Pencil me in before Recon

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Even with Peter at his side Matt woke around six just before the sun began its treck across the sky, with a start- gasping softly as he sat up.
It was how he woke almost every night to his knowledge, but he hardly bothered to remember the dreams once he found himself clammy in his own bed.
Wiping his face and catching his breath he sunk back into the sheets.
He lay there for a moment until he became aware of Peter next to him- he had curled into the pillow grasping it between his arms- Matt must have rolled away in his sleep.
When the broader man slid back into the middle space Peter moved to meet him and it made Matt's heart wilt in his chest.
It was the same smell, heady and earthy and distinctly *them*, which had Matt in a distant fog days later.
The week had flown by, Matt practically ran from his evening engagements to meet Peter roofside.
And though he was forced to stay late a few nights to finish work, he often called Peter in the afternoons and they were able to line up their lunches a couple of times much to the overworked law students great pleasure.
It was growing late, he was sitting in a library with Foggy working through case law review when Foggy asked, quite casually, whether or not he and Peter had valentines plans. Matt's eyes grew wide and he nearly spit out his coffee.
He hadn't even considered...
As Peter swung up to the Manhattan building that had become their most common meeting place, Matt had the hood off, hair nearly brushed back by ungloved hands, auburn locks a touch longer than a perfectly combed lawyer might keep.
He looked sheepish, easily readable by the approaching Spider that the Devil had a very important question. One that was making him visibly nervous, an odd look for a man in tactical gear.
When Peter woke up the next morning, curled towards his partner's body, radiating heat, he didn't dare move for the longest time, as if any movement would jumpstart the process of his inevitable departure. So he silently gazed at Matt's mesmerizing, peaceful face. Without the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders, the youthful, college student had a more innocent aura to him and it couldn't help but elicit a protectiveness within the vigilante spider- even though he knew the other man was more than capable of taking down an entire army on his own.

When they had both stirred awake, more romantic gestures were shared between the two of them, which continued and spilled into their morning shower and over their healthy breakfast.

But unfortunately, Sunday meant splitting ways so they could get ready for the week, and after a torrent of parting kisses, Peter finally left Hell's Kitchen for his own apartment in Queens.

However, to the hero's absolute pleasure, they would still see each other a fair amount of times throughout the week, both in their reds and in their civies.

He constantly found himself eagerly anticipating and counting down the time until they'd see each other next. No matter what he was going through that day - a rough shift at the Bugle, stopping another megalomaniac on a power trip, just thinking about the next time he'd see Matt again would instantly lift his spirits.

Other than that, Peter had spent a great majority of his time getting to work at the lab - both for the purposes of his school studies and his own personal research.

After their weekend of revelations, Matt had planted quite a few ideas inside the brainy scientist's head and some of them had taken a firm root.

Although they were turning out to be a little more complicated than he originally planned, he was nothing if not determined.

Thus, leading him to be fully absorbed in his projects and painfully ignorant of an impending holiday he had spent all of these recent years wholly ignoring.

He made it to their rendezvous a few minutes after Matt, hoping up onto the rooftop with the signature thwip of his webs.

"Hey, you. Looking devilishly handsome tonight," the spider said, his hazel eyes raking over the longer strands of red that flitted about the Devil's handsome face by the sky-high breeze.

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