Chapter 2. Give Me A Sign

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By the time the next morning rolled around, Castiel was completely exhausted. He and Sam got a cheap breakfast at the diner next to their motel and then drove back to Bobby's.
Cas was silent during the car ride, but that wasn't unusual. The only thing missing was the quiet beat of classic rock on the radio...oh, and Dean himself.

While Sam drove, Cas still took the back seat. He couldn't bear the thought of replacing the hunter so soon. That was an open wound still bleeding; he would let that hole heal itself.

It wasn't a long drive. Sam parked the Impala, but the angel was hesitant. He knew Bobby would not react well; Dean was as a son to him, and he had already lost so much.

Castiel set his mind, though, and walked inside after Sam. He felt like his feet were lead, weighing him down.

"Bobby!" The younger - well, only - Winchester called out.

"Where've you boys been?" The older man asked, "Three whole days of radio silence! I was expecting at least a call from-" walking through the doorway, Bobby stopped. "Where's Dean?"

Silently, Cas held out the jar of ashes he'd carried with him constantly. It hurt him to have to be the one to tell Bobby. It made sense, though, seeing as he was closest to the hunter.

As the realization of what had happened hit him, Bobby's face slowly crumpled and he leaned against the doorframe. "No..." he whispered.

Sam nodded in response. "Yesterday" was all he said. Bobby immediately stumbled into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of whiskey, and another once the first one was gone. Then he offered one to each of the other two men, and Sam took his. When Cas declined (again, silently), Bobby drained that, too.

When Bobby hugged Sam like a dying man clings to life, the angel decided to leave the two hunters to mourn, so he locked himself into the spare bedroom to think. It was so painful; this was ten times worse than finding his brothers and sisters dead in heaven. So instead of thinking, Castiel prayed.

"Father," he whispered to an empty room, "I don't know if you're listening, or if you're even up there, but...I need your help. It's Dean - he's dead...again. I can't live without him. I don't know what to do, but I know that I need him in order to keep going, so please help me. Bring back Dean Winchester. Not only do I need him, but so does the world. This is not merely a selfish request, father. I am not the only one who relies on Dean for survival. Please..."

Cas had his eyes closed as he prayed, trying to keep back the tears. He felt, rather than saw, the shift. When he opened them again, he was surrounded in white. It wasn't light, and it didn't look like walls, it was just white. Then there was a voice that Cas, again, felt rather than heard.

Castiel the voice reverberated through Cas' body.

"Father," the angel replied, "why did you bring me here?"

God's voice came again. I heard your prayer, Castiel. You understand that you have never been the perfect son.

Cas bowed his head. He knew it was coming. He had never obeyed as he should have, and now he was paying. "I understand."

I have decided to help you, though. Once you have paid for your sins in Purgatory, I will bring you and your human back. Afterward, I will expect nothing but your utmost respect. You shall be obedient like I created you to be.

Castiel nodded, and the next thing he knew, he was in the middle of a dark, thick forest.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be up soon! Don't forget to vote! (And comments make me very happy.) Love you all!

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