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M/N's Pov: (next day)

Jeff's reaction was hilarious! I can't stop laughing at the memory of it! Oh- shit! He looks pissed!

"Stop laughing! It's not fucking funny!" ...I only laugh more!

"Aw! Come on Jeff, you can't say it wasn't funny! You couldn't even speak!" Pff, he looks like a pouty child who didn't get the toy they wanted at the store!

"You know what. Fine. If you won't can it after I said to, I'll make you!" Oop. I am dead. Well.....NO REGRETS! I aim for the kitchen door but, considering Jeff is. Well, Jeff. He stopped me before I could even start running. His hands on either side of me, on the counter. I freeze for a moment, his bright, blue eyes locked with my E/C ones. I quickly avert my gaze.

"Well, guess this is karma! You made your point so I'll just." I placed my hands on his arm, going to move it but, considering his inhumane strength, that failed. Welp, this is awkward!

"M/N." Nope.

"M/N...." HELL NO!

"M..../....N." I am going to fucking have a heart attack you dumbfuck! MOVE YOUR DAMN ARM!

"Look. At. ME." I look at him. Yep. He's pissed.

"Heh...." I laugh awkwardly. This is awkward as fuck. Oh. Jeff grabs my chin firmly with his hand and kisses me. I freeze for a moment but kiss back. He breaks it for a moment but then continues, okay. This is getting intense! He slips his tounge into my mouth, deepening the kiss as his other arm wraps around my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck in response.

"Ahem." Jeff instantly broke the kiss, turning to the voice, we're still in the same position.


"Well I was hoping to speak with you but it seems you were rather busy, not, killing someone, though I'd prefer that over witnessing you making out, anyday!" Jeff gives a bothered "tch" before moving his hands to my shoulders and leaning down and whispering in my ear.

"I'll be right back, don't think for even a fucking second were done here. M/N.~" What?! He let's go of me and walks towards the weird guy, out the kitchen, I hear the back door open and close. FUCK YOU JEFF! I let out a frustrated growl as I violently eat a piece of toast in frustration.

~Oop, time skippo!~

I roll over on my bed, looking out my window. I haven't seen Jeff since this morning with that weird guy, I didn't even get a good look at him from the angling, and Jeff being crazy tall! Hell I couldn't even think straight because of all that happening out of no where! You know what! I don't care! I could give a fuck less if he comes back or not! That just means I am free from his bs!

One minute. Two minutes. Three. Four.

FUCK JEFF WHERE ARE YOU! I bolt out of bed and head downstairs. Nothing. Doors are locked, Jeff doesn't lock doors, hell he doesn't even lock the bathroom! I learned that the hard way. Jeff. Why am I even freaking out over this! He's a killer, he can handle himself! Fuck I could look on the news now, he's probably back to killing! Back... to his life before he met me.

Am I really that easy to forget?

Was everything meaningless to him?

Images of his lips on mine flash through my mind. The way he held me.

"I'll be right back, don't think for even a fucking second were done here. M/N.~"

He's coming back! I sit in the living room in a arm chair. I will just wait. If he doesn't come back....then screw him!

My focus moves to the clock. It's already 4 in the morning. Where....is he. Before I could even think any further I pass out. Fuck.

(A/N: WooHOO! Updates! Fun! Now have fun for anyone still reading! Yeah, Jeff is fun! I'll leave you to guess who that guy was!)

A Little Game With A Killer (Jeff The Killer x M!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora