Daigo x reader

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Requested by inumakimarryme

      (y/n) is one of the best blader around the world. She's the former member of Beigoma Academy club and is a childhood friend of Valt, Shu and Xander.
She joined BC Sol with Valt and Rantaro. Valt is world champion now and (y/n) usually trains with him at BC Sol forest stadium.

One day when they returned from their practice..

Kris- Hey (y/n) and Valt, see there's a letter for you.

Valt- Letter? Who send it?

Kris- It's from your old friend from Japan. DAIGO!

(y/n)- Really? DAIGO SEND IT!!

Actually (y/n) is having a crush on Daigo.

Valt- Let me open this letter. *reads* Ohh, Daigo invited all of us ex beigoma academy club members for a REUNION PARTY.

(y/n)- Woww, that's nice!

Valt- We have to go tomorrow. I'll tell Honcho too. Let's go and pack our things.

(y/n)- Okay!

Kris- Enjoy.

Timeskip to night.

(y/n) is laying down on bed while thinking about tomorrow's reunion.

(y/n) mind- Wow, I'll meet my old friends tomorrow, specially DAIGO. He's my crush. I still remember the day when I first met him..


Is was raining heavily. (y/n) has to go home but she's waiting for the sun under the tree in a park. She's a little wet too. Suddenly, a boy with black hairs appeared there with a red umbrella in his hand.

Daigo- Hey, what are doing here? Need any help?

(y/n)- Um, I have to go home but it's raining!

Daigo- Oh, um, if you don't have any problem, you can share with my umbrella. I'll drop you home.

(y/n)- Huh? *thinking what to do* O.. Okay

Daigo- *smiled* Come

They both are walking UNDER ONE UMBRELLA. Their shoulders are very close to each others.

Daigo- So, what's your name?

(y/n)- I'm (y/n)(l/n)

Daigo- And I'm Daigo Kurogami.

They reached to (y/n)'s house gate.

(y/n)- Thanks Daigo for helping me today.

Daigo- Um, it's nothing *little blushed* Okay, Bye.

(y/n)- Bye! *after he went, she put her hand on her heart* DAIGO *said in a slow, soft voice*

Flashback end.

Next day in Japan.

At airport-

Valt, rantaro, (y/n) in union- WE'RE BACK!

Then a crowd of people came and surrounded them.

Girl1- Look, it's VALT AOI, THE CHAMPION!

Girl2- He's so cute.

Girl3- Rantaro is also cute.

Boy1- (y/n)!!! She's so beautiful.

Boy2- (y/n) are you free today?

Valt, rantaro and (y/n) are annoyed now.

Then Daigo came out of nowhere and helped them to reach out of the airport.

Daigo- Welcome back guys.

Then Valt and Rantaro hugged him tightly.

Rantaro- We missed you so much.

Valt- Yeah yeah..

(y/n)- *sweatdrop* Um, guys, he can't breathe.

They both let him go.

Daigo- Oh! Hi (y/n).

(y/n)- H.. Hi Daigo.

Daigo- Guys, let's go now for the party.

Timeskip to the rooftop of beigoma academy.

Valt- *happy with tears* THISS PLACEEE!! I MISSED IT SOO MUCH!

(y/n)- I missed it too..

Then other members also appeared there.

Rantaro- Let's start the party guys!

There are so many food items on a table, specially beybreads. Valt was trying to eat all but others are snatching from him. (y/n) secretly ate Valt's beybread and now he's chasing her. Rantaro throw cupcake on Wakiya's beautiful face. Wakiya also threw one on rantaro's direction but it hit on Shu's face..

They all enjoyed very much. All of them are heading to their homes now. When all of them leave except (y/n) and Daigo..

Daigo- H.. Hey (y/n). Can you stay with me here for some time?

(y/n)- Huh? Sure Daigo.

They both are seeing the sunset.

Daigo- You know, I missed you so much.

(y/n)- I missed you too Daigo.

Daigo- So, I want to tell you something..

(y/n)- *little blushed* yes tell me.

Daigo- I.. I am in l..love with a girl..

(y/n)- Whatt?? *she's broken*

Daigo- Yes, I fell in love with her when I met her for the first time.

(y/n)- T.. That's nice *trying not to cry* So, did you propose her?

Daigo- Not yet. But now I am going to propose her.

(y/n)- Ohh, All the best Daigo. I.. I have to g..go now. Byee, hope she'll not reject such a good guy *can cry at any moment*

When she's about to leave, she felt a hand holding her wrist. Daigo pulled her closer to him and KISSED her on her left cheek!! 

(y/n)'s heart skipped a beat. She's confused, but still blushing.

Daigo- I'm now going to propose her. So,, I LOVE YOU (y/n)! WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?

(y/n)- *processing what he just said*

Daigo- That girl is YOU (y/n)! I love you..

(y/n) said nothing. She just move closer and KISSED him on lips.. They kissed for 1 minute then parted.

Both are blushing hard.

(y/n)- I L.. LOVE YOU TOO DAIGO. I have a crush on you since we first met and I don't know when this crush turned into LOVE! And YES, I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!

Daigo- Really? Yeah!! *hugged her tightly* *blushed*

(y/n)- *hugged him back* *blushed*

On the other hand-

Behind the wall,

Valt- See, I told you that he'll propose her today. Now, according to our bet,  give me 3 lollipops *smirked*

Rantaro- Yes yes *gives him with annoying face* My lollipopss!

Nika and Toko- Aww, they are looking cute together.

Ken- You're right.

Shu- Valt, you shouldn't let your siblings see this.

Nika- Shu, we're not that innocent 😁

Wakiya- Daigo got a girlfriend before me.😤

I know this story is short, but hope you like this. Don't forget to vote dear readers! Byee 👋

Beyblade burst x reader💖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora