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~Madeline Payne~

The scream of sirens sound in the distance, making phlegm rise in my throat. I bite my lip and grab at my skirt's fabric.

"Madeline," Zayn says, pulling me to my feet, "We have to go." He pulls me through the crowd. I suddenly collide with another person and a liquid runs down the front of my shirt. The smell makes me scrunch up my face and my eyes begin to water.

"Watch it!" Zayn exclaims, throwing a punch to the man who ran into me. He crumbles to the floor. This one time I ignore Zayn's relief of anger, just this once. "Madeline, run!" I follow Zayn, keeping my eyes on the back of his head.

My own head spins with terrifying thoughts of the unknown.

"Zayn what's happening?" I question, hoping for a whole different answer.

Before I know it, a shot rings through the room, interrupting the chaos.

~Niall Horan~

I come to, my breaths calm. I'm in no physical pain, but emotional pain is a whole different story. Confusion coats my mind, haunting my thoughts like a poltergeist. I feel lonely, left forlorn. I was left hurt, broken by the one who should have loved me, the one who should have cared about me most.

I have lost track of the days I have spent wandering the place I had once called home. Maybe it's been weeks, months, or even years. I only know that when daylight turns to darkness, I lose an ounce of my once strong hope. What am I looking for anyway?

Many people mistake life for a time in which they can make billions of dollars and become something big, something amazing, but in all reality, life is a time to thank God for life, and not this painful one on Earth, but eternal life that some of us may not have the honor to be granted. Whether they will be granted it or not depends on themselves and themselves only.

I hear a rustle, and I hide.

I'm really sorry that this is so short. It was written several months ago when I was much busier. I don't know if I will be able to update next weekend.

Thanks for reading!

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