Chapter 4. The Unforgiven

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Cas felt Dean stiffen and his heartbeat quicken at the sound.

"Don't move," he whispered into the hunter's ear, "if you remain still, it might become disinterested."

Though they couldn't see it, they could hear in sniffing and growling in their direction. It wasn't moving toward them, but it obviously wasn't moving away either.

Castiel had been sitting still for so long that both his legs went numb, when there was a sudden commotion. A blur crossed Castiel's vision and the hellhound screamed in pain. Dean jumped up to see what had happened, but in the time it took him to do so it was all over.

The dark figure stood over what was supposedly a dead hellhound, though they couldn't see it.

"Who are you?" Dean asked. Then he added, "and why the hell would you help us?"

Whatever it was took a step forward into the light and they saw that he was - or looked like, at least - a man. Heavy-set, muscular. A strong jaw with light facial hair.

"Name's Benny," he said, "and I've been watching you for some time now, Dean."

"Well that's reassuring." The hunter scoffed, "he knows my name." Turning to Benny, he asked, "what are you?"
In place of a reply, the man bared his fangs.

"Great!" Dean exclaimed, "I've got a vampire stalker!"

"I can help you." Benny said. "You'd be safer around someone who knows the place."

"But why would you help us?" The hunter repeated.

"Because I like you, Dean. I like the way you think and work. Like I said, I've been watching you. You know you're the first man to come to Purgatory in a long time." Benny drew out the word 'long,' looking directly at Cas. "You know know the last one to come here? I ate him."

Castiel turned away and stared at the ground.

"Cas?" Dean asked. "What is he talking about?"

Benny grinned. "What, he hasn't told you? You weren't the first, you know. And I guarantee you won't be the last. He's an angel, Dean. He lives forever. You don't. It's not rocket science, Dean. Someday you'll be gone and he won't."

Dean hurled himself at Benny, knocking him to the ground. "I don't care that you can protect us here, I don't care that you 'like' me, and I don't care that you know things about my angel that I don't. I will not hesitate to kill you just like any other monster crawling through this goddamned forest!"

Pinned to the forest floor, Benny laughed up at Dean. "Then why are you hesitating?"

The hunter growled and reached back behind him. "Cas, give me your angel blade."

"No, Dean." The angel answered him calmly. "I don't think that is a wise choice. He does know better than we do."

Dean whirled on the angel. "And why should we trust him? He could lead us into a trap or kill us in our sleep! Did you not hear anything he just said? He's just like the rest of them!"

Cas sighed. He knew that Benny was a vampire, and he knew that Dean would never fully trust or even understand any of his actions. Castiel also knew the real reason behind Benny's actions and that he himself was the only one in danger.

"I think it would be for the best, Dean. He can protect us. He even has a proper weapon, which you and I do not."

Scoffing, Dean turned back to Benny. "You've got one chance. If you make so much as one shifty move toward either of us, you're dead."

The vampire nodded in understanding. "You wanna get out of here? I know a way. Follow me."

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