Cat Valt x reader

194 10 43

Requested by KaoruKenzaki555
      In this chapter, some magic science exists. You will know it later in the chapter. Also, it is the time of turbo in the story.

One random day-

Valt and (y/n) are sitting in BC Sol's cafeteria taking about Aiger,beyblade  and some random stuffs.

(y/n): Valt, I'm getting bored. Let's visit somewhere.

Valt: I'm getting bored to. Let's visit to a zoo.

(y/n): No, let's go and watch a movie

Valt: No, let's go to an amusement park

(y/n): Let's go to a concert

Like this, they are fighting. Suddenly Kitt appears from nowhere.

Kitt: Hey, there's a science exhibition in the city park.

Note: (y/n) is interested in some science stuffs.

Valt: *shocked* S-science exhibition?

(y/n): *starry eyes* Really? We will go there.

Valt: Oh no, why you said that Kitt?

Kitt: Sorry Valt.. Hey (y/n), I have three tickets. We all can go.

(y/n): Yippie! Let's go Valt *dragged him by his hand*

At exhibition-

They all are wandering there. (y/n) and Kitt are very excited but Valt is getting bored. Kitt and (y/n) saw a big telescope and went near it. Valt didn't came with them.

While Valt was walking, he saw a big table on which Magic Science was written on the board beside it. There was also a professor standing there.

Valt: What are these items?

Professor: Looks like you are interested in my magic science!

Valt: Hey no, I'm just asking

Professor: These are my inventions. This is magic cream *shows him* which can changes the flavor of any food item as your choice.

Valt: Wow

Professor: This is stain eraser *shows him* which can make any stain from clothes, paper Disappear in just two seconds.

Valt: Oh

Professor: And this....

Suddenly a random professor called him for some help.

Valt: It's so boring. Do MAGIC SCIENCE really exists?

Suddenly his eyes fell on a candy at the table.

Valt: Wow, a candy *picked it up and eat it* Yummy!!

From behind, (y/n) and Kitt came there.

(y/n): Let's go Valt

Valt: Finally.....

Kitt: Did you enjoyed?

Valt: Not at all. It's the most boring place in the world.

(y/n): Hey don't say like that

Valt: Let's go now, I have to practice beyblading *start running*

Kitt and (y/n): Don't run like that *starts running too*

At night in Valt's room-

Valt: Hey, why my head is paining... *drinks some water* Ouch, pain is not stopping. Maybe it will go after sleep..

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