The Music Club

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The song I added goes with a part of the story. You don't need to listen to it.
It was after school and I convinced Rin to join a club I'm in. The music club. Kaito, Miku, Meiko, and Luka are in it too. Along with a green haired girl named Gumi and a white haired boy named Piko. I've always found Piko's eyes interesting. One eye is blue and the other is green.
"What do you do in the music club?" Rin asked me. We were standing at the door to the club.
"Sing and write music. We've got all sorts of instruments in here. You name it and we probably have it." I opened the door. Rin walked inside and I followed her, shutting the door behind me.
"Hello!" Miku ran up to us.
Meiko walked next to Miku. "Are you joining our little club, Rin?"
"Yes." Rin said quietly.
"You need to speak up, girly." Kaito said.
"Yes." Rin practically shouted.
"There you go. Well, if you want to join you need to sing some song." Kaito walked over to Rin.
"Alright... But what should I sing?"
"Len, why don't you show her some of the songs you wrote."
"Alright." I walked over to a table and grabbed a yellow binder that had 'Songs by Len' on it. I handed it to Rin and she looked through it.
Rin picked the song I called Kokoro.
I went over to the piano and sat down.
"I'll play the instrumental and you sing, 'Kay?" I looked up at Rin who followed me to the piano.
I played the piano while Rin sang. She seemed to enjoy it.
After the song everyone was silent. Rin looked like she was about to cry. I guess she though they hated it but I know their silence meant that they were too speechless for how awesome it was.
"We loved it!" Miku exclaimed.
"Really?!" Rin smiled.
"Yeah. Welcome, Rin." Kaito patted her head and she made a barking sound. We all laughed.
I think Rin is going to really like this club and she's perfect for it. She has an amazing singing voice and can read music sheets perfectly. I guess she had a lot of practice. Or maybe it just comes to her naturally. Whatever it is, it was great. I can't wait to hear her sing again.
An hour and a half later, Rin and I left. I told her I would walk her home.
"So did you like it?" I asked Rin.
"I didn't like it. I loved it! Thank you, Lenny!" She hugged me and I hugged her back.
She was so warm, I didn't want our hug to end.
She let go of me and I did the same.
We continued on our walk to her house.
I stopped walking when I saw my dad and my step mom walking hand in hand.
"What's wrong, Len?" Rin looked up at me.
Apparently my step mom heard Rin say my name and she looked over at me.
"Oh, Lenny-boo~!" There she goes again calling me that ridiculous name.
My dad looked over at me and waved.
I waved back and grabbed Rin's hand. I ran off practically dragging her with me. I guess I was a faster runner than her.
We arrived at her house and stopped running. We were panting and she leaned against me.
There was a blonde women in her yard and I could've sworn I've seem her before. I guess that is her mom. The last time I was at her house, her mom wasn't here.
The lady looked at us, rushed inside, and came back out with two water bottles. She handed them to us.
"Well... You must be Len. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." I smiled at her. "Well, I must go. See you tomorrow, Rinny." I walked away until the house was out of sight. Then I texted Brendan asking him to pick me up. I didn't feel like walking home. When he arrived, I got into the limo and told him about my day and Rin's amazing singing voice.

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