Chapter 12. Lost In You

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Dean doesn't want me back...
Castiel sat in shock, still processing the information. I took too long and now he doesn't want me.

Tears ran slowly down the angel's face, between his lips and down his neck in the most undignified way possible. His nose started running not long after, and he became such a mess.

Suddenly, there was a blinding white light and Castiel was transported into an all white room with absolutely nothing decorating it.

"Father." Castiel said into the empty room.

My son, the voice reverberated back. I believe you have now learned your lesson, and you are free to go. Live your life with Dean Winchester. Oh, one more thing - none of the prayers you got were real. God chuckled to himself.

Castiel tilted his head to the left in confusion. "W-what?"

I figured I might as well have a little fun while teaching you your lesson. Oh, Dean prayed to you plenty, don't worry. I just blocked them and gave you my own.

"Why would you do that, father?"

Like I said; for fun! Even a being as high as me needs a good laugh sometimes. He laughed like that was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. You have to understand, Castiel, I made you all for my amusement. It's not that I'm an absent father - well I am, but that's not the point - it's that I'm just ignoring you all. I don't want to fix all your problems for you, I want to sit back and laugh at the problems.

Cas took a step back in shock. "I-I don't understand."

It's best that you don't. I will return you to your hunter now, and don't complain to me again. First, I'll give you a little background. Dean and Benny have been traveling and hunting together for some time, and Sam is staying with a significant other, blah blah blah. Benny has been practically throwing himself at Dean, and that's been funny to watch. They're currently hunting a witch in New Orleans. Good luck, Castiel.


Once he was free, Castiel's one thought was to get to Dean Winchester. He took a moment to enjoy the fresh air - finally - before assessing his surroundings. Cas was standing in the middle of a sidewalk next to a busy street, pedestrians bustling around him, all trying to get from something to nowhere at all.

He walked a short way down the street and came to a magazine stand. Picking up a newspaper, Cas checked the date and place - it was almost two years after they had gone in and he was in New York.

The angel walked all the way to the nearest bus stop before realizing that he probably had his powers back, and he would be able to transport again. he closed his eyes and teleported himself to New Orleans. Now he just had to figure out where Dean was. Or rather where he was. Then he could go about finding his lover.

Realizing that it would be altogether too hard to do those things, Cas thought of Dean, closed his eyes, and transported again, positive he would end up wherever the hunter was. When he opened his eyes again he was in a cruddy motel room, right behind his Dean.

The man was sitting at the table reading something and had notes scattered around him. He didn't hear Cas behind him, so he jumped when the angel spoke.

"Hello, Dean."

Dean whirled around in his chair to see his Castiel standing before him.

"Cas!" He cried and stood up to wrap his arms around the angel.

Castiel slid his hands around Dean's neck and pulled him down into a passionate kiss.

"I can't believe you're back, Cas." Dean whispered into his skin, keeping their bodies pressed together tightly. "God, I missed you so much, baby. You don't even know. I waited and waited for you, Cas. Now I can't believe you're finally here."

"I know, I know." Castiel whispered back to him, burying his face into Dean's neck.

They stood like that, just holding each other. Time passed, but neither cared.

"Why did you wait for me, Dean?" Cas finally broke the silence.

Dean pulled back slightly and placed light kisses along the angel's jawline. "Because I love you, Angel."

"I love you, too."

The hunter smiled as he pressed his lips onto his lover's.

"A year and two months, Cas. God kept you down there for so long. Did he say why?"

"It was for his own amusement. Apparently after so long God became corrupt and forgot about helping us. he didn't want to - he just wanted to sit back and laugh at our misjudgments."

Dean rolled his eyes. "I figured as much. Sammy owes me twenty bucks."

Then he leaned back down to kiss his angel again. "Hey, Cas. Even Purgatory can't keep us apart."

The End

A/N: Thanks so much for reading, guys! I had so much fun writing this, and I hope it was as good in writing as it was in my head.

I've got an idea for a new Destiel fic, so that might be coming up soon! Keep your eyes open!

I love you all! See you next time.

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