Chapter 11. Right Here Waiting

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Cas began getting cold under the tree. He wrapped his flannel tighter around him and brought his knees to his chest.

He noticed that the prayers from Dean were getting less frequent as time passed, and it worried him. Would his lover forget about him? Had he already found someone else?

This last prayer had worried Castiel.

Hey, Cas. I got Benny back. He and I decided to work together, so we'll be traveling a lot. I'll keep you updated on our whereabouts for when you get out. Love you, Angel.

Cas didn't like the idea of Benny being with Dean before he got out, but he knew what he was getting into when he agreed with the vamp.

Benny keeps trying to come on to me. I don't think he gets the idea that I'm still in love with you. We're hunting together in Boise, Idaho just in case you get out soon.

Cas breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know how long his father would keep him where he was, but as long as he knew Dean was waiting for him he'd be okay.

Time kept on passing...

And passing...

Castiel began to wonder if something had happened, when finally:

Hey, Cas. I know it's been a while. I don't know if you're even listening...I just want you to know that I'll always love you, no matter what happens, and I hope you feel the same.

Dean sounded exhausted and concerned, like something had gone wrong. Cas began to worry, fidgeting in his seat under the tree, wondering as to what should be done.

So, for the first time since he was sent to Purgatory, he prayed to God.

Father, he prayed, I don't know if you can hear me from down here. But I think something has happened to Dean. I need to make sure that he is alright. I know I promised to do my time, but I need to get out of here. Please, I beg you.

There was only silence.

Castiel sighed, leaning his head back against the tree. What was he going to do?


He kept waiting there, under that same tree, for what felt like an eternity - and coming from an angel, that was saying a lot.

The prayers from Dean kept coming, but they were always farther apart from the last. Always telling Cas that his hunter was still loyal, always that he was still loved by the man, and always with a new city - just in case. Dean's voice grew wearier with every prayer, and he sounded aged. It tore at the angel to know that Dean was waiting for him still, not knowing if he would ever actually see his lover again.

Until one day, when Dean prayed to his angel and said:

Hey, Cas. I sent Benny away, today. Just couldn't keep up with him anymore. I was dragging him down. I've retired as best I can back in Bobby's old bunker. So I'm waiting, Cas. Whenever your dad feels like you've paid the price and let's you leave the corner where he put you. I'll be here.

And shortly behind that:

Cas, you know what? Don't come. I still love you...but I can't bear for you to see me this way. I'm sorry, I love you...goodbye.

Castiel sat in shock after hearing his lover's words. He couldn't believe what had just happened, so he just sort of stared off into the distance. Unseeing, without noticing the tears slipping down his cheeks.

He was too late.


So, definitely a short chapter. This is actually angstier than I expected it to be, but this works. And also, I'm pretty sure the next chapter is going to be the last. It's been fun, writing this. I'll be sad to see it go. Anyways, lots of love!!

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