Chapter Nine - Flowers in Your Eyes

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Note: The plan for this Fanfic was written before the reveal of Hollow Mind, so this fanfic is even FARTHER from canon than it already was.
Note 2: This is also being written before Edge of The World

Blood always meant something. When blood was drawn it meant something to the individual inflicting it. It meant something to the inflicted.
But does blood really mean anything after it is so easily spilled?

It was the final battle for the Day of Unity. If Eda, Luz, Hunter, and Amity lost the battle, the Day of Unity would be executed, along with the sacrifice of one of their own. But if they fought back, the hostages, Edric, Emira, Willow, Gus, and Raine would all be forced down into burning hot fires.

"It's customary for the challenger to have the first move in the witches duel." Emperor Belos said. Eda glared daggers, the children stood behind her, being only Hunter and Luz, as Amity was off doing...whatever in the castle.
"Gladly." Eda replied in a spiteful tone, snatching something from inside her pocket. It was a clump of metal with a glyph amalgamation taped to it. The glyph was the same one that Eda had created before, being the one that created the ice creature that nearly suffocated King. (The thing in Escaping Expulsion)
Eda chucked it at Emperor Belos, full force, aiming square for the head. Emperor Belos swiftly dodged it.
"Without magic, you've become more powerless than I thought. Resorting to throwing rocks like a barbaria—" he was cut off as the ice monsters erupted from the glyph.
He yelled out as he hit the ground.
"What were you say Belos?" Eda spat.
"Ugh, you're getting on my nerves." Emperor Belos replied with venom in his voice. He quickly rose from his place on the floor. He could will the souls of the palismen that he has killed over the years, and so, his hand turned into a blade.
Hunter knew the blade all to well. It's cutting edge was enough to slice through skin with no effort.
"Eda!" Hunter called out.
But it was to late. The blade threw itself towards Eda. She dodged it. But before she knew it, the blade retracted back before throwing itself at her again.
Eda dodged the blade again and again, she could feel it cutting through the air around her.
"No!" Luz cried. She tried to help, she really did, but she didn't know what to do. This situation, the state of fear was chocking her.

Eda, at first, didn't feel any pain. She heard the sounds of screams, and cries, but she didn't feel anything. But she felt the pool of blood forming, as she hit the marble ground. At first, she had thought she had fallen down. But she felt the blood.
'Oh, guess I got shot.' She thought. It was so strange. Her body was simply not able to comprehend the pain. She saw Luz and Hunter shaking her, begging for her to answer, to be okay. But she couldn't process any of it. All she could think of, was the quiet sounds of silence.

The Owl Beast, in the rage and pain, cried out one last time, before silencing alongside Eda. Eda's muscles strained and twitched, she didn't have enough energy or focus to go into Harpy Eda form. She was so tired. It was about time that she go to sleep. She decided to rest her eyes a little. It had been a long day.

"No! What have you done?!" Hunter cried, tears clouding his vision as he sat over Eda's body.
"I could ask you the same. If you had just listened to me, none of this would have happened." Emperor Belos said.
Luz gritted her teeth, sharp breathes forced themselves in and out of her lungs.
"You monster!" She cried as she rose from her knees.

"Maybe to you. But in the end, I'm the true savior of this world." He said. He was so tall. He towered over Luz and Hunter.
"With a small payment to the titan, this world will be freed of witches. Of all magic. Cleansing the Boiling Isles, properly." Emperor Belos said, throwing his hands in the air, as if celebrating.
"That's genocide! And everything you've been telling people, it's all been lies!" Hunter cried out as small tears swept down his face, and his greasy hair swung back and forth.
"You're just a scam artist!" He added. Emperor Belos frowned.
"Now that's a little cruel. I'd prefer the name 'mastermind'." Emperor Belos said. Luz was wheezing. She was so angry. So sick. So tired. She was going to kill him. She was going to kill Emperor Belos. Looking from Eda, to Hunter, to her friends trapped above, she was so filled with hate, with vengeance. She couldn't contain it.

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