Masks Off

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Peter’s old, worn converse skidded to a stop as Matt halted before crossing the  street to his house. Peter had fully expected to pause only for a brief moment, but when Matt didn’t move and instead laced their hands together, uniting them, turning them face to face, his soft pink lips fell open into a small bewildered gape.
Trapped under Matt Murdock’s smooth spell, Peter froze still, his heart beating wildly in his chest as his earlier question was repeated back to him.
A shiver ran down his spine as Matt’s hands gradually crept to his chest and Peter was sure he would be able to feel how hard his heart thrummed for him.
Slowly, they winded around his neck before then sensually moving across the smooth skin of his jaw, and in that moment Peter knew what Matt was about to do.
The other man’s breath on his was intoxicating and Peter’s free hand desperately clutched at the fabric of his coat to keep himself from completely wobbling to his weak knees.
As Matt’s low, hot voice finally answered him, Peter closed his gleaming hazel hues and let himself be surged forwards, parting his lips eagerly to meet the sweet ardent kiss. The fingers that clutched to Matt’s coat dragged around his side to wrap around his muscular back and pushed him closer.
A delicious web of sensations erupted in him at once, as if fireworks had been set off, vibrant and full of sparks. Peter Parker hadn’t felt this in so long, it breathed a new life into him as his mouth waxed and waned against Matt’s, exploring and discovering their equally pliant and pressing lips. He softly gasped into the kiss as he was tugged by his pants, shooting a spark of heat to stir his loins.
Peter tilted his head ever so slightly, deepening the kiss.
Matt was the only thing on the boy’s mind. His luring smell, his firm hands on his body, his strong arm supporting him, the way his mouth tantalizingly moved against his.
Breathing heavily, Peter slowly turned his head to the side, breaking the kiss only to plant a soft one by his cheek and whisper in his ear.
“I think we should up the ante, and take this to your place,” he gushed breathlessly.
Taking a step back from Matt, but still sticking close to his side, he edged them forwards to cross the road to his building. It took every last inch of the hero’s restraint as they climbed up the stairs to his apartment. 
But as soon as Matt managed to open the door, Peter’s mouth was on his again, and he was crowding him back against the door. Leaning up on the tips of his toes, his arms hooked themselves around Matt’s broad shoulders as he pressed his body against his.
Oh Matthew Murdock became a fundamentally different person with this kiss.
He felt it happen, it started in his toes and rose up the length of him, the spark of each clash of lips the tantalizing way that their breath mingled.
Peter's voice in his ear made every inch of him feel as though it was on pins and needles. He ached to touch the lithe figure but knew that the best recourse was to agree, and he only trailed him for a moment before taking the lead, sure to keep one steady hand on Peter all the way to the door which he admittedly felt like was more difficult than it would have been had he been less tipsy but he didnt have much time to ponder the notion, he could feel Peters heartbeat quicken as the bolt clicked and as Matt pushed the door open he all but pulled Peter into him, meeting him with lips and hands, his cane falling to the ground with a heavy thud and rolling away, a breathy grunt and a mischievous smirk the only reaction from his back hitting the door.
His sturdy hands found their way around the slim waist of the acrobat and, holding him close, he felt the passion with which Peter had been feeling all those pent up feelings. The same as he had. He was in no rush to move them, his hand falling to encourage Peters knee up, pressing them impossibly closer, his lips parting to run his tongue across the other man's lips.
His other hand rose, running his fingers into Peter's hair, peeling their lips apart with a gentle tug only to press them to Peter's supple slender nape. A move he ecouraged by firm direction with his entangled silky hair.
Matt had the fleeting thought, how soft Peter's hair was, it had been a question he'd pondered more than once. It had not disappointed.
But he didn't linger here long, lips reuniting with Peter's and moving his hands back to Peter's hips, he turned him, pinning him against the wall next to the door, which he kicked closed without skipping a beat.
From there he had two missions, get them down the hall, and get the coats off. His own he was half hazard with and slipped off and dropped in the floor, but as he pushed Peter's off of him he took the time to throw his jacket onto the couch. At no point were his lips more than a breaths away from Peter’s, his hands sure to tug him close anytime their bodies threatened to part even in the slightest.
This caused Matt to fall back into the wall a bit where he took the opportunity to make this easier on them now that the jackets were out of the way, wrapping his thick arms around Peter and lifting him so the long legs hugged around his waist.

As the heavy cane clattered to the floor to lay easily forgotten, and the devil’s sturdy hands fell to recapture the spider’s lissome body, it was like the rest of the world had disappeared and shrunk down to just the two of them in this apartment. The only thing remaining in Peter’s awareness was how his body felt against the other man's statuesque form.
The hand that strayed from his slender waist to grab and pull at his knee, dragging their bodies so close there was no room for imagination, coaxed a deep groan from Peter’s throat as it provoked the passion in his inner core to blaze with wanton need.
The spider was thoroughly enthralled. For once in his life, it seemed like the roles had been reversed and he was the one stuck in a tangle of webs; and even if he wanted to try, which he absolutely didn’t, there was utterly no way of escaping from them.
Under Matt’s smooth persuasive tongue, Peter’s lips easily parted and fingers clutched to him tighter.
Curious hands curled into his soft hair and when they tugged, they elicited a delicious gasp to spill from the photographer's lips. An attentive mouth then proceeded to attach to the sensitive skin of his neck, and Peter’s breath hitched in his throat.
“Gosh, Matt,” he said in a ragged whisper before his mouth was reclaimed in a searing kiss.
Lost in the thick haze of lust, he suddenly found himself with his back pressed up against the wall while his front was crowded by Matt’s firm body. Stuck in this position Peter felt as if he were about to melt on the spot. But they didn’t stay there for long because he was soon ushered further into the apartment.
Their fingers worked together, brushing against each other, as they peeled away at their coats.
Peter couldn’t have cared less where his clothes ended up. As long as they were off of his person. He was too occupied with Matt’s beautiful eyes and handsome face and delectable body in front of him to care for anything else. If he had wrinkly clothes in the morning then that would be a problem for future Peter to deal with.
As Matt swayed back against the wall, Peter’s hands clung to his sides, keeping their figures close.
His lithe acrobat physique pressed against his shredded combatant one and as he was hoisted into Matt’s arms, he automatically hitched his lean thighs around his trim waist. Wrapping him in long legs, he locked them in place. Peter had no intention of stopping the onslaught of kisses though. Leaning down, he brought their lips together over and over again while he was carried off into the bedroom.
He lightly raked his nimble fingers over the expanse of Matt’s muscular chest as he plucked the buttons of his shirt in haste. By the time they had made it to the bedroom Peter was already slipping it off from his bare shoulders and freeing him from it.

Peter's legs around his waist ended his awareness of any outside stimuli, he was similarly enraptured by Peter in a way he was incapable of ever recalling have happened before.
Not only because he couldn't recall, but because it may well have been unprecedented in his life.
He'd never felt both so aroused and so seen.
A combination of emotions that hit him hard like a blade to the side, but much the impenetrable boxer he dismissed the damage of it to be dealt with at a later time.
He could unpack his catholic guilt later.
Instead he focused on the heat of the other man against him, the thrum of their hearts that would sometimes synchronize for a span, between their breathy expressions of every adoration they had hidden away in the last few weeks.
Matt tugged at Peter's shirt, one hand slipping up his back to hold him close, though the agile aerialist was doing a good enough job on his own keeping them sealed together so that Matt could slide open the door to his bedroom and carry them both to the bed, laying Peter back into it with passionate waxes and wanes of lips.
He paused only to discard his shirt, his shoes and his glasses he had lost somewhere along the way but frankly he didn't care much about either.
He cared about plucking the buttons of Peter's shirt and exposing the fit planes of his chest, a task easily completed by one agile hand while the other managed his belt, whipping it out of his belt loops with a satisfying ffwip pop before it clattered to the ground. 
There was a slight tremor to his hand, nothing nervous but full of anticipation as, a little more freed he took the opportunity to lay into Peter, slowing their kisses, deepening them to pressing plunges as he slipped his arms back around the other man's waist.
He parted their lips, kissing at Peter's neck, his breath heavy as he sighed,
"This is perfect. Peter you're perfect."
It wasn't exactly the hottest thing, but it was full of an adoring doting tone, an admittance of a simple personal truth to the Devil.
When Peter was laid back onto the smooth, silky sheets of the bed, his legs unwinded from their tight hold around Matt’s waist and he bent his knees, framing him closely as he maneuvered to tug the rest of his clothes off.
As he paused to take his shoes and shirt off, Peter took the opportunity to shrug his own shoes off, and they fell out of sight, onto the floor with a muted thump. 
Freed from some of his garments, Matt turned his attention to the buttons of his shirt and with every pop, Peter felt nerves of anticipation churn within his stomach, and with the satisfying clatter of the belt being discarded his core clenched with hot physical desire. 
Peter rolled his shoulders, shimmying the shirt off before carelessly tossing it somewhere to his right.
As Matt eased back down onto his body, Peter’s lips earnestly met the passionate languid ebb and flow of Matt’s, welcoming every plunge and sweep and reciprocating with all of his ardor.
With Matt returning to plant kisses to his neck and whispering his confession, Peter felt something else stir inside him. Something more wholesome and pure in his chest.
It may not have been the hottest thing Matt had said that night, but it was surely the sweetest thing Peter had ever heard and he felt his heart swell with tenderness and warmth. 
His hands floated up to Matt’s face, holding his chiseled jaw between his two hands so he could bring him back in for a slow, tender kiss.
After a tender moment, he broke it but kept his mouth just barely brushing on his.
Peter murmured against his lush lips, “If I’m perfect then you’re magnificently amazing, Matt Murdock.”
He pulled away and lightly shook his head, rubbing the tips of their noses together before using his knees framed around Matt’s waist, and shifting their positions so he could hover over him.
With a bit more freedom on top, Peter slid his web shooters down the length of his arms and tossed them to the floor where his shirt resided in a heap before he leaned back down to plant a kiss to Matt’s lips and making the sensual journey down his alluring, tempting body. He slowly swept his lips over the slender column of his neck, to the center of his compact chest, and down the path of his ripped stomach while his hands were at work at his belt, removing it before flinging that off to the side too and he slid them off his long, shapely legs.
A small puff of a laugh escaped his lips and he returned the soft nuzzle, an endeared chuff really. There was something about Peter saying his name that made it feel all the more real, all the more grounded in reality not some late night activity of his second life but a primary element of his character. His feelings for Peter were something he wanted people to know about him. Not a secret to keep.
Matt Murdock and Peter Parker not Spiderman and Daredevil.
His soft smile grew as Peter rolled them, but as his head hit his cool silky pillow, Peter atop him, he came to a horrifying discovery.
Peter's sweater was under the pillow next to him.
Thankfully his silk sheets and the quilt style comforter were a similar grey and they were dutifully distracted.
Matt pocketed the problem for solving at a later time, relaxing back into the rumbled blankets as Peter sat up to free himself from the web slingers,  his hands traveling slowly up Peter's thighs to his hips and the planes of his stomach.
His fingers traced in a manor indicative of his intention, he was detailing Peter's image in his mind, filling it in with each careful consideration of his hip bones, his abs the firm curve of his chest.
Even as Peter came back to his lips his hands explored the other man in slow firm sweeps that mirrored their kiss.
But as Peter began his descent Matt found his own heart was thundering so loudly in his ears that he forgot everything else for a moment, he managed to help get the jeans off- something he was suprised to find was more relief than he realized.
Instead of letting himself get caught up in any anxiety he closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of Peter's lips against his scar scattered boxers body.
He pressed his fingers into the thick chestnut quaff but he was no longer directing or controlling the spindly spider, simply enjoying the soft wavy texture between his fingers along with the other overwhelming stimuli.
As Peter kissed his way down Matt’s taut torso, he felt his curious, exploratory hands map over the different landscapes of his body: over the soft, tender planes and dips of his warm ivory toned skin that tingled with delight under his touch, the firm well-developed muscles forged by his life of fighting crime and the sharp edges of his bones that gently protruded along his sleek sides and hips and shoulders. As they came to a rest in his brown waves of hair, Peter’s sensitive scalp prickled and he breathed out a soft delightful sigh.
His hot breath spilled over the smooth skin of Matt’s abdomen before he continued down with his dotting mouth and sweeps of tongue. Every time his lips grazed over the rough texture of a scar, he’d stop to press a fervent kiss to it before moving on.
Eventually coming to the junction of his thigh, Peter hesitated for a moment and opened his eyes, peering up from underneath his thick curtain of lashes to check on Matt’s blissful face.
A strange mixture of boldness and nerves swelled in the young man. Although he had never been with another man before, he trusted his confidence and passion would make up for where he lacked in experience.
So, without further delay, he tugged off the last stitch of clothing.
At first, his breath teasingly cascaded over the length of his desire. Then, he sank down into him; his hot, velvet mouth enveloping and constricting around him.
It took him a few moments of adjustment and careful breathing through his nose, but as he quickly became adjusted to the foreign feeling, he started to move up and down along his length, even constricting his cheeks, building the tension around him.
Matt was admittedly relieved Peter took the plunge first, because he was in the process of telling himself something similar.
He could make up for his lack of experience, after all he was a man he knew what he liked, and he knew that he felt a similar excitment and passion that would hopefully overcome his novice in return. 
But it was an anxiety that didn't live long in his head, Peter's breath on his skin was an explosion of color behind his eyes.
Matt lived in a world of darkness, but the input of the outside world acted as splashes of color in his backdrop, ink that spread and blended with others to create a sort of inpressionistic painting, a rainbow of shifting and colors that cast his world in three sixty.
It was one of his greatest advantages as a fighter, the ability to see all the way around him at all times.
He'd be a dead man if something were to happen now.
Peter literally became his whole world, there was darkness and there was the glowing heat of Peter's skin, a delicate pink, the wild thrum of his heart a fiery red. The web slinger radiated a low humm frequency that others didn't, that Matt had taken to thinking of simply as Peter energy, it surrounded him in an aura of blue.
But even Matt's awareness of all this waned as Peter's lips tightened around him.
"oh christ Peter"
His voice caught and came out as a breathy groan and he spead his legs more, his knee rising in the slightest writhe of pleasure.
Every inch of him was alight, tingling, and one hand stayed tangled in Peter's hair but the other rose the grab a fistful of the pillow behind his head.
With every plunge of Peter's lips Matt's lips parted with breathy moans, groaning Peter's name for an extra dose of serotonin, saying the other mans name felt almost as good as his mouth it was a reminder of just how real his fantasy had become.
To Peter, there was no hotter or sweeter sound in the world than his name breathed out from Matt's lips.
It wracked a shiver through his body that ran from the top of his head, fuzzing his thoughts, down to the tips of toes that curled.
His heart hammered in his chest, and blood rushed like a running river in his ears.
Pleasure pulsed throughout every vein in his body as he opened his eyes and watched Matt gradually become undone under his sultry attentions.
Gosh, this could get addicting, Peter thought. Dangerously addicting.
As the hand in his hair tangled further into his luscious locks, he moaned around him.
Peter slowed his movements and tightened the pressure around Matt, dragging out the hot sweet tension and testing the very last of his restraints.
However, before Matt could get too close to spilling over the edge, Peter lifted his head, his mouth making a soft pop as he lifted his moist lips. 
Sliding his own boxers off of his hips and kicking them away, Peter pushed himself up to hover over the other vigilante, his breath ragged as he tried to shove air back into his lungs.
“Sorry, don’t mean to be a tease,”
His breath hitched as he slotted their lower bodies against each other, escalating the sweet hot build up. One of his hands propped himself up while the other entwined around their members, and  he stroked as he rocked his hips.
Peter wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but it sure felt good. And if Matt was enjoying it and he was enjoying it, then the rest didn’t matter to him.
As Peter pulled away from him Matt took the opportunity to do the same, catching the breath that had been lingering just out of reach since the spider's slow descent on him.
As Peter's warmth reunited with him he met it with open arms, slipping them around the trimmer man and giving a breathy laugh, which stuttered slightly as Peter took them between long fingers,
"Ah-huh so you don't *mean* to be. But you at least know you are…"
It was a breathy teasing joke that Matt mumbled into Peter's ear, his hand having wandered up to grasp the back of the other man's slender neck.
He hummed softly, his breathing at a more reasonable tempo now and growled,
"But please, let me return the favor. "
With the ease of a well trained wrestler, the same as he was a fighter, he pinned the other man with one sweeping move, one hand supporting his waist, the other his neck, though as he was hitting the rumpled mess of blanket and sheets he'd find his hands pinned next to his head, Matt's firm grasp on his wrists, the devil's lips on his neck, and the cool heavy weight of the only thing left on the pious man's body, a silver cross which proceeded his warm lips as they moved down Peters toned chest and the ridges of his stomach.
He released the other man's wrists so that he could instead position himself between the acrobats knees, a position he'd found himself envying criminals for at least once. One hand prefaced his lips, taking Peter's member in his firm grasp, perhaps a little teasing with his thumb.
He meant what he said, he wanted to return the favor, but not as some form of give and take, there was a genuine excitement that nipped at Matt, he wanted to be good at this, he wanted Peter to enjoy himself just as much as he was.
So much so that as he placed long kisses to the sensitive inner thigh, there was a small smile on his lips, nothing meant for Peter, just a genuine pinch in the corner of the mouth.
The sentiment stayed as his lips finally found their way to Peter's own aroused state, the length of which he ran his tongue up before taking into the heat of his mouth.
He was slow for a moment, similarly to his new partner there was a learning curve. But similarly he was a smart man and more than capable of learning on the fly and adapting.
It took him only a moment to hollow his cheek and though one thick bicep was hooked beneath a spindly leg, the other helped in his returning the favor.

Matt's solid hand on the smooth expanse of his neck, his mouth mumbling hot words in his ear, the weight of his firm body against his, were grounding forces in Peter's euphoric state, anchoring him down to the moment, reminding him that this was all in fact very real.
Matt’s joke coaxed a mischievous grin to rise to his lips and he let out an airy chuckle and stretched himself out further across his body to enforce his point on being a tease. But with another murmur of suave words against the shell of his ear, Peter suddenly found himself subjected to being manhandled onto his back. His breath hitched as his head hit the cool pillow and his hands were pinned by his face by strong arms. The smooth move pulled off by the devil shot ripples of pleasure through his core and he groaned as Matt’s lips attached to his neck and started their own slick journey down the contours of his athletic form. The silver chain sliding down against the heat of his skin sent tantalizing shivers down his spine. 
As he reached his legs and settled at their apex, the kiss placed to his inner thigh tightened the muscles of his lean belly and his heart seemed to flutter around in his chest.
His hands balled into the silky sheets around him. 
This was how he was going to go, he thought. In a passionate fire of bliss, pinned under Matt’s comforting weight, and to be honest he’d be perfectly fine with that.
Heat pooled in his lions under Matt’s teasing attentions, and he sighed, “And you called me a tease?”, but as soon as the hot velvet heat of his mouth fully enveloped him, Peter tipped his head back, his mouth falling open into a soft o’ shape, unable to stop the moan that escaped from his tender lips.
Even if Matt lacked practice at first, Peter  didn’t notice or care, as the devil had certainly covered it up with his earnest fervor. But when he changed his tactic and constricted around Peter, Peter felt all the air knocked from his lungs as fireworks exploded in his brain and his loins.
Swallowed by uninhibited rapture, Peter arched the top of his slender back.
“Oh Matt, Matt,” he softly moaned, his long, nimble fingers carded through the sleek russet hair and curled into his locks.

Matt’s name escaping the hero's lips in such a salacious manner made his own stomach stir in a way he hadn't known was possible, it made his eyes flutter and roll back into his head as he hummed a soft moan of his own around Peter as his fingers encouraged his lips further down on him.
He was a fast learner for sure, any novice hesitance was dismissed and replaced with a braisen confidence with each pant of his name.
And when he was sure that he had brought Peter up to the same edge, tip toed up against the ledge just above the churning sea that crashed just as hard in Peter's ears as it did in Matt's, only then did he pull away panting and sweaty, his own stomach fiery with pent up passion that threatened to overrun at Peter's wonton moans.
He hesitated, his heady hot breath lingering on Peter's exposed aroused skin before he moved back up to meet his lips again, having spent for too long away from him.
He moved slow so that his panted breaths kissed at Peters skin as he crawled back up him, necklace dragging a cool line behind his scorching sighs.
Pressing their lips back together he did a similar move as Peter had earlier, taking both of them in hand to grind their hot and bothered regions together.
Then in a tender moment he pressed their foreheads together, letting their breath mingle and his hands run up the heros hips.
"I only want to explore as far as you are ready to, and I don't want you to feel pressured…"
He licked his lips and tried to stifle the smile that was threatening to take his lips.
"But I think I might have just become addicted to you."
His voice came out breathy and a little hoarse his broad shoulders and chest felt as though they pulsated with the ferocity of his heartbeat.
But he felt happier than he had in a really really long time.

As Matt pushed Peter closer and closer to the edge, Peter could feel every muscle in his body clench with growing need. His teeth bit into his lower lip, overwhelmed with overstimulated nerves. And as he rode the piercing swells of desire, the only thing he could think about was beautiful, kind, amazing Matt, and the comforting and titillating feeling of Matt on his body.
When he finally released him to kiss his way back up his quivering skin, Peter took the opportunity to catch his breath. With the heavy rising and falling of his chest, he ran his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair and sighed.
However, that reprieve was very short since as soon as Matt had crawled up to capture his lips in a delightful kiss, his hands slid down to grind them together, shooting a wave of delicious torment around his hips.
As their warm breath mingled together in a heady perfume and they rested their foreheads against one another, Peter felt an odd sense of… wholeness? As if, he had been wandering around with a depression in his breast, hollow and empty, void of that extra oomph of li
fe. And now - to be fair, ever since he had met the  man - there was a new breath of life blown into him.
One of his hands came up to rub at the top of Mat’s muscular, toned back, while his other carefully swept his hair out of his heated face.
Peter smiled a wide, brilliant smile that could rival the sun.
“I feel the same way,” he replied with an air of heady anticipation as his fingers brushed over the sharp contours of his jaw.  “I won't be satisfied until I know every part of you. Every single last inch. Inside and out.”
Matt felt like suddenly the world was a much more promising place. He felt like he could carry it on his shoulders without wear.
It was a settling sense of partnership that Matt had never scathed in his short life of hardships.
Peter's hands on his skin felt both searing and soothing, menthol balm.
He had no control over the smile that had settled on his lips, permeating him on such an intimate level as Matt had never known.
What he did know, however, was that they were both very close to reaching climaxes, blood was rushing, hearts thundering, blood pooling, his bedroom had become a heady intoxicating atmosphere that made Matt nearly sure they had found their way to an alien planet.
Sure that Peter not only understood his incumbent addictive affections but mirrored them, Matt's lips found the other mans in a tender lingering manor as his hand fell to continue their mutual heated grinding, sure he could push them both over the edge with the sheer friction of their hips against one another.
Matt groaned into Peter's lips, nipping at his bottom lip before nuzzling into the nape of his neck, his lips grazing and breathy against the hero's flushed neck before he tugged gently at his ear.
It didn't take Matt long to come back to that point of nearly bubbling over, his breath coming out in moan laced sighes broken only by his lips and the gentle brush of teeth, the hand not keeping them bound together in their heated friction rose to tangle into Peters hair, keeping both points of them tethered tightly together.

Matt’s smile was one of Peter's most favorite things about the man. He had the ability to do a great many things to him, but just the simple curl of the corner of his lips was enough to raise his pulse, change up his mood in an instant, like taking a shot of happiness. It was effortlessly charming. He was effortlessly charming.
Peter eagerly met the tender kiss in an equal gentleness with an air of deep brewing passion.
As Matt grinded down on his body, stirring the heat in their loins once more, Peter rolled his tight hips up to meet his movements. His long fingers grazed down his neck, down the front of his chest, brushing them lightly over the cool chain of the silver cross, and down to his toned abdomen to join his hand while his other curled around the chiseled muscles of his strong back, keeping him close in their tight knit hold.
With every grind and pull and sweep of limbs and lips, tongues and teeth, the sweltering heat of desire swelled to a rising crescendo within the young man.
It didn't take very long until they were rushing off the edge together, tumbling into the throes of eros.
As waves of pleasure crashed into him, Peter tipped his head back and moaned into Matt's ear, the fingers along his back curled, clinging on to his  smooth skin tightly.
As they were left in the wake of their love-making , Peter raised his head and united their lips in a long languid kiss before easing back down onto the silky pillow.
Taking a moment to catch his breath, the spider thought he could stay in the devil’s clutches forever in euphoric bliss.
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of that”, he chuckled, a bright smile splitting his face. Lifting his nose, he nuzzled Matt’s.
Slowly, as he regained some control on his wobbly, long limbs, Peter murmured something about cleaning them off.
Planting a kiss to Matt’s temple, he shifted under him to roll out of bed and headed into the bathroom where he found a rag in the cabinet under the sink. Dampening it lightly, he returned, easing himself on to the ruffled bedsheets, crawling on top of Matt once more so he could run the soothing coolness of the cloth over the defined contours of his body.
Matt made a similar throaty groan, buried into the nimble man's neck as their passionate first encounter came to a head. Matt’s world burst into a mess of signals that were never truly received, a barrage of incoming which would never make it to anywhere cognizant and instead stayed in some liminal space while he came back to his senses.
He didn’t move away from Peter right away, instead lingering with the man in his arms as he regained the ability to put air in his lungs which was slow coming.
He had fought off hoards of men at once, and though he often found his world started to fade with exhaustion towards the ends of large encounters such as that, nothing had made his head spin and his heart thunder like Peter Parker had.
He let out a breathy chuckle and nodded his head along to Peter’s soft sweet joke, it made Matt’s heart squeeze painfully in his chest, though he managed a soft nod and moved away from Peter to sit at the edge of the bed, running his fingers into the fringes of his hair.
A deep sigh escaped him, but as Peter disappeared into the bathroom and the sound of the water came on Matt jumped to realization and reached across the bed to yank the sweater out from under the pillow and throw it underneath the bed just as Peter was coming out of the bathroom.
Matt internally cringed a little, sure that wasn't as smooth as he'd of liked but hoping Peter wouldn't notice, he met the man's gentle caresses with the cloth with a wandering hands of his own, it found the other man's thighs, rose to his hips, the harsher bones of which his fingers traced.
"There is an extra toothbrush in the bathroom. And you are welcome to anything in my dresser." When they were both cleaned up Matt shifted to find his boxers, (and kick Peter's sweater further under the bed), but ultimately slid under the silk sheets, pulling the other man into him with a firm grasp on his wrist wrapping him in his broad arms in a way that came off almost protective of the smaller man who could lift a bus over his head.
When they had both settled into the bed, Matt's arms wound around the spiders he pressed a kiss to his shoulder before laying his head on the pillow. His brown eyes settled on Peter’s for a moment before a hand rose, gently tracing the other man's jaw, then his cheek bone.
"Peter...what color are your eyes?"

“You know… you’re being real distracting,” Peter teased as Matt’s hands ran over the dips and corners of his thighs and hips, unable to help the small shiver that coursed through him.
At Matt’s comment he looked up from the cloth lacing up his body and a hint of surprise crept into his face.
Peter hadn’t done this sort of thing in… well… years. So he hadn’t exactly been sure what would come next out of this. Did he go home? He sure didn’t want to go home and Matt didn’t seem like he wanted him to go. What did one exactly do in these sorts of.. encounters?
But with helpful instruction from his intimate partner, the awkward, bashful, nerdy Peter Parker grinned softly and nodded his head,  “Oh, thanks,”  he mumbled a little coyly.
Once the cool cloth had finished roaming over his now pristine skin, Peter also got up to fetch his boxers that lay abandoned at the end of the bed, however, lucky for Matt, he did not look underneath the somber bed frame, completely oblivious of his sweatshirt that lurked in the shadows.
Pulling the sleek fabric over his hips that hugged his curves in all the right places, he threw the rag into the laundry hamper effortlessly from across the room and padded back over to the bathroom to find the extra toothbrush Matt had referred too. He brushed his teeth squeaky clean and once he was done, he wandered over to the contents of Matt’s closet, selecting his dark blue hoodie and easily shimmying it over his more petite torso.
As he returned to the bed, he happily found himself looped into those strong arms again and he laughed a bright, bubbly giggle as he was tugged deeper into his protective hold and into the solid, compact weight of his  well-built vigilante body.
Peter's heart soared and he curled his arms over his, wanting to stay in this position forever.
However, as Matt slipped under the silky soft covers, Peter joined him  and twisted his body to face him.
As the devil’s hands found his waist again, Peter reached out to throw his arm over his broad chest, drawing him so close they breathed the same warm, intimate air.
Matt’s hand trailed up along the structure of his face and Peter smiled a smile that crinkled the corner of his eyes and bloomed a delightful glow to his cheeks.
“My eyes…?” Peter paused, thoughtfully thinking it over before he spoke again. “My eyes are like puddles of honey bathed in the sunlight… and in the darkness… they’re like two big pots of molasses.” His hands curled over his chest and his long legs intertwined with Matt’s. “But most would just call them hazel.”
Leaning forwards, he brought his lips to lightly sweep over Matt’s brow.
“What else would you like to know?”  he softly spoke, and kissed his forehead before laying his head to rest on the plush pillow.

"A distracting tease, I'm glad you have figured me out."
Matt had hummed softly with a small teasing smile as he was joined by the other man, and to his soft thoughtful description and the punctuated kiss that followed Matt smiled a little more genuine, soft and sweet.
"Everything." He sighed softly, his hand having fallen to rest on Peter's neck, tracing the edge of his hair line with soft motions.
"I want to know everything about Peter Parker."
Matt cherished the warmth of their intertwined legs, his other hand still languidly draped over the slimmer man's waist.
"I want to know your favorite color and your favorite book, and all about what the hell biochemistry even entails, I want to know your favorite food and what you hate more than anything, I want to know your favorite Friends character and your first heartbreak."
He took a small breath and leaned his head back a bit, smiling at the ceiling for a moment.
"But I am also excited to take my time. So for now I think I am okay filling in the hue of your eyes, the rest will come. I'm changing my major to Peter Parker."
He made a face, he was pretty sure that was the lyrics to a musical, he sometimes lingered outside theaters on show nights to watch the show from the rooftops.
That must have snuck into his head.
He hummed softly and leaned back into Peter, pressing his forehead to the other man's neck.
He could feel, as his adrenalin from their passionate night began to wane, that a satiated exhaustion lingered at the edges of his eyelids, egged on by the booze and release of so much pent up tension.
As he slipped into a docile state, just before slumber he had a passing thought.
He was pretty sure he wouldn't be letting this man go, ever.
Though even as he thought this and slipped slowly into the throws of sleep he found himself flooded with sensory input, jumping slightly from his slumber as a man frequently in danger might.
It was a few hours later, Matt reached across the bed to his side table and ran his fingers over the braille clock.
Four fifteen, his body wasn't used to going to bed as early as they had and he found himself surging with an unusual amount of energy, or a perfectly usual amount for a man who was also often running late.
He quieted his thoughts enough to take stock of the heartbeat next to him, their legs still tangled together, and wondered if he would be able to slip out of the bed without waking the astute hero.
He'd have to risk it, his mouth was drier than a desert.
So ever so slowly he peeled away from Peter, inch by inch with that trained stealth at full work.
Bare chested the apartment hit him like an iceberg and he shuddered before kneeling to tug Peter's sweater out from under the bed, tugging it on seeing as his was snuggly wrapped around the spider. Fine by him.
He padded into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of the water from the filtered pitcher before pouring a second glass to take back and set on the side table, in case Peter awoke with a similar need.

Peter’s hazel hues softly fluttered underneath Matt’s soothing ministrations, and as he continued to run featherlight touches over his neck and hairline, Peter let out a content sigh, the kind that people made when they were truly at peace- which  that alone was highly unusual for the jaded hero, but especially right before bed.
Unfortunately, falling asleep was never a peaceful process for Peter Parker. For when his brain was finally quieting after a long day, it was the opportune moment for all of the thoughts he’d managed to suppress to execute their ambush and get the jump on him, causing him to toss and turn until he was either so tired he eventually passed out or he just gave up and got up to occupy himself with something else to do.
Maybe, deep in the subconscious of his brain, it’s why he usually avoided getting any rest.
But those plagueful thoughts were far from touching him now that he was safely nestled in Matt’s protective arms.
In fact, an airy laugh graced his mouth as Matt began to list off all of the things he wanted to know about him. When he said everything, he really meant everything.
Peter let out an amused hum and grazed his fingertips over the skin of Matt’s bare chest, making sure to avoid putting too much pressure on any new scars or tender bruises.
“Well, I’m happy to give you a private, one-on-one tutoring session. My only fee is that for any question I answer, you have to answer too.”  As he chuckled lightly, Matt, who now had his face pressed into the crook of his neck would be able to feel its vibrations underneath his silken skin. “Because I was also interested in taking a few lessons on Matt Murdock, actually. In fact, it’s my new favorite subject, I can’t get enough of.”
Peter yawned softly as the clouds of sleep suppressed his thoughts. Feeling the weight of the day on his eyelids, he closed his eyes, allowing himself to gradually ease into slumber. But just as sleep threatened to sweep him away, in a soft sleepy murmur he added “and the answer is Phoebe..Phoebe is my favorite Friends..”  he yawned.
The very last thing he was conscious of was how good it felt to be surrounded by Matt’s warmth and smell and touch.  Nothing to worry about or stay on alert for.  Just Matt Murdock's comforting presence.
And for the first time, in a really long time, Peter had the most restful sleep of his life.
He didn’t have nightmares and he didn’t dream. It was only the cool, refreshing darkness.
But when he did eventually regain consciousness, the first thing he was aware of was the stabbing pain in his head and the dehydration that had overtaken his body while he'd slept. The second thing, and perhaps more alarming, was that this was definitely, absolutely not his own bed.
But before panic could officially settle in, Peter popped open his eyes and he took in the comforting warmth of Matt’s body lying next to him on the soft blankets.
Instant relief flooded through him as the events of the previous night rushed back to the forefront of his mind, he released an equally relieved and happy sigh.
The faint orange morning light shifted through the window panes in Matt’s bedroom and it flickered off the red in his hair, setting it aglow like flames.  Peter didn't move for a moment and simply admired it.
Rubbing his face, Peter sat up slowly. Glancing to the side table, he was pleasantly surprised to discover a glass of water had been set up for him and gratefully drank from it.

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