.
Now faced with the prospect of further intimate entanglement, Peter’s choices were clear.
Friends with benefits could simply not be a possibility. He didn't trust himself to be able to easily sever his feelings in their moments of passion from the rest of their relationship. So depending on what Matt wanted, it was down to two options.
And Peter knew which one he wanted out of the two.
He wanted a romance with Matt Murdock.
So with a soft thoughtful hum and a sip of his coffee, Peter anxiously tapped his hands against the side of the mug.
"Well.. speaking candidly, I’m not sure I would do well with just.. Uh… casual intimacy."  His cheeks bloomed hot and he rubbed a hand over his chest as if to quell the dread that lay within and he sighed, glancing down to his lap.
When he next spoke, his words came out in a  hesitant tone, “I really want to keep your friendship too, Matt. But the way I see it, it’s either or. Either we stay friends and keep it the way it is… or …  we change it , the option I like more, and we uh try adding romance to the chemistry.”
Turning his honey hazels back to Matt, he concluded, a bit more firm with confidence,  “Like you said, we don’t have to come to a conclusion right away. But I want to lay my cards out on the table so you know where I stand.”

The rush of hormones and endorphins, the quick thrum of his heart and beat of his thigh made Matt's head spin, unsure where the other man was heading before he opened his mouth.
Matt cocked his head, his own throat tightening, his stomach turning.
This was it, the moment of confrontation, the head butt that always inevitably came when Matt dared to care about someone. He bristled for it, but the words that came were not defensive, they were nervous and careful. But they were honest and more desiring of romantic intimacy than Matt had expected.
Matt realized he had clocked the hike in Peter for the complete wrong reason. 
His mug almost slipped from his hand but he caught it before it left his grasp, setting it down carefully on the table to slide his hand across the small dividing space, placing both of his hands onto Peter's he made the other man set the mug down too, his own face studious and furrowed as he made a few decisions rather quickly, taking both of Peter's hands into his. Slipping his fingers up the other man's wrist so his own lengthy digits rested on Matt Murdock’s  steady pulse. He had the advantage of telling when others were lying, he was granting Peter the same advantage.
"So I just… I want to leave room for space if you need it. I don't want you to feel rushed or pushed into anything but I would really like something more-" he paused, licked his lips and a small smirk rose. "-romantic with you. I've never… I have never felt for someone what I feel for you? And I want to be in your life in whatever way you will allow me to be…"
He took one of Peter's hands, that had tapped so nervously at the mug, and he lifted it to intertwine their fingers, sturdy and firm when wound together.
"If you are ready and willing for this to be something genuine then I am too.
I…" it was his turn to tint red.
"I have never had a boyfriend before, I have some unpacking to do and I guess closets to open on that front but… I am ready to do that work for you Peter."
His sentence had slipped into something breathy and less confident as he spoke, but he didn't have any doubts anymore.
He would take on the world for Peter Parker, he wanted him by his side while he did.
Despite having left the room for Peter to pull away with his reassurance Matt was more sure than ever that this was the right move.
Peter’s heart thrummed loudly in his chest as Matt leaned forward and took ahold of his wrist. He let his gentle yet firm fingers guide his own and he put down his mug under his direction, all the while his eyes searched the other vigilante’s pinched face, heavy with the weight of many thoughts. It was a little nerve wracking to see and so Peter held his breath, waiting, anticipating on the edge of his seat for what he would say. 
But when his long, pliable fingers were led to Matt’s own wrist, Peter sharply inhaled, quickly realizing what he was intending. 
Gulping down the tightness in his throat, his sensitive fingertips curled around Matt’s wrist, feeling the steady, delicate rhythm of his blood pulsing under the tender spot of his skin.
As Matt spoke, every word uttered from his lips was like fresh air breathed into Peter’s lungs, giving him life, lifting him up in a rush that couldn’t even compare -  even better than swinging at great skyscraper heights.
His fingers could feel no difference in his pulse; Matt was telling him nothing but the truth and that was what broke Peter’s mouth into a wide, pure smile that crinkled the corners of his light brown eyes. When he beamed it was like bright sunshine reflecting off crystal waters.
His other hand was laced between the other man’s and he gave it a firm squeeze.
As Matt grew quiet, his soft confession the last thing to leave his lips, Peter leaned forward, resting their foreheads together.
His words came out light, airy with bated excitement as hope gleamed in his eyes and he brushed his thumb over the other man’s wrist in slow, silky strokes.  
“Matt, I don’t need more time or space. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I want this. I want you, in every single aspect of my life.”
He licked his lips, his eyelashes fluttering as he tried to articulate all the thoughts in his head. He was never that good with words. Science and math were his strong suit. So he tried his best to express everything he wanted to say.
“It’s been a while since I tried the relationship thing. Honestly, I was dead set on throwing in the towel and spending the rest of my days alone… but you changed that and so effortlessly too. And now I can genuinely say that I  don’t want that anymore… I am ready for a romantic relationship.”
Leaning back but keeping their hands linked together, Peter got up, rounding the small table to kneel in front of Matt’s chair.
“And I won’t let you do all that work alone either.” Amusement twitched over his lips as he added, “Unpacking is a lot easier when you’ve got another person around.”
The touch of Peter's forehead to his seemed to send a wave through him, everything went numb and he felt as though the world had halted around him.
All there was, and all he ever cared for there to be, was Peter Parker's electricity.
His next words felt like lightning striking the same spot, against all odds, again and again on what was once a cold lonely beach.
He felt stunned, a glass sculpture created by the anomaly of Peter's love striking formerly desolate planes of sand.
"I…" but Peter was moving to kneel in front of him and Matthew couldn't get breath in his lungs let alone get words out of his mouth.
He felt a tightness in his chest and a rising emotion that constricted his throat and bit at the back of his sightless brown eyes.
His lips parted and fingers tightened on Peter's before he unwound them so he could cup Peter's angular jaw between his firm boxer hands.
His thumbs brushed gently over the other man's cheeks before he pulled him in, pressing their lips together in a lengthy breathy way.
He wanted to tell him how much it all meant but even the crafty silver tongued law student was having a hard time coming up with an appropriate response.
But when he pulled their lips apart Matthew nodded, slowly at first then a little more sure.
"I don't think I have ever been more excited or ready for anything in my life Peter." That toothy grin, the one reserved for genuine joy.
And he meant that, he was already reshaping life plans around Peter, thinking of their life together rather than his own lonesome one.
It was almost overwhelming and Matt released a puffy little laugh before giving Peter another brief kiss.
"Consider me sold. Consider me yours."
He stood, bringing Peter to his feet so that he could wrap his arms around the other mans waist and pull him into the devils sturdy chest, laying his cheek against Peter's head and speaking his soft baritone in the shell of Peter's ear.
"Everyone in my life has eventually left me…
I push people away because I am not as fearless when I am looking down the barrel of affection. I don't want to lose anyone.
But I am not scared to care about you Pete.
I know we can only be better together. You could only make me better."
Gently he nuzzled at the other vigilante.
"And you are the only one who has ever known the whole of me and not shied away. Maybe that makes you just as crazy as I am but I am more than happy to be crazy with you."
Matt’s tough, sturdy fingers wrapped around his chin was a compelling force on the young spider. Peter thought there was very little Matt wouldn’t be able to entice him to do with those hands on him.
So he closed his eyes as his face was dragged forwards, his lips eagerly parting to be captured by the devil’s own silky smooth lips and tongue.
When they pulled away, Peter released an elated sigh and his warm autumnal eyes fluttered open to gaze up into his boyfriend’s sweet, jovial face. The word alone sent a shiver of excitement down his spine but the brilliant smile that spread over Matt’s lips made his entire being quiver with happiness.
He grinned as he was tugged on to his feet and immediately encased in Matt’s protective arms. His cheek planted on the top of his chestnut hair allowed Peter perfect access to press a stream of kisses to the crook of his neck.
Peter’s own arms entangled themselves around Matt’s muscular shoulders, bringing their bodies flush together.
God, Peter couldn’t get enough of this. He almost wished they could be frozen like this forever.
Attentively, he listened to Matt unpack the heavy weight that laid in his heart, sharing the load that had been a burden on him for a long time and Peter welcomed it with an open and sympathetic heart, all the while his hand soothingly brushed up and down the back of his neck.
Peter leaned up into the nuzzle.
When he spoke, he pressed his lips to the smooth column of Matt’s neck.
“We’ll be crazy together. What is the term called again? Folie a duex.” He smiled against his skin and tipped his head back so he could look up at him and dot his sharp jaw with another smooch of his lips.
“And I’m not going anywhere. I’m stuck in your web, Matt and that’s perfectly fine with me. I like webs rather a lot.”
One of his hands carded through his lustrous russet hair so he could nudge his head down to mold their lips together in a soft, tender kiss.
Pulling away after a short moment, a boyish smile graced his young face,  “So consider me yours. Consider me your boyfriend,” the word was a soft, happy sigh on his lips, “I’ll do my best. I promise. I’ll bring you coffee at work and bring you flowers. I’ll beat up any criminal who even tries messing you with, and I’ll stitch up all your wounds. You can also consider the rest of my sweaters yours too.. ” he chuckled lightly, tugging on the front of his clothes in a suggestive manner.
"Ah… I got legal latin and spanish but not French. That sounds right to me." He murmured softly, tilting his head to Peter's lips, his eyes fluttering closed to his kisses, the smile having become a permanent tilt to his lips.
Peter's fingers in his hair stirred his loins and the simple single word boyfriend stopped his heart and between the two he felt a little dizzy.
The little list of promises made Matt laugh, and he rocked Peter softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He had never had someone offer to bring him flowers or coffee or sweaters. Certainly never had anyone offer to beat up criminals in his honor.
It was charming and sweet and Matt never wanted to let the other man go.
"Oh Peter you don't have to do any of that and I will not feel any less smitten, just continue to be your brilliant self, but I will always have your back just the same and I can't wait to be the best boyfriend I can be."
Saying the word gave him almost the same rush as hearing it, it felt so much nicer than it had the night before. Not taboo at all but reciprocal and true.
He took in one last deep breath, the smell of their night lingered on them and Matt had no desire to rush from it.
But eventually he pulled back, rubbing his hands up and down Peter's shoulders through the thick fabric of his Columbia sweatshirt before he reluctantly parted from the other man, moving into the kitchen to grab the coffee pot, topping their mugs off and putting the pot back before he moved to sit on the back of his couch.
"On that note… do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" He asked as he moved, putting a hand out to welcome Peter back into him.
"I would be lying if I said I didn't want to keep you a little longer, maybe keep mapping those muscles."
He smirked, teasing, telling of his more salacious intentions. But added a little softer,
"Hide you away for the day… suit up tonight? I don't have much work that I can't shamelessly put off."

Matt saying the word boyfriend out loud sent a rush of endorphins all throughout Peter's lanky form. He relished the way it beautifully flowed from his low, baritone voice and he already couldn’t wait to hear him say it again.
Boyfriends. They were boyfriends.
The word was so novel and addicting.
It was as if nothing could wipe the wide grin that it brought to his lips.

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